Supreme Lord

Chapter 2154

“In addition to the boy floating in the sky, the Great Emperor Xuanyang came from above the nine heavens this time. This servant is known as Xuanzhongyang. The two characters “mystery” and “yin and yang” are each. They not only understood the word “Xuan”. Extreme, it also comprehend the word Yang to the extreme, which is not unbelievable.”

“There is also the Five Sacred Emperors. If these five people come out alone, it may not be good, but if they work together, The strength is so powerful that it is absolutely unimaginable.”

“Double Great Emperor, seems to be called the Double Dou Great Emperor, a Nandou and a Big Dipper. These two people are very low-key. I heard that the strength is not Same thing.”

Gu Qingfeng and the Daxing monk wandered like headless flies in this deserted ancient vestige while chatting.

Except for very few people who have heard of these people, most of the people mentioned by the Daxing Monk are unfamiliar to Gu Qingfeng. As for the origins and strengths of these people, he said To be honest, Gu Qingfeng is not uninterested, he does not care, and he is fearless.

Daxing epilepsy monk knows more or less about Gu Qingfeng.

Knowing that this guy is fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, don’t say that the nine-day emperor of these Rao Shizi, the motherfucker God, will come down, Gu Qingfeng may not frown.

He said this was not to scare Gu Qingfeng, but to make Gu Qingfeng mentally prepared, and continued: “Gu kid, do you know? This time, nine days there is a heavyweight The existence of.”


Hearing this, Gu Qingfeng was quite curious, and asked: “What is a heavyweight method?”

“Dadao Destiny Emperor Power!”

“Heh!” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Why is it heavyweight? Isn’t it what Dadao Emperor Power?”

“Isn’t it just the power of the Great Dao? I said you brat is a bit louder? Have you seen the power of the Great Dao? Do you know what the power of the Great Dao represents? Do you know how terrifying the power of the Great Dao is?”

Not only have you seen it, but you have also killed it.”

“You can pull it.” The monk contemptuously said: “Don’t think I don’t know, you brat did have a few great powers in Ancient Era. You brat, don’t forget that you brat, the motherfucker of the Dao imperial powers with you is Divine Consciousness incarnation, the real Dao imperial power has been sleeping all the time!”


Gu Qingfeng said casually, but it was nothing serious.

Even if the monk didn’t say anything, he knew that the existence of Emperor Dao’s power was beyond imagination.

He did fought against several Dao imperial powers back then, and indeed, as the Da Xing monk said, but they were all Dao imperial power Divine Consciousness incarnation.

In other words, he has also aspired to Emperor Nether, and knows something about the existence of Mandate of Heaven.

The Star Monarch of modern and ancient times, the throne of ancient times, the emperor seal of ancient times, and the power of Immemorial Sovereign.

Throughout all the destiny, the imperial power is the most, the greatest, and the respect.

The Dao imperial power is also the All Heavens Myriad Realms since ancient times. There is no one of the most noble destiny. According to reports, as long as the Dao’s imperial power is claimed, it can dominate the avenue. It is also the Ruler and Controller of the avenue. The law of order of the Dao has the power to live and kill, and it can also enshrine the order of the Dao.

This is also the most terrifying place of the Dao Emperor Power.

Because the Dao imperial power is in charge of the law of order of the Dao, fighting him is almost like fighting God, unless you can jump out of the road.


I heard that since the Great Ancient Era, almost all Dao imperial powers rarely show up. Gu Qingfeng has only seen the incarnation of Dao imperial power, as for the deity he has never seen.

“At the end of Ancient Era, the origin of the Three Thousand Great Daos was nearly exhausted, and almost all Dao imperial powers fell into a deep sleep, both to protect themselves and to protect the Grand Dao Source. You brat has never seen it. It’s normal, and some have fallen asleep since Great Ancient Era’s imperial power, and under normal circumstances will not show up at all.”

“Why is this again?”

“The reason is very simple. The destiny of Dao Huangquan is too noble and too powerful. It is not an exaggeration to be called the Grand Dao Lord. Above heaven under earth, many people are glare like a tiger watching his prey. Staring at this destiny, even you I have aspired the Dao imperial power, but also made sure that when the time comes to make a wedding dress for others.”

“Of course, this is only one of the reasons, and the more important reason is that the Dao imperial power is also eligible to touch the Grand Dao Source. People are sleeping, not to absorb the strength of the source, but to integrate with the Grand Dao Source. Only after the integration with the Grand Dao Source can the royal power be the real royal power.”

” There is another reason. You brat may not believe it when you say it.”


“If I tell you, those great powers are in retreat and sleep all year round, just for the sake of modern times. Obliterate you, do you brat believe it?”

“I said Daxing, you know little, don’t motherfucker and fool me, those great powers began to fall asleep in the Great Ancient Era, in order to obliterate the ancient times I am in the age? Why do you not believe me?”

“I cheat you, what do you do?” Da Xing monk said: “I ask you, Dao imperial power is in charge of the law of order, which can be called the Grand Dao Lord. Right?”

“Yes, that’s the case.”

“People are like the emperor of the dynasty. They must protect their dynasty, right?”

“What do you want to say?”

“You brat, don’t forget, all those great powers possess great magical power, and the deduced abilities are better than one, besides, the book of fate It has long been recorded that when the original sin finds Allah, the great road will fall, the present and the ancient will end, Heaven and Earth will be reborn, and the era of innocence will begin…”

” In other words, people have long predicted that there will be a God of Original Sin in this and ancient era. Do you think they will let you successfully aspire to God of Original Sin, and then destroy others’ roads? Of course not, people must have made preparations early in order to obliterate you, the destined God of Original Sin, in this age! “

Listening to what the monk said, Gu Qingfeng thought about it carefully, let alone, motherfucker is quite reasonable, at least Gu Qingfeng cannot refute it.

“You Check carefully whether this is the reason. “

Stop talking.

The monk said with a serious expression: “In the past, I thought those great powers would definitely come forward to stop you brat, and before you brat apologize to Allah You obliterate, now I feel more and more that they may have discussed it a long time ago, maybe they should have said who they heard, and after you brat asks the original sin of Allah, then they will kill you and completely eliminate the original sin. “

Looking at the looking thoughtful Gu Qingfeng, the monk exclaimed: “No matter if you brat admit it or not, anyway, Lao Tzu feels that this matter is more and more like a conspiracy. The purpose of this conspiracy is to obliterate you so as to completely get rid of the original sin. Everything, Holy Land Forbidden Land, Nine Heavens Avenue, Heavenly Paradise, etc. Ruler may have participated in this conspiracy. “

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