Supreme Lord

Chapter 2145

To this day, he still clearly remembers the side that met Little Jin’er in Lingluo Tianyu not long ago.

It is exactly that side that made him feel that the destined original sin Allah is not himself, but Little Jin’er.

Although Little Jin’er did not admit it, he could feel it.

Little Jin’er once asked him, if one day this World’s All Living Things, all the worlds, the Three Thousand Great Daos, and the masses of beings cannot tolerate themselves, who would Gu Qingfeng choose.

When Little Jin’er asked him, Gu Qingfeng had a very strong feeling that Little Jin’er was the destined God of Original Sin, and it was at that moment that he decided to seek original sin. Said to fight for the original sin.


These words said by the Daxing Monk are meaningless to him, regardless of whether the God is destined for the original sin or not, he will fight for the original sin.

If the destined original sin Allah is Little Jin’er, he will seek the original sin.

Because he promised Little Jin’er, if this Heaven and Earth Grand Dao can’t tolerate her, Gu Qingfeng will destroy this World Extinguishes and this avenue.

This is a promise to Little Jin’er.

He will do it when he says it.

If the destined original sin Allah is not Little Jin’er, but himself, he must seek the original sin.

Because he wants to give himself an explanation, an explanation of who I am, where I come from, and where I am going.

Not only that, he also wanted to give Jun Xuanji an explanation.

When he was in Lingluo Tianyu Secret Realm, he met Jun Xuanji.

Jun Xuanji under the peach blossom tree gave him a heartache.

Especially the poignant face and the hollow eyes.

Jun Xuanji is lost.

Hesitate and at a loss, lost soul and crazy.

Whether he was tempted by Jun Xuanji in the past, Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know, it doesn’t matter to him anymore, no matter whether he is tempted or not, he will do his best at all costs to let Jun Xuanji Free from the cause and effect of original sin.

I originally wanted to say something, but Gu Qingfeng was no longer interested in listening. He said hello and jumped straight up, leaving from this wild ancient vestige, and rushed into the wild black hole. Among.

The ancient black hole is still so mysterious and so vast.

The turbulence is still turbulent like waves.

The difference is.

Turbulent flow vortex has been densely packed since the beginning, and now it has become rare.

However, although the number is small, the volume has become larger. Looking around, huge turbulence vortex is eating away at the entire deserted ancient black hole bit by bit like Great Desolate rare beast. .

At this moment, in the depths of the ancient black hole.

There is a mountain floating in the turbulence.

This mountain is dark and barren, and like a swamp, it gives people a very gloomy feeling. There are two people standing on the mountain.

A woman who looks beautiful and alluring in a black robe, and an old man who is rough and sloppy like a beggar.

The two are the black liquid Empress and old beggar from Guixu.

“It’s messy! It’s so messy, I didn’t expect even the Old Ancestor of Huangtian to come out.”

Old beggar is sitting on a stone pier on the black liquid mountain He shook his head and sighed. From time to time, he took out the bottle gourd and poured two sips into his mouth, saying: “This situation is getting more and more chaotic, and it is becoming more and more invisible.”

When Huang Tian’s Old Ancestor disappeared, an extremely terrifying force erupted. This force not only shook the surrounding turbulent currents, but also shook almost everyone out. Gu Qingfeng is a big hit. The monk is, black liquid Empress, old beggar is no exception.

Next to it.

black liquid Empress stood quietly, looking at the mysterious ridiculous black hole, and whispered softly: “Humanity is destined to recover in this and ancient era. It is not surprising that Huang Tian Old Ancestor was born, and besides… “

paused, she said again: “Original sin is mainly born in the present and ancient times, and the era of innocence will also be opened in the present and ancient times…No one will miss such an important turning point in the present and ancient times, no one… …Old Ancestor of Huangtian is no exception.”

Since black liquid Empress and old beggar come from Guixu, they naturally know that humanity dominated Huangtian a long time ago, and Old Ancestor of Huangtian is humanity. The Old Ancestor.

“That’s right, but that’s Huangtian’s Old Ancestor after all! It’s Huangtian Old Ancestor, and that’s my Old Ancestor! I wanted to pay my respects to my Old Ancestor, but I never thought about it. The guy runs so fast.”

After Huang Tian’s Old Ancestor disappeared, both of them chased after him for the first time. They wanted to see who the Huang Tian Old Ancestor was so terrifying, how can I find it? It took a long time to find the silhouette of the Huangtian Old Ancestor.


Black liquid Empress is inexplicably laughed.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Old beggar, are you still a human?”

“Black liquid girl, you are boring to say that Right? Old beggar, even if I am no longer a human being, at least I used to be, and for so many years, I have always regarded myself as a human being, and we can’t do that kind of patriotism.”

black liquid Empress not at all Take the call.

The old beggar swallowed a few sips of wine, stood up and moved his hands and feet, and said, “Which Huangtian Old Ancestor did you say came out? Look that posture is not the ordinary Old Ancestor. Ancestor, let’s not say anything else. The terrifying power alone is beyond imagination. Isn’t it really one of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors?”

Black liquid Empress still did not speak , And the old beggar didn’t expect her to say anything. He said to himself there, “Hehe, if it’s one of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, it would be fun. Back then, Heavenly Dao was the head Three Thousand Great Daos used despicable means to annihilate our humane Huangtian. The most annoying thing is that motherfucker also extracted the humane origin from the three souls. I can’t swallow this breath until now. Let’s go, Huangtian Old Ancestor After coming out, I will avenge Heavenly Dao.”

Speaking of this, the old beggar became excited and said: “motherfucker! I have endured this breath for a long time, and this time I can finally utter a bad breath. !”

For Heavenly Dao.

Old beggar hates it in his heart. Even if he whips God’s corpse, it is hard to vent his hatred.

Once he didn’t lie, he was indeed a man of humanity before, and he was also an ancient master. Afterwards, although his path was crooked, he also deviated from humanity and fell into the flow of demons, but his heart I still think of myself as a human being.

Master is a person who has inherited the orders of humanity.

Since ancient times, all masters are Dragons Among Humans, and they are born with a powerful fleshy body and infinite power.


The Master does not live long.

In order to suppress humanitarianism and prevent the recovery of humanitarianism, the Master has always been the object of Heavenly Dao’s obliteration. Later, after Heavenly Dao retired, immortal dao was even crazier than Heavenly Dao.

The old beggar was chased by Heavenly Dao several times in samsara reincarnation, all of which were nine deaths and still alive. In the end, in order to survive, there was no way to go to unorthodox and fall into a demon.

After that…there is no more.

Old beggar was directly beaten into the ruins by Heavenly Dao.

This is also the root reason why he hates Heavenly Dao.

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