Supreme Lord

Chapter 2156

“A Yao emperor ordered the great sun to bloom in Nether and show off one’s military strength, and a Western Buddhist emperor Miao Tathaga came to cut off the Nine Nether monument and despised the Nine Nether sentient beings, ha!”

Gu Qingfeng laughed , Said: “It just so happens that these two people are here this time, and you have to know how to do it.”

After all, he had aspired the Great Emperor Nether before, although the emperor was seized when the ancient times ended. He is also half a Nine Nether person, and he was able to rampage Heaven and Earth back then, thanks to the tempering fleshy body of Nine Nether.

In public and private, reasonable in every circumstance, Gu Qingfeng feels that he should turn his head for Nether and find the face taken away by Emperor Yao and Miao Rulai.

“Guy boy, I tell you that these are not for you to find faults and fights, but to remind you that their existence is your biggest threat. You don’t need to deliberately find their troubles. Then I said, you brat is no longer the emperor of Nine Nether, and Nine Nether’s business has nothing to do with you. Take a 10,000 step back, even if you brat really wants to find face for Nine Nether, this face you brat is already there. Ancient Era was found back.”

“The Emperor Yao made the Great Sunlight bloom in Nine Nether, you brat, not the dim blood flowing into Nine Nether in a rage A river? Later it was almost burned for nine days.”

“Let alone Xitian, Miao Tathagata just cut off a nine-yin stele. You brat motherfucker has been kidnapped. The incarnation of the Da Ri Tathagata! This is a shame for all Buddhist cultivators in the West, including Lao Tzu.”

Gu Qingfeng waved his hand and said, “These are two different things. “

“What are the two things, you brat really think that Emperor Yao and Miao Tathagata are vegetarian? Under the throne of Yao, expert as clouds, under the seat of Miao Tathagata is also expert as clouds, 36 Golden Arhat , Twelve Not Bad Vajra, Eight Magical Methods Bodhisattva…Leave aside the strengths of Emperor Yao and Miao Tathagata, the experts under them are enough for you brat to drink a pot.”

“even more how ……”

paused, the Daxing monk said again: “The Emperor Yao and the Miao Tathagata represent only the immortal dao and the Buddhist path, the blue lantern ghost emperor representing the ghost path, and the demon path. Black Mountain old monster, representing the Demon Sovereign of the demonic path, these three are all evenly matched with Yaohuang and Miao Tathagata.”

Gu Qingfeng was surprised: “What you said All three are born?”

“Otherwise, what do you think, so I told you to be careful.”

Gu Qingfeng used to mix in Nine Nether for a long time, I have also heard of the three names of the Blue Lantern Ghost Emperor, Black Mountain old monster, and Demon Sovereign.

Just as the Daxing Monk said, these three are the representatives of the Dao. If the Emperor Yao can represent the immortal dao, and the Miao Tathagata can represent the Buddha and Tao, then the blue lantern ghost emperor It represents ghost road, Black Mountain old monster represents demon road, and Blood Fiend Demon Sovereign represents demonic path.

Especially Black Mountain old monster, the name of this guy is very loud in Nine Nether, no! To be precise, the All Heavens Myriad Realms are very loud. They are called Black Mountain Lord and Black Mountain Grandma. They are said to be the Old Ancestor of the demon way. They are very senior, but all monsters seem to respect the Black Mountain old monster. To the end, let’s follow the plan.

Until now, the demon Dao acknowledged allegiance to the immortal dao, and after the present and ancient times, the demon Dao began to break with the immortal dao. It is reported that it was because of the birth of the Black Mountain old monster.

As for the Demon Sovereign of the Blood River, Gu Qingfeng heard that this is a demonic path Legendary. It seems that it was a disciple of a certain cave, or the emperor of the nine days. Later, he fell into the demonic path for a woman. The great wasteland set off foul wind and bloody rain.

As the saying goes, blood flowing into a river, the name of Demon Sovereign comes from this.

The blue lantern ghost king, Gu Qingfeng only heard that this is a terrifying existence. According to reports, it once turned the great wilderness into a blue lantern ghost, a parade of ghosts.

There is no light in the sky, and the blue light travels in the dark. This is the ghost king of the blue light.

Maybe it is Gu Qingfeng who likes to be lively by nature. Hearing the monk said that so many legendary avenues have come to the ancient black hole, his heart is a bit excited and there is so much anticipation.

The Daxing Monk not at all stopped and continued to tell Gu Qingfeng what he knew, saying: “Weiyang Demon Emperor, Senluo Demon Emperor, Beiming Demon Emperor, Blood Monster Wolf The emperor, Black and White Fiends ghost emperor… each of these beings has great good fortune, and their reputation and influence may not be as good as those of the three emperors, but the strength of the cultivation base is absolutely unimaginable, especially Weiyang Demon Emperor Ren Tianhang, that The kid is a person of original sin just like you, and the original sin is not shallow, but also a variable, the variable is not small, greedy wolf howling purple moon, demons deter the sky, the emperor Ren Tianhang…you brat should have heard of it?”

When I heard the Daxing Monk mentioning Weiyang Demon Emperor Ren Tianhang, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help laughing heartily: “Ren Tianhang is also here?”

“What?” Daxing Demon Emperor I was puzzled, and asked: “I heard that Ren Tianhang is here, why are you brat happy?”

“speaking of which…It’s been a long time since Ren Tianhang has not been whereabouts, and I still miss him “You know Ren Tianhang?”

“More than knowing, we have a good relationship.”

Gu Qingfeng’s friends in this life are not Many, there are very few friends who can make heart-to-heart, Ren Tianhang is definitely one.

He still clearly remembers that when wandering in the Great Wilderness not long ago, he once met Ren Tianhang in a barren world, and the Hell Impermanence Wine in his hand was given by Ren Tianhang, which made Gu Qingfeng still remembered What’s new is that when they were separated, Ren Tianhang said, if there is a problem, just call his name in the void, no matter where he is, Ren Tianhang will come to help desperately.

This sentence not only makes Gu Qingfeng fresh in his memory, but also makes him very moved.

“When did you brat hook up with Ren Tianhang?”

The Daxing monk didn’t know how Gu Qingfeng and Ren Tianhang met, he was asking and suddenly remembered What, surprised: “Wait, did you brat the hell impermanence in the hands of you brat, did the kid Ren Tianhang give it to you?”

“Oh! Do you know this too?”

“Sure enough, I should have thought of you and Ren Tianhang.”


Gu Qingfeng, who was already a little excited, heard his friend Ren Tianhang also. When I came, I felt very comfortable, said with a smile: “It seems that this ridiculous black hole is really here this time. Lord, I haven’t had a fight with Changkuailin since the opening of the ancient times. This is how I came back. I’m so expert, I’ll have fun playing whatever I say.”

“You brat is really…”

The monk is speechless, he earnest and well-meant advised to say so Many, the purpose is to make Gu Qingfeng be cautious, but absolutely did not expect that when this guy heard so many experts, not only was he not cautious, but also excited to wait for a fight now.


The monk lamented again and again. He had no extravagant hope to persuade Gu Qingfeng to give up his original sin. He only hoped that Gu Qingfeng could act cautiously and save his life. Put the child on the first, no matter what, after persuading for so long and talking so much, it seems not at all any effect.

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