Supreme Lord

Chapter 2158

“What the hell…what’s the situation?”

After the monk came in, he was shocked by the Flying Sword covering the mountains and plains. He looked around for a week, and the more he looked, the more shocked he became. , Surprised: “How come there are so many Flying Swords?”


The great monk who has lived for an unknown number of years has never seen so many Flying Swords.

Gu Qingfeng walked and watched, and found that these Flying Swords inserted on the ground were almost all waste products without exception, just like the withered weeds without any life force, lost vitality, like death In general, perhaps it is baptism that has gone through too many years, and most Flying Swords are also decayed.


As if thinking of something, the Daxing Monk quickly said: “Isn’t this Taixu Sword Tomb?”

hearing this, Gu Qingfeng stopped and whispered: “Taixu Sword Tomb?”

“I have heard my Master talk about it. In the ancient times, there was a Senior who used sword to enter dao, he was later called the sword saint Taixu, but most people called him the sword demon, saying that this person was almost indistinguishable from the devil in order to understand the sword dao before he was sanctified.”

“It is said that when he comprehended sword dao, he killed dimly, causing loss of life, only to collect the flying sword of the world, he would bury one after he realized the flying sword, no one knew him No one knows how many Flying Swords he has buried in his life, only knows that this person later realized the true meaning of sword dao, and became a sacred place in one fell swoop, and the place where he realized the sword was called Taixu. Sword Tomb.”

There are three thousand in the avenue, and these three thousand are endless.

Since time immemorial, most people have waited for the Dao as the Immortal Buddha Demon.

In fact, this is not the only way to enter the Tao. In addition to the fairy Buddha Demon, there are too many ways to enter the Tao, such as swords and swords can enter the Tao, music art, music, piano, chess, calligraphy, etc. All can enter the road.

After the ancient times, there were also people who used qinqi, calligraphy and painting, swords and swords to enter the Tao, but not many, especially with the immortal dao dominating, cultivation gradually became the mainstream, and qinqi, calligraphy and painting also became the mainstream. The unorthodox way, and then gradually declined, it is almost difficult to see these leftist ways in modern and ancient times.

Gu Qingfeng has rarely used swords in his life, and he has only practiced one or two swords. He doesn’t know much about sword dao, and he has never heard of the sword master. The name, it was the sentence from the predecessor of the ancient times that the Daxing monk said that made him even more puzzled.

“What did you mean by the pre-barren ancient times? What’s the matter, the barren ancient times are still incomplete?”

“You brat don’t even know this common sense?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, let alone, he really didn’t know.

“It’s fine if other people don’t know, why don’t you even know you brat, this barren age is so important to you brat, you say you dare to go around without knowing anything, I think you really are I’m hopeless.”

The Daxing monk will lose a few words when he catches a chance, and Gu Qingfeng is too lazy to listen to him talking nonsense, shouted: “If you have a fart, let it go.”

“How to put it, it is normal for you to brat not to know. It’s about the division of the ancient times. Looking at Heaven and Earth, except for some Old Guys, not many people know it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Gu boy, do you remember I told you that the complexity of the ancient times is far beyond your imagination?”

“Then What?”

“Actually… if you ask me to say why the barren age is divided into front and back, what is the former barren age and what is the post barren age, I can’t tell you the truth. Anyway, everyone is. It’s called that.”

Gu Qingfeng cursed: “You motherfucker doesn’t mean you didn’t say it!”

“Gu kid, can’t you blame me for this? I told you earlier However, my previous life memory has almost faded away, and now the memory of my previous life has not awakened, you let me say that I can’t tell you the bad things in the past.”

paused, he continued:” What’s more, don’t they all belong to the deserted ancient times before and after the deserted ancient times, you don’t care about them, as long as you know the deserted ancient times.”

Gu Qingfeng ignored it, but jumped up. Flew over to a lonely mountain.

This wild ancient vestige covering the mountains and plains is a deadly Flying Sword. A few peaks are particularly eye-catching. Gu Qingfeng counted nine in total, and each peak is like heaven. -Supporting pillar motionless stands there, it feels like connecting Heaven and Earth together.

Gu Qingfeng came to one of the peaks and took a closer look, good fellow! This is not a mountain at all, but a huge Flying Sword.

Sweep the other peaks again, they are all the same, they are all huge Flying Swords.

“This motherfucker is nine Sword Peaks!”

The Daxing Monk exclaimed.

Gu Qingfeng nodded, he didn’t have a specific concept of the word Sword Peak before, until now he looked at the nine Flying Sword peaks that seemed to stand between Heaven and Earth, and he really felt it. The meaning of the word Sword Peak.

“Yes, yes, I think this must be the Taixu Sword Tomb.”

The Daxing Monk also stood on a Sword Peak and took off the top The gray torn hat touched his bald head and said, “I still remember my Master said that the Taixu Swordmaster has exhausted countless years to comprehend the sword dao throughout his life, and he has learned endless sword intents through his lifelong learning. The most ancient sword dao created, Taixu Nine Swords!”

“Where is the Taixu Sword Saint?” Gu Qingfeng asked: “Couldn’t you also die in the ancient catastrophe? “

“This… shouldn’t be there. Most of the people who died in the desolate ancient catastrophe existed in the post-desolate ancient era. The Taixu Sword Saint was from the pre-desolate ancient era. Even if they were to die, they should have died. It’s not in the pre-barren ancient times, let’s say it again, Taixu Sword Saint! Everyone aspires to become a saint, it’s not so easy to die, right?”

Gu Qingfeng stared at the Flying Sword full of the world, and muttered: “Ask for sanctification…”

“Guy boy.”

The monk came over and curiously asked: “Do you want to be sanctified? I heard that after being sanctified, I just jumped out of the avenue, and no longer bound by the avenue, even when the time comes you are the avenue.”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head.

“Why? You brat don’t want it?”

“It’s so difficult for me to be a motherfucker now, why should I become a saint?”

“No way In this way, after being sanctified, you might be truly detached.”

“Bullshit! Who told you that you were detached after sanctification, and where did you say that you jumped out of the road after sanctification? It sounds like it?”

“Why? It’s not difficult?”

“If you can jump out of the avenue after being sanctified, where did the word “Holy Dao” come out? “

“Don’t forget you brat, the legendary word “sacred” is above Three Thousand Great Daos!”

“It’s just above Three Thousand Great Daos It’s just above. Overriding doesn’t mean detachment. In my opinion, becoming a god or sanctification is nothing more than jumping from the innermost Fire Pit into the outer Fire Pit. As for how many Fire Pit there are outside, who knows “

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and sighed: “No one knows, the more I live, the more I feel that something may be right.”

“What is it?”

“Everything is false. If everything is false, then motherfucker is too fun.”

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