Supreme Lord

Chapter 2155

The emperor who came down from nine days this time is Emperor Nai Yao.

The name of Emperor Yao may be unfamiliar to the ordinary cultivation of All Heavens Myriad Realms, and may not be as famous as some of the avenues of Star Monarch.

This is because Emperor Yao has fallen asleep since Great Ancient Era, rarely walks outside, even if he shows up, it is mostly incarnation.


For some experienced and knowledgeable Old Seniors, the existence of Emperor Yao is absolutely Supreme.

Emperor Yao was one of the commanders of the Nine Heavens in the battle of immortals and demons. If the Emperor Yao had not led the immortals to suppress demons, the All Heavens Myriad Realms today would not be as peaceful as it is now.

Emperor Yao has a very glorious past. The most legendary is his incarnation dominance that year, illuminating the Nether, and shocking demons and ghosts.

According to the legend, Emperor Yao was the first to make Da Ritai a bright presence, which is unprecedented.

It is said that the demon way was forced by the Emperor Yao’s divine might, and finally was forced to acknowledge allegiance to immortal dao. Some people say that immortal dao can dominate Heaven and Earth, one of the absolute greatest heroes of the Emperor Yao. .

It is precisely because of this that the Emperor Yao has a high prestige in the nine days. Many nine-day powerhouses, including the great wilderness giants and even Heavenly Paradise, are based on Yao Real Madrid’s head, and there are countless followers, including the emperor. , Throne, Star Monarch and other destiny.

The famous Five Sacred Emperors are followers of Emperor Yao.

The eight-party throne above the nine heavens is also under the Yao throne.

Is it just that?


Apart from this, the famous Big Dipper, 36 Heavenly Stars is mostly under the throne of Yao.

Even though the previous life of the Daxing Monk was for the existence of the ancient era, after reincarnation, he lived to be known as the Living Buddha so far. He did not dare to say that he had any chance of winning against the Emperor Yao, because he knew If there is anyone on the Nine Heavens who can call it a great incarnation, then this person must be Emperor Yao.

Otherwise, the Innate Supreme Treasure Clear Sky Tower in the hands of Emperor Yao alone is enough to shock the many existences of this above heaven under earth.

“This is just a nine-day immortal dao, and there are a lot of people coming back from here in the western sky. Everything that should or shouldn’t be here is here, and those that should or shouldn’t be awake are also awake. Some of them are not a threat to you brat, but there are a few, you brat must be careful.”

The monk mentioned several names, one is the big Tibetan Buddha and the other is the small thousand Buddha. , There is also a lotus Buddha.

Gu Qingfeng has heard of these names to some extent. They are all the Legendary of the West Heavenly Buddha Dao. They are also representatives of the Eight Sects of Buddhism. They are all famous in various eras. One can be described as possesses great magical power, Buddha Law Is Boundless.

After saying this, the Daxing Monk stopped, staring at Gu Qingfeng, and said: “The greatest threat to you brat on the west side is not a few of them, but Miao Tathagata!”

Hearing the name Miao Tathagata, Gu Qingfeng’s brows frowned slightly and asked: “Is that the legendary infinite magic method, known as the Miao Tathagata of the Western Heaven Buddha?”

“It is him. “

“This fellow has also recovered?”

“What do you think?”

“It seems that this time is really lively.”

Gu Qingfeng has an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth. He has a poor memory, especially for those irrelevant people and things, which will soon fade away, for many legendary powerful people. I forgot after listening, only a few left a very deep impression on Gu Qingfeng.

The Western Heaven Buddha Emperor Miao Tathagata is one of them.

He has never seen Miao Tathagata, let alone the deity, even incarnation. The reason why he was impressed with the name Miao Tathaya is because of the monument of Nine Nether.

The monument is called the Jiuyin Monument. It is said that the Nine Nether Monument already existed when Nine Nether was opened.

The Jiuyin Stele contains the turbid breath of Nine Yin. Before Ancient Era, the demons and ghosts of Nine Nether would come to the Jiuyin Stele from time to time to absorb the turbid breath of the Nine Yin. Over time, the Jiuyin Stele became the Nine Nether. Many sacred monuments of demons and ghosts in mind, Jiuyin Monument may not represent Nine Nether, but when it comes to Nine Nether, no one knows that it is known to everyone.

It’s a pity.

This nine-yin stele broke at the end of Ancient Era.

It was interrupted by someone.

The person who interrupted this nine-yin stele was Xitian Buddha Miao Tathagata.

He not only interrupted the sacred monument of Nine Nether demons and ghosts in mind, but also carved a few lines in the sacred monument.

All Demons are all ants. The Lord is greedy and fearful of reincarnation, and cuts out the darkness of Nine Nether. Only I am the Buddha and the Tathagata.

These few sentences are not crazy.

Not only despise all demons and ghosts as small as ants, but also despise the Lord of Nine Nether who is greedy for life and fear of death and dare not dare to reincarnate. The Buddha is wonderful.

Gu Qingfeng always thought that he was crazy enough, until he saw the lines engraved on the Jiuyin stele by Miao Rulai, he felt that in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself, to enter Nine Nether, not to mention the sacred monument that cut everyone in mind, and motherfucker mocked and provoke everyone on the broken sacred monument. To be honest, although Gu Qingfeng’s personality is arrogant and unruly, he still can’t do such arrogant things. from.

“Daxing, there is one thing that I don’t understand. Don’t all of you cultivators of Buddha be compassionate and save all sentient beings? Lord, I live most of my life, even though I see this kind of Buddha There have been a few, but only a few, and most of them are motherfuckers, a group of guys in cassocks who say Amitabha hypocrisy!”

The big monk shook his head and sighed, “Where is this year? What kind of compassion is there to save sentient beings for Huaipu…”

“If it’s just a hypocritical villain that’s all, how can there be a master like Miao Tathaya? I heard that he was in Nine back then. Nether has slaughtered a lot of Demon.”

“The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. Some people who cultivate the Buddha will go astray when they do it…they are full of eliminate demons protect the dao .”

“eliminate demons protect the dao? I don’t understand this even more. Don’t you Buddhists pay attention to All living things are equal?”


Faced with Gu Qingfeng’s doubts, the monk opened his mouth, he wanted to speak but stopped. After all, he didn’t say anything to refute. He just sighed then said and said: “Gu Qingfeng, there are some things you know. That’s it. I am a Buddhist cultivator after all. It is not good to say it. In short, Buddha and demons are relative, Buddha is demons, demons are also Buddhas, Buddha can become demons with one thought, and can become Buddha with one thought. “

“The Buddha of the West is a wonderful Tathagata…” Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and said: “This time, you have to see and see the Lord.”

“Miao Tathagata is indeed a bit arrogant.”

“Some arrogance? Isn’t he doing something arrogant?”

“You said Miao Tathagata What about breaking the Jiuyin monument, right? Actually, how do you say that, Miao Tathagata does not want to really despise Nine Nether, but more to strive for high and low with Yaohuang.”

“Emperor Yao and Miao Tathagata have always been open strife and veiled struggle. The Emperor Yao made the great sun shine in Nine Nether. Miao Tathagata was not convinced, so he cut off the Jiu Yin monument to fight the emperor.”

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