Supreme Lord

Chapter 2162

To say that this great monk is really amazing, each move contains not only the vast power, but also the powerful Dharma, and he is fearless in the face of the flying swords.


It’s just that.

The endless Flying Sword called him impossible to move a single step, and he had to resist with all his strength. If he didn’t pay attention, he would be stabbed with a sword. The problem is that his resistance is meaningless, and It is also a great consumption to him.

His power is very powerful, and Buddhism is very boundless, but it is limited after all. Once the power is exhausted, only dead end is waiting for him.

The Daxing Monk knows very well that if there is a formation eye in the sword array of Raoshi, then this formation eye is nothing but Gu Qingfeng himself.


While resisting the endless Flying Sword’s siege, the Daxing Monk is preparing to break through the formation eye of Gu Qingfeng.

It’s a pity.

He is deeply trapped in the sword array. This sword array firmly nails him in place. It’s okay if he doesn’t move. A little movement is like stimulating the sword array. Flying Sword The encirclement and suppression were even more fierce.

After finally taking a step, the monk regrets it immediately. Not only does the sword array become more powerful and terrifying, but also the sword light, sword glow, sword intent, and Sword Spirit of Flying Sword. It became even crazier.

“He! Mother! Damn!!!”

Daxing monk cursed shouted, especially looking at Gu Qingfeng, who was drinking a little wine leisurely not far away, Daxing The mad monk is as angry as he is, and what is even more annoying is that Gu Qingfeng also deliberately provokes a glass of wine, which makes the great monk angry.

“The surname is ancient! You! No! Go! Good! Die!”

The Daxing monk went crazy, took out the great mercy fan on his waist and started to fan.

This thing is definitely a great treasure. The formidable power of this fan, even Gu Qingfeng, doesn’t know the depth, but what makes the monk collapsed is that he took out a fan of great mercy and compassion. After a fierce fan, the Flying Sword that surrounded him all over the sky not only did not decrease, but instead became more.

The more he fan, the more Flying Swords.

The more you fan, the more trembling the mind of the monk and the more his mentality collapses.

Because he found a terrifying thing, that is, how many Flying Swords he destroys, more Flying Swords will be multiplied, and the more Flying Swords he destroys, the Flying Swords that encircle him will be derived. The more.

For the most part of his life, it was the first time that the Daxing Monk encountered such a strange thing.

At this moment, he is like a cruel lion. The Flying Sword that surrounds him all over the sky is like countless ants. The monk is like a crazy monk.


The Daxing Monk broke down.

It completely collapsed.

He knows that if this continues, he will have to peel off his skin even if he does not die.


He is ready to admit counsel.

“Motherfucker! I took it! I really took it! Gu boy! Old man! Uncle Gu, ancient ancestor, you have a large number of adults, let go of the little monk!”

“Serve Oh! I admit it!”

“I’m scared!”

Not far away.

Gu Qingfeng squinted his eyes, smiled at the Daxing monk, and said: “Daxing, how come your old bald donkey is always hidden and tucked, hurry up and brighten the true ability of the trump card. Come out, let the Lord open your eyes and have a long experience.”

“How can there be any real ability, I just have this ability!”

“What if you If you don’t reveal the true ability, the Lord will not stop.”

Gu Qingfeng knows that the ability of the monk is definitely more than that, but this old bald donkey has always been hidden deeply. I really want to try the formidable power that Taixu saw, and I also want to take this opportunity to see the true ability of the monk.

“Guy boy, you have no conscience! You are trying to kill me!”

“If you don’t show some real ability, then you will die Come here.”

“I said, I’m just this kind of ability. If you fucking don’t believe me, let me die today!”

As if the Daxing monk had given up his life, he put away the fan of great mercy and compassion, and the brilliance of the whole body disappeared. Even the motherfucker’s untouched golden body was gone. What is even more called Gu Qingfeng didn’t expect is that this old bald donkey turned out to be She was lying on the ground, just closing her eyes and waiting for death.

Seeing the Daxing Monk was piercing the Heart by Ten Thousand Swords, Gu Qingfeng suddenly snapped his fingers, and the flying Sword all over the sky stopped instantly.

“Okay! You deserve to be called Daxing, your motherfucker is really good! There is a kind!”

Looking at the Daxing monk lying on the ground waiting to die, Gu Qingfeng was really convinced.

If the big monk gave up resistance and waited to die, he wanted to take a gamble, and Gu Qingfeng would not kill him, then he won the gamble.

Gu Qingfeng did not fail to see this trick played by the Daxing Monk, but even so, he still chose to admit defeat.

In fact, he can also take a gamble. The bet is whether the monk really dares to give up, but what does this gamble mean to Gu Qingfeng not at all.

After all, he just wanted to make a joke with the monk, there is no need to play so exciting.

“Come on! You brat didn’t mean that you are going to kill Lao Tzu today? Come on!”

The big monk lying on the ground was a little embarrassed, did he lose his hat? Said, his face was also a little pale, his eyes glared, staring at Gu Qingfeng, yelling.

“Okay, get up and drink a couple of small drinks.”

“Don’t fucking talk nonsense with Lao Tzu, come on! Kill Lao Tzu!” Da Xing Dian lying on the ground The monk splashed and splashed, really like a rogue.

“I said Daxing.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “It’s all about the meaning, it’s not over yet, right? Come on, Lord will help you up.”

“No! You must kill Lao Tzu today!”

“Hey! You old bald donkey is really playing, right?” Gu Qingfeng put away the smile on his lips, and stared at Daxing expressionlessly The demented monk said in a bad tone: “I count three times. If you can’t get up again, then don’t blame Lao Tzu for not giving you face. Since you old bald donkey want to gamble so much, let’s take a gamble. I bet on whether you can give it up, just bet I dare not kill you.”

The Daxing monk was also very dissatisfied with shouted: “Excited Laozi, right? I really think I was scared? If you gamble, I’m still afraid that you won’t make it?”

Speaking of this, the monk’s heart is full of tú tú. Just now he dared to lie on the ground, because Gu Qingfeng would not kill. Myself, but now watching the smile gradually disappear, Gu Qingfeng, who is expressionless, feels a little overwhelmed in his heart.




Gu Qingfeng counts three numbers, great The epic monk got up from the ground and said: “Forget it, I’m old, I won’t be a child lower oneself to somebody’s level.”

“ha ha ha ha!”

Gu Qingfeng burst into laughter suddenly, and said: “Great business, great business, I really admire your old bald donkey, didn’t expect your motherfucker to be so unkind!”

The Daxing monk has a flushed face and is extremely embarrassed. He feels that his face is lost. He wanted to be angry, but after all he didn’t say anything to his lips. He found that this incident was from the very beginning and he went wrong. , How can motherfucker bet on his own life to bet others dare not do it, this is a bit stupid, and if it is someone else, the monk really dare to gamble, can face the temperamental Gu Qingfeng, He had no confidence in his heart and couldn’t get Gu Qingfeng’s pulse at all.

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