Supreme Lord

Chapter 2161

The sword light in the sky is flickering, like a colorful world, dazzling, making people unable to open their eyes.

The sword glow in the sky shuttles, like a rainstorm pear blossom, and like a meteor shower.

The sky full of sword intent is boiling. This sword intent has Yin and Yang, Five Elements, Tian Gang, Earth Sha, light, darkness, good and evil, etc., all-inclusive, there is no lack of strange things.

The sword cry in the sky is roaring, like dragon roar, like phoenix cry, like tiger roar, like wolf howl, endless.

The sky full of Sword Spirit is furious, like a ghost crying, like a magic smile, like a fairy sound, like a Buddhist language!

Looking at this scene, the monk was stunned, as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.

To be honest.

It’s not that he has never seen the rain of swords in the sky, maybe there are not so many, but it is not too small. He has also seen various powerful Divine Ability swords, mysterious sword intents, etc.

Not only have I seen it, if the Daxing Monk is willing, he can also wave his hand to derive all kinds of Flying Swords.

But it’s just a Flying Sword derived from it.

Maybe there is a sword shape, a sword power, a sword tactic, a sword cry, and all kinds of mysterious.

But it should be said that every Flying Sword derived contains sword intent, Sword Spirit, and Jianxin…

He does not have this ability.

Until now, there is a saying that the sword is like a person.

A sword without sword intent is like an unconscious person.

A sword without Sword Spirit is like a man without a soul.

However, what makes him most unbelievable is that the Flying Sword that Gu Qingfeng derives casually contains all kinds of sword intents, sword spirits, and some sword intents. The monk has never even seen it before, or even heard it.

This can no longer be described as terrifying horror, it is beyond imagination.

At this moment, the Daxing Monk really realized how extraordinary Taixu sword dao was. No wonder the Master had so high evaluation of Taixu sword dao. This Taixu sword dao is really mysterious and unimaginable. .

The Daxing monk muttered to himself: “Is this the real Taixu sword dao?”

“Where is this going.”

Gu Qingfeng sat on the ground casually relying on a big rock, leaning on Erlang’s legs, drinking a little wine, with a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, and said: “Master will give you a trick to open your eyes, and by the way, you will have a long experience. “

The voice fell, and Gu Qingfeng snapped his fingers casually.

bang, Flying Sword in the sky is like getting summon, all rushed into the sky at once, and then rushed down like countless Sword Dragon!


Generally, Flying Swords are inserted fiercely on the ground, followed by two, ten, one hundred, one thousand…All Flying Swords are inserted on the ground.

It’s like the scene when the Daxing Monk just came to this ruin. The difference is that the Flying Sword he saw before was a decayed and lifeless Flying Sword, and at this moment The Flying Swords inserted on the ground covering the mountains and plains are shining with sword light and flowing sword glow.

If the previously lifeless Flying Swords were like weeds covering the mountains and plains, then all the Flying Swords inserted on the ground at this moment are like countless Divine Weapon.

It’s really this kind of feeling. When flying swords are stuck on the ground, the monk obviously feels an infinite power envelopes him, and this power makes him brow beaded with sweat, his legs could not stop shaking, even though he took out the golden body for the first time, he still couldn’t resist the terrifying power.

At that moment, the monk felt like he had fallen into a Sword World.


To be precise, he feels like he has been nailed here by countless Flying Swords, unable to move.

Daxing monk is experienced and knowledgeable, and he recognizes that this is a kind of sword array at a glance, but what kind of sword array it is, he can’t tell, he only knows that this sword array contains extremely terrifying power, and Sword inside the formation, every Flying Sword stared at him like Death God, as if he would be pierced by Ten Thousand Swords as long as he moved.

“What kind of sword array is this…?” Daxing monk took a deep breath, still unable to calm the shock in his heart, and said in amazement: “It’s Taixu Nine Swords?”

Compared with the big monk who is now pale by the sword array, Gu Qingfeng looks much more relaxed. The tone is relaxed, rather leisurely. He just lay on his back and drank a little wine. Sword Immortal, slightly lightly said with a smile: “This is a sword array, yes, but it’s not too virtual.”

“What the fuck is this sword array?” This power…Is it terrifying a bit?”

“Um…what sword array!” Gu Qingfeng scratched his head, thought for a while, and said: “Let me say it, I really can’t tell. This thing was just made on a whim. As for what it is called a sword array…or else, it’s called a soldier.”

Hearing Gu Qingfeng’s words, the Da Xing Monk reacted. , Dare you to feel that the sword array of this Rao Shizi was actually realized by Gu Qingfeng just now, and it was his mother who came out on a whim?

Too hateful!

Too exasperating!

The Daxing Monk once again envied the envy and hatred, and said very uncomfortably: “Okay, quickly withdraw, I feel uncomfortable by this sword array!”

” What’s the hurry, Lord, I finally realized the too virtual sword dao, I have to try it anyway.”

“What does you brat mean, motherfucker, do you want to practice with Laozi?”

“Nonsense! Otherwise what do you think.” Gu Qingfeng laughed: “Is there anyone in this world who is more suitable for practicing hand skills than your old bald donkey?”

“The last name is Gu That’s it!”

The Daxing monk felt humiliated and furious instantly, turned around, shouted: “You fucking think I’m a bully, don’t you? I won’t give you some color today. , Are you fucking ready to ride on Lao Tzu’s head and piss and pee!”

The brilliance of the immobile golden body of the monk flickered, and the vast power exploded, and he just moved. , I immediately realized that it was not good, and as expected, when the power of within the body burst out, the Flying Sword whiz whiz whiz that had been inserted on the ground all rushed out, and they attacked the monk in unison.

You got fooled!

This was the first feeling of the Daxing Monk, especially seeing the playful smile at the corner of Gu Qingfeng’s mouth. The Daxing Monk realized that Gu Qingfeng had been deliberately agitating himself since the beginning. The thing is to make yourself angry, which inspires his sword array!

“The surname is ancient! You fucking can’t die!”

That’s a hate for the monk’s psychology!

No matter how you hate him, there is no time to scold Gu Qingfeng, because the flying Sword in the sky has already encircled and suppressed him.

Every Flying Sword is shining with sword light, flowing sword glow, piercing sword cry, furious Sword Spirit, and fierce sword intent!

After all, the Daxing Monk is a Buddhist expert, and the only living Buddha between Heaven and Earth. Not to mention Buddha Law Is Boundless, the strength is deep and unmeasurable, but even so, facing endless attacks Flying Sword, he also has one’s hair stand on end, his scalp is numb and scared to pee.

He may be able to withstand one, two, hundreds of thousands or even more, but you must know that the Flying Sword that surrounds him now is neither a hundred nor a thousand, but infinite.

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