Supreme Lord

Chapter 2157

The two were walking and chatting in this deserted ancient vestige.

While speaking, the monk suddenly stopped, his expression changed drastically, he became heavier, shouted: “Wait! Something is wrong!”


Gu Qingfeng was surprised, looked at above heaven under earth all directions, not at all, and found something wrong, and said: “I said Daxing, can you fucking be frightened and flustered, Lord Why didn’t I see what was wrong.”

The Daxing Monk did not respond, his face getting heavier and heavier.

Looking at the situation, Gu Qingfeng wondered what might be really wrong, and immediately took out Divine Consciousness to investigate.

Generally speaking, as long as you enter a mysterious and unknown place, all people of cultivation will take out Divine Consciousness and cover all around. Although doing so, it consumes energy and will be exhausted after a long time. However, with Divine Consciousness Covering all around can prevent trouble before it happens, and you can know the first time if there is any dangerous situation around.

even more how here is still an ancient vestige, there is as many mysterious as there is, and as many unknowns as unknowns.

In this place, not to mention other cultivation people, even if the monks dare not relax their vigilance, Divine Consciousness has been shrouded all around.

Gu Qingfeng alone is an exception.

When he was young, he might release Divine Consciousness all around the clock, even when he was resting, but later as the strength of the cultivation base increased, he rarely released Divine Consciousness. , Especially after the opening of the present and ancient times, his spirit has been in a weak state, and he will not consume the spirit to sacrifice the Divine Consciousness.

At this moment, I feel something is wrong, and I can only take out Divine Consciousness to probe. This probe does not matter, and I soon feel that something is wrong.

When the huge vortex that was originally slowly rotating in the sky suddenly accelerated, the endless Desert was trembling slightly, as if it was boiling like water, and it seemed that the entire ruins were changing.

“What’s the situation?”

Gu Qingfeng asked: “Could this ancient vestige merge with other relics?”

“Should it be?”

The Daxing Monk couldn’t figure out the situation for a while.

At this moment, hong long long! There was a loud noise, and immediately, the entire ancient vestige trembled violently, like an earthquake, and Desert was blown up all over the sky.

Followed by a bang!

A strange brilliance soars into the sky from the Desert.

This scene is a bit familiar, because not long ago, Gu Qingfeng also experienced such a thing when he was in another ancient vestige. There was also a loud noise at the time. The ancient vestige trembled violently, a ray of magnificent light Rising to the sky, that brilliance is nothing else, it is also a barren ancient vestige, and his fusion of blood gluttons came across in that world barren ancient vestige.

“Couldn’t there be any other ancient vestige appearing again, right?”

“Not good said!” Although the previous life of the monk belongs to the ancient era, the ruins of the previous life are not Without awakening, I don’t know much about the ancient vestige.

Of course.

It’s not completely ignorant. After all, he has been jumping up and down in the ridiculous black hole for so long, and he knows a little bit about that. He knows that most of the ridiculous ancient vestige has appeared in the black hole, but there are also some special relics. Not at all is present in the black hole, some of these ruins are still hidden in the black hole, and some are hidden in other ruins.

“Let’s go! Go and see.”

Gu Qingfeng is about to fly over to see and understand, people have not moved yet, hong long long! There was another loud noise, a bang, and then another beam of light rose into the sky.

Boom! boom! boom!

Seven or eight pillars of light appeared in a blink of an eye.

What’s the situation?

So many ridiculous ancient vestige suddenly appeared?

Are you finished?


Bang peng~ peng~!

One after another beams of light appeared one after another, and after a while, more than a dozen beams of light appeared.

If every beam of light represents an ancient and small relic, is it too much? And all at once?

I don’t know.

Gu Qingfeng not at all hesitated, raised his head and glanced, randomly found a beam of light closest to it and flew over.

Jumping up, walking in the void, stepping out in one step, shrinking to a ruler, the body shrank, and people are like phantoms.

“Motherfucker! You brat can’t wait for Lao Tzu!”

The big monk has the ability to teleport. It is not difficult to shrink the ground to a ruler. This is not a great wilderness, but an ancient vestige. There is neither a Space Law nor a spatial order in the ruins. There is no space structure for the motherfucker. The monk does not dare to teleport indiscriminately. If one is not good, the ghost knows where it will teleport. , There is no way but to brace oneself to fly.

Fortunately, his flying speed is not slow. When the monk rushed past, Gu Qingfeng had already come near the beam of light.

Said it is a beam of light, but also a vortex.

That’s right!

It is vortex, and it is turbulence vortex.

Gu Qingfeng still clearly remembers the situation when the small ruin of the bloody glutton appeared before it appeared. It seems that this vortex should also be a small ruin.

With a swish, he jumped in directly.

“Gu boy! You fucking…”

Seeing Gu Qingfeng, he rushed in without even saying hello. The monk is very depressed, he doesn’t mind. Gu Qingfeng didn’t say hello to him, but this motherfucker is a mysterious, weird, dangerous, and barren ancient vestige. Suddenly, such a thing popped up, and I didn’t know what was inside, so I just jumped down without saying a word. It’s too reckless.

The great monk wanted to probe, but after Gu Qingfeng jumped down, he was a little upset and impatient to probe. Clenched the teeth stomped, shouted: “Gu Qingfeng, Gu kid, If Lao Tzu died here, he must have been killed by you brat!”

The voice fell, and the monk took out without moving the golden body, but also learned Gu Qingfeng and jumped in.

As Gu Qingfeng guessed, the inside of this turbulent vortex is really a small relic.

The ruins are no different from other ancient vestiges. There is no excuse for space, and there is no law or order. There is only a turbulent vortex slowly spinning in the sky.

The difference is.

This deserted ancient ruin is not an endless Desert, but a ruin.

At this moment, Gu Qingfeng was standing in the ruins, his plain face was full of shock, and a pair of gloomy eyes were full of surprise.

If it was just a ruin, it would shock Gu Qingfeng so much.

In fact, flying Swords are everywhere in the ruins that can’t be seen to the end.

Looking around, there are Flying Swords everywhere. These Flying Swords are everywhere like weeds. They are innumerable and innumerable.

To be honest, Gu Qingfeng has seen so many Flying Swords for the first time in most of his life. This is too much, so many dazzling, and many astonishing, many even make him feel kind Scalp tingling have one’s hair stand on end feeling.

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