Supreme Lord

Chapter 2165

“Unexpectedly… You Di came here…”

When Gu Qingfeng and Daxing Monk left, the old Ancestors of Changsheng Pavilion were not at all relieved, still It’s a preoccupied look.

They are both Old Seniors who have been cultivating for many years, and they are Old Ancestors of such blessed places as the Changsheng Pavilion. Naturally, they have a better understanding of the situation of Heaven and Earth than others.

It is also clear that Gu Qingfeng appeared in the ancient black hole, then the ancient black hole is no longer as simple as the ancient black hole. The meaning behind it, and what will happen may change Heaven and Earth Grand. Dao The fate of all living beings.

‘If the ancient times appear, the original sin will change. ‘

This is a prophecy.

It is a giant in the wilderness, 36 cave days seventy two blessed land and other Old Ancestors know a prophecy, which means that once the desolate era appears, the original sin will change.

Now that the ancient times have appeared, no one knows what changes will happen to original sin.

Everyone is waiting, and everyone is preparing.

Whether it is a giant in the wilderness or Heavenly Paradise.

After all, this ridiculous age is of great significance in this world, and it determines the future situation. Even if the Changsheng Pavilion does not want it, it has to participate in it.

“Youdi…he…appeared in the deserted ancient, is he…will definitely die here?”


Qingqing stared at the turbulent vortex not far away with a complicated expression, and asked a question to herself.

“Youdi appears here, and most likely will die here.”

It is not someone else who answered her, it is the fairy of centrifugation.

Speaking of which, this question is not the first time Qingqing asked. Before meeting Gu Qingfeng, Qingqing had asked this question more than once.

Other people may not know, but Xianxian knows that since the last time I met Youdi in Dahuang, Qingqing has become unsettled. She knows that Qingqing may be infatuated with Youdi.

If possible, renunciation doesn’t want to hit Qingqing. Even if she knows how obsessed Qingqing You Di is, there will be no result. She still doesn’t want to tell Qingqing such cruel facts.

In the thought of Fairy Centrifugal, once the Emperor You appears in the Wild Ancients, he will definitely die here. This is certain, and it will become a reality sooner or later.

Not only she thinks so, but the Old Ancestor of Changshengge such as Kaishan Old Master, including the Master Shuijing Empress of the Floating Emperor, all think so.

Because of the great wilderness giants, Heavenly Paradise, Holy Land forbidden land, Guixu ruins, Nine Nether, all the existence of this above heaven under earth will not allow You Di, the deepest and greatest variable of original sin to live.

If he is alive, it will be a threat to Heaven and Earth Grand Dao and all living beings.

So, Emperor You must die.

And this time is the best and the last chance to kill the Emperor You.

Everyone will not give up this opportunity, including their Changsheng Pavilion.

‘If the ancients appear, the original sin will change’ This is a prophecy that many Old Ancestors can infer.

Almost everyone believes that this prophecy has already told everyone that Emperor You will definitely die in the wild.

as everyone knows, Gu Qingfeng ignited the original sin karma in Wudao Mountain back then, awakened the original sin, and is recognized as the God of original sin.

If Gu Qingfeng does not die, then he will surely aspire to Allah of Original Sin. Only when he is dead will Allah of Original Sin change.

The prophecies that everyone put forward are that if the original sin occurs in the ancient times, it will change, this one word is already doomed to Gu Qingfeng’s death.


Qingqing didn’t know this prophecy, and she didn’t believe it, she just…somewhat could not accept this fact.

Perhaps as the fairy said, after seeing Gu Qingfeng in the Great Wilderness Void, Qingqing has been completely infatuated and will never forget it.

Even though she knew that she was so obsessed with Youdi, there would be no results, but she didn’t care about it, and she didn’t expect any results.

But if the person you are obsessed with will eventually die here, it makes Qingqing feel very uncomfortable.

“Let’s go.”

Shui Jing Empress was about to take everyone into the barren ancient vestige in front of you. At this moment, Kaishan Old Master suddenly said: “Empress wait a minute.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Since Youdi has entered this ruin, the old man thinks we should give up.”

Empress nodded, I think what Old Master Kaishan said is very reasonable.

Leave aside whether there are treasures in this ruin for the time being, even if there are, You Di has already entered, and he and the others may not be able to snatch him.

This is not important.

The important thing is that the existence of Youdi is too dangerous. Above heaven under earth I don’t know how many existences are staring at him. It is better to stay away from existences like him.


Since Gu Qingfeng entered the barren ancient black hole, I don’t know how many large and small relics have been seen. Most of the barren ancient vestige look the same, the sky is The huge turbulence vortex, the endless Desert on the ground, the ruins space has neither Source Law nor order structure.

The Taixu Sword Tomb that I entered earlier is a relatively special barren ancient vestige. Although there is no Source Law order structure in the ruins, at least it is not an endless Desert, but a Flying Sword covering the mountains and plains. .

Until he came to this ancient vestige, he saw a more special ancient vestige.

This barren ancient vestige sky is also a huge turbulent vortex, but the ground is not an endless Desert. Looking at the past, mountains, rivers, flowers and trees are all there, which makes Gu Qingfeng feel unbelievable. There seems to be Spiritual Qi in this wild ancient vestige.

Perhaps Spiritual Qi.

Gu Qingfeng also couldn’t figure out whether this ridiculous ancient vestige contained Spiritual Qi, he felt it, and he had never seen such a Spiritual Qi.

Thinking that it should be a Spiritual Qi.

If not, the impossible mountains and rivers in this barren ancient vestige are even more impossible with flowers and trees.

If it were just that, it would not make Gu Qingfeng so surprised.

In fact, when the huge turbulent vortex in the sky is strangely glowing with a faint golden red color brilliance, this brilliance looks a bit strange, setting off the entire barren ancient vestige like a sunset glow general.

Looking at the scenery in this barren ancient vestige, Gu Qingfeng felt in a trance. It felt like the scenery at sunset, with a touch of comfort and a touch of kindness.

I looked up at the huge turbulence vortex in the sky, not at all. I found something weird. I took out Divine Consciousness and found nothing. What’s wicked is that I look at the vortex. It feels like this thing is fading to the west.

This is really evil!

What’s more evil is that, I don’t know why, when he entered this barren ancient vestige, Gu Qingfeng had a feeling of deja vu.

It’s just that he didn’t know for a while, whether this familiar feeling came from this sunset scenery, from this weird and wild ancient vestige, or from something else.

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