Supreme Lord

Chapter 2160

What the hell is going on?

I don’t know.

The monk of Daxing was completely stunned by what was happening before him.

The giant sword in the center is like a sword of chaos through Heaven and Earth, blooming with endless brilliance, containing endless sword intent, rushing to the countless flying in the sky Sword revolves around the giant sword like summon.

That white clothed man, that Gu Qingfeng is still standing on top of the giant sword at this moment, standing with holding hands, closing his eyes and silent, only the long hair like ink is dancing wildly, only The white clothed of Shengxue was flying freely.

This scene is not crazy.

The flying Sword in the sky rotates like the turbulent vortex in an ancient black hole.

All kinds of sword light flashes.

All sword intents are boiling.

All sword cry roared.


Only swords.

There is nothing more than the sword.

There is no room for others.

I don’t know how long it has passed. The Daxing Monk felt that the endless Flying Sword revolving around the giant sword began to blur, turn to be distorted, then faintly discernible, and then began to disappear.

As the spinning speed gets faster and faster, the Flying Sword disappears more and more.

Not only that, the brilliance of the giant sword in the center is getting dimmed, and both the sword intent and the sword cry are getting more and more blurred.


The Flying Sword in the sky disappeared, and the giant sword in the center also disappeared.

Everything has disappeared, as if it had never existed before, only Gu Qingfeng still stood in the air.


Deathly quiet.

The Daxing Monk looked all around in astonishment, but didn’t find a Flying Sword. He stared at Gu Qingfeng in the sky again, and opened his mouth, but he said no to a word come out.

Where is the sword?

Where did it go?

Why the lifeless Flying Sword suddenly recovered, and why did it suddenly disappear after recovery.

What’s the matter with this motherfucker?

The Daxing monk is full of surprises. He knows that if anyone can answer his doubts, then this person must be Gu Qingfeng.

But now he has no idea what the situation is, and he doesn’t dare to ask questions easily.

“Dao gave birth to One, One gave birth to Two, Two gave birth to Three, Three Births Myriad Things.”

Gu Qingfeng opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth hung lightly With a smile, he whispered: “Nine by Nine Returns to One, heavy sword meaning, endless changes.”

“Heart is too virtual, Heaven and Earth is boundless!”


“There is a sword in the heart, and all thoughts are swords.”

“One thought turns ten thousand swords, ten thousand swords return to the sect!”

“Wonderful! Wonderful!”

Looking at Gu Qingfeng slowly falling to the ground, the monk couldn’t help it anymore, he rushed over, and asked: “Gu Qingfeng, you fucking… how did you respond? What? Just now, how did the good flying swords suddenly recover, and why did they disappear suddenly? Where are those flying swords? Where are they? Where are the nine Sword Peaks? What about the giant sword?”

The Daxing Monk asked all the doubts in his heart in one breath, and then waited eagerly for Gu Qingfeng to solve his doubts.

As for Gu Qingfeng, he didn’t seem to be in a hurry, he just sat on the ground casually, first took out a jar of fine wine, took two sips, and continued: “There is always someone who is better than us. , Lord, I have lived for so many years, and I have never admired anyone. This Sword Saint is so powerful that he can play with the sword like this Major Perfection. Convinced! Really convincing!”

Gudong Gudong After drinking a few more sips of wine, he sighed: “Compared with other people, the master can only be regarded as a play house at best. Unable to mention on equal terms.”

: “Guy boy! Are you talking about it! What’s the matter?”

“What’s the matter?”

“Just now! What the fuck did you realize? What are you talking about!”

“Oh, I didn’t realize anything. I just played some tricks.”

“Little tricks? That’s all? I said Gu kid, Are you fucking capable now, right? Pretending to be a big-tailed wolf, right? I don’t know how old you are, right?”


Photo by Gu Qingfeng Putting the shoulder of the big monk, motioned him to sit down, and said: “In fact, I really didn’t realize anything, but I just wandered a little bit too vainly, I realized a bit of sword dao.”

“What You were too imaginary just now?”

The Daxing monk was shocked. Although he didn’t know exactly what happened, he still knew something about the word Taixu.

Too Xu is the avenue.

It can’t be said to be a great road, but a great world.

Shenyou Taixu is a very mysterious and magical saying. It is said that chances have come. If once a sudden enlightenment, you can wander Taixu and enter an extremely mysterious and abstruse, a wonderful and wonderful world. , This time is not only close contact with the avenue, but in the avenue.

If the chances are good enough and the good fortune is deep enough, it is not impossible to have a trick.


Wandering Taixu belongs to legendary existence after all, not to mention ordinary people, such as the Daxing Monk, and the Old Guy who has not known how many years have lived, hasn’t wandered Taixu in his life.

At this moment, I heard that Gu Qingfeng had just wandered too far, and the monk was really envy and hatred in his heart.

And Gu Qingfeng was also the first time a big girl went on a sedan chair. He had also heard of the so-called imaginary wandering Tai Xu before, but he had never encountered it.

In this ruin, I stumbled upon the profound mystery of the nine Sword Peaks, and then tried to ponder it. Didn’t expect a misunderstanding and accidentally bumped into a mysterious mystery.

That feeling is simply indescribable.

At the moment when he wandered into something too virtual, he felt that his soul had fallen into a strange place. It was unclear and unclear, but illusory was in it again.

No wonder some people used to say that it is too illusory and illusory, but it is really like a dream.

“When you wandered around too imaginary just now, did you understand a bit of sword dao?”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, said: “Yes, that’s it.”

“What kind of sword dao?”

“Taixu sword dao chant.”

“That is to say, the nine swords of Taixu left by Sword Saint you brat ……I realized it too?”

“Almost considered it.”

“He damn it! The chance of you brat is also very good, right!” Fiercely’s fate I swallowed my saliva, don’t mention how envious I was in my heart. While I was envious, I also felt that God was unfair. I came to this deserted ancient vestige with Gu Qingfeng, so Gu Qingfeng could see the mystery of the nine Sword Peaks. Profound mystery, why can he wander too vainly, why he didn’t catch anything like a fool.

They all carry one head on two shoulders, so why is Gu Qingfeng better than himself!

People are really annoying than people!

The Daxing monk was extremely depressed. Fortunately, he was in a good mood, but he didn’t care too much about it. Then he asked, “Where were those swords just now? Why did they disappear?”

“Disappeared? When did you disappear? You old bald donkey won’t be blind, right?”

“Fart! The Flying Sword, which was full of the world just now, has a hairy It’s all gone, you fucking…”

The Daxing monk was talking, but he couldn’t say it halfway through, because when he was speaking, he saw Gu Qingfeng wave his hand and the glory flashed. , Flying Sword flying in the sky.

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