Supreme Lord

Chapter 2159

After Gu Qingfeng and Daxing Monk came to Taixu Sword Tomb, some people also broke in. After these people came in, they were shocked and unbelievable to see Flying Sword covering the mountains and plains, but Soon, the shock turned into disappointment.

Because there is almost nothing here except Flying Sword, let alone any ancient artifacts, if these Flying Swords are intact, even if they are broken, they will have some research value if they are taken back. Cultivation resources are used, but unfortunately, these Flying Swords are all decayed, that is, they are not qualified for cultivation resources.

After turning around, most of them left. After all, there are still many relics that were just born outside. There is no need to waste time here.

And Gu Qingfeng took a look at the nine Sword Peaks. He didn’t see any profound mystery, and didn’t think it was interesting. He was about to leave, and went to look inside the other remnants of birth. Suddenly he felt like consciousness. When he reached something, he stopped suddenly and stared at one of the Sword Peaks.

“What’s wrong?”

The Daxing Monk also wanted to hurry up to see other ruins, and found that Gu Qingfeng unfathomable mystery had stopped, and he was very puzzled.

“Have you noticed that these nine Sword Peaks seem to hide a mystery.”


hearing this, the great monk He also looked at the past again, just looking at it, and he didn’t see any mystery. He didn’t study it carefully just now. Nine Sword Peaks not at all. What special place, neither found any profound mystery nor found anything. Mystery.

And everything in this place is completely decayed. I want to come to the Daxing Monk. Even if there was any profound mystery in the past, most of it has disappeared now. After all, the profound mystery cannot withstand time. The passing.

What did Gu Qingfeng not at all say, go back to the nine Sword Peaks again, and stop and go on the nine Sword Peaks again.

“Gu boy, what mystery do you see? Tell me and let us study and study together.”

Looking at Gu Qingfeng here, the monk wondered about Gu Qingfeng’s possibility He really saw a profound mystery, but he couldn’t see anything by himself.

Speaking of which is not uncommon. If everyone can see the profound mystery, then it is not the profound mystery.

Although the Daxing Monk thinks that his perception is okay, he knows more clearly that Gu Qingfeng’s perception is the best.

For so many years of cultivation, I have seen so many wizards. Gu Qingfeng is probably the person with the highest perception. As long as this kid is willing, any profound Divine Ability is for him. It’s not a difficult task, you can understand almost at a glance, and you can understand it thoroughly with a little bit of thinking.

At this moment, Gu Qingfeng shuttled back and forth on the nine Sword Peaks. At the beginning, every time he reached a Sword Peak, he would stop for a while, as if he was feeling something. Later, the speed became faster and faster. Shuttle continuously through the nine Sword Peaks like a horse watching a lantern.

The Daxing Monk didn’t know where Gu Qingfeng was playing, and he couldn’t see anything, he could only be stunned there, frowning and looking blankly.

Gu Qingfeng is still shuttled through the nine Sword Peaks. The speed is too fast. How fast is it? Soon naked eye can no longer see him moving, because every Sword Peak stands on With a Gu Qingfeng.

Nine Gu Qingfeng stood on the nine Sword Peaks, with their hands behind them, their eyes closed slightly.

Rumo’s black hair is dancing wildly, Shengxue’s white clothed is flying.

For some reason, the monk standing not far away seemed to see something, and felt that the nine Sword Peaks seemed to be changing, as if they were a little different from before.

But what has changed, and what is the difference? For a while, I don’t see much of it.

Just when the Daxing Monk was surprised, the nine Gu Qingfeng standing on the nine Sword Peaks suddenly opened their eyes and laughed heartily: “so that’s how it is! so that’s how it” is ……ha ha ha ha!”

After the laughter, all nine Gu Qingfeng jumped up and shouted: “Nine by Nine Returns to One!”

In an instant, the nine Gu Qingfeng merged into one Gu Qingfeng. At the same time, the nine Sword Peaks merged into one Sword Peak magically.

Gu Qingfeng is still the original Gu Qingfeng, nothing has changed.

But the Sword Peak is no longer the Sword Peak before.

It is not Sword Peak to be exact, but a pure sword.

A giant sword.

Giant sword is dim, like death, lifeless, spirituality, nothing, but even so, the giant sword standing not far away still feels a mighty power.

Upon the sky, Gu Qingfeng stood on the giant sword, standing with his hands behind, closing his eyes slightly, and said nothing.

I don’t know how long it has been.

I really don’t know.

The Daxing Monk was completely immersed in this evil and weird scene, because he felt that the giant sword in front of him seemed to be alive, and gradually became alive.

It feels as weird as a corpse suddenly possessing life. The monk thought he had read it wrong, so he looked at it several times and was very sure that the giant sword was really alive.


Something is wrong!

The big monk looked around all around and found that the originally rotten Flying Sword was also unfathomable mystery. All of them are recovering, one is, two, ten, one hundred, one thousand, covering the mountains and The Flying Sword of Plains is gradually recovering at this moment.

This scene is a little panicky. At least, Daxing Monk feels this way. Soon, the scene called him have one’s hair stand on end happened, and the Flying Sword full of the world started slightly. It trembled, and also issued bursts of sword cry, turning Flying Sword like a dragon-like that is about to escape.

The Daxing Monk has a bad feeling. He immediately jumped up, but he didn’t know where to stand. It seemed a little unsafe to stand. There were too many trembling Flying Swords. There are too many to be counted, and looking at this posture, these Flying Swords may all come out in a while.

Sure enough.

A whistling sound of breaking wind came, and I saw a Flying Sword stuck on the ground suddenly burst out, blooming with dazzling brilliance and sending out a harsh sword cry straight into the sky.

whiz whiz whiz whiz!

Flying Sword burst out from the ground one after another, bursting with brilliance, and sending out a sword cry straight into the sky. In an instant, the Flying Sword covering the mountains and plains rushed to the sky like crazy.

Looking at this scene, even the experienced and knowledgeable monks were all dumbfounded.

The sky is full of sword light, the sky is full of sword cry, the sky is full of sword intent.

It is dazzling and breathtaking.

At this time, the giant sword in the center also bloomed with a multi-colored brilliance. There are too many brilliance, and there are too many to count, just like the flying sword blooming in the sky. Just like Guanghua, the sword intent contained in it is also countless, just like the sword intent contained in Flying Sword.


The giant sword made a loud noise, like the Heaven and Earth giant wheel slowly rotating, the heart of the trembling monk trembled with the loud noise stand up.

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