Supreme Lord

Chapter 2146

Here, the old beggar is in a state of excitement, and besides, the black liquid Empress still has a calm attitude, casually pouring a basin of cold water, and said: “You think too much.”

“Why do I think too much?”

Old beggar took a look at the black liquid Empress and said, “Oh, I forgot, you nature always wears one with God Pants, right? Heavenly Dao was not the only one who suppressed our humanity back then. I’m afraid you also have a share of nature, right?”


black liquid Empress faintly laughed, said:” If nature and Heavenly Dao wear a pair of pants, how can Empress Nuwa of nature be one of the three Sovereigns?”

“Who knows what idea your Empress Nuwa is behind, Moreover, the one of the Three Sovereigns is not only the Empress Nuwa of your nature, but also the Fuxi Old Ancestor of Heavenly Dao.”

Speaking of which, the old beggar jié jié laughed strangely. Said: “Because of the legendary three emperors of humanity, there are both Emperor Fuxi and Earth Sovereign Nuwa. Therefore, our humanity has always had a saying that we recognize the heaven as the father and the earth as the mother. As a result, we were finally joined by Heaven and Earth. Suppressed, withdrawn from the three souls, like disabled, I have to say that Heaven and Earth are really a good pair of humane parents.”

“Old Beggar, you don’t need such frigid irony and scorching satire It’s useless to test me. I don’t know what happened back then.”

Listening to what the black liquid Empress said, the old beggar suddenly laughed.


He is testing black liquid Empress.

To be honest.

As for the purpose of Heaven and Earth’s creation of humanity, and the reason why humanity was abolished by hand, old Beggar didn’t know it, because he didn’t know it, so he wanted to know.

“Black liquid Empress, you are too modest to say this, if others don’t know it, why don’t you know?”

Old beggar is very clear, Black liquid Empress is one of the old Ancestors of nature’s genuine, and its true identity is still one of the five-color messengers under Empress Nuwa. With such a big identity and so close to Empress Nuwa, old beggar doesn’t believe in black liquid Empress and doesn’t know the truth. .

“The five-color messenger is just the identity of my previous life. I already have samsara reincarnation. I don’t know much about the things in the previous life.”


black liquid Empress glanced at old beggar, his eyes seemed to say whether you believe it or not.

“Then why were you beaten into the ruins?”

Old Beggar asked another question he wanted to know the answer.

black liquid Empress shook his head, gazing at the vast ancient black hole, and murmured: “Trust me, I want to know the answer to this question more than you.”

“Why do you even think about yourself I don’t know if I was beaten into the market?”

“I don’t know.”

The old beggar didn’t know whether to believe in black liquid Empress or not, he was sullen and moaned while drinking .

Since knowing the true identity of black liquid Empress, he has always been curious about why the existence of black liquid Empress was broken into the ruins. Before he thought, the return of black liquid to Empress is also natural Old Ancestor, and also under Empress Nuwa, no one can deny her noble status even in her previous life.

Youdao is not for the monk’s sake, but for the Buddha’s. Even if you don’t give face to the black liquid Empress, you have to give face to Empress Nuwa.

No one does not know who Empress Nuwa is.

The mother of nature, also known as the mother of the earth, is the same name as God.

Besides, Heaven and Earth is one family.

Is it hard to say that Heavenly Dao broke with the authentic nature? So God sent Empress Nuwa’s five-color messengers into the ruins in a rage?

Not sure.

The old beggar wondered, if Heaven and Earth really broke off in those days, then most likely it might have something to do with humanity.

Because according to his understanding, both humanity and nature fell in ancient times.

The more I think about it, the more I think it’s possible. Humanity has been drawn away from the Three Souls. The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are also unclear. And nature, even the black liquid Empress, the five-color messengers under Empress Nuwa. Being beaten into Guixu, it seems that something unspeakable happened that year.

What the ulterior motive is, the old beggar also doesn’t know, but he knows one thing, since ancient times between Heaven and Earth, almost all secrets are inseparable from original sin.

Original sin, original sin, the most primordial sin, the root of all sins.

Everything starts with original sin, and it is destined that everything will end with original sin.

Remember the original sin.

Old beggar couldn’t help but think of Gu Qingfeng, said with a smile: “The kid with the surname Gu is really getting more and more tossing now, first with Asura, and then on the poor blue and fall to Yellow Springs. , Now I actually got another swallowing heaven devouring earth bloody, I have to say, this kid is getting deeper and deeper on the road of original sin, and he is getting closer and closer to the Lord of Original Sin, and no matter how you look at it, the more this kid It looks more like the destined God of Original Sin.”

“If… this kid is not the destined God of Original Sin, then the joke is big, if this kid is the destined God of Original Sin… Then when the time comes is not as simple as a joke.”

At this time, black liquid Empress asked: “Do you suspect that the destined original sin Allah is the game set by Heaven and Earth Grand Dao?”


“Isn’t it stupid?”

Black liquid Empress exclaimed: “Perhaps.”

“That kid is the deepest original sin and the biggest variable. It can be said that it is the source of all wrong causation. If his existence is doomed, apart from the two words conspiracy, old beggar, I really can’t think of other possibilities, and…” Paused, old beggar continued: “Heaven and Earth Grand Dao If you want to completely obliterate the original sin, there is only one way.”

Xu Shi remembered something again, the old beggar continued to ask: “black liquid Empress, there is something I have been thinking about I don’t understand.”

“What’s the matter?”

“If the kid surnamed Gu is really the destined original sin Allah, Asura, Shangqiongbi and Yellow Springs, and Why swallowing heaven devouring earth would fuse together with that kid? Even old Beggar can think of this. They are impossible and are destined to be a conspiracy of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao? Or are they destined to be powerless? Resist?”

“I think…they might want to take a gamble.”

“Got a gamble? Can this thing be gambled too? Is it too expensive? , If you lose, you will lose completely. There is no chance of a comeback.”

“If you bet, you may not necessarily lose. If you don’t bet, you will lose. Thorough. “

“You mean they put their chips on the guy surnamed Gu, trying to get the guy surnamed Gu to gamble with Heaven and Earth Grand Dao with this causal fate? “

“Not only they gambled like this, since ancient times above heaven under earth, there are also many existences betting on it. “

Stop talking.

black liquid Empress shook his head and said: “No! Not a lot, but everything is betting!” “

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