Supreme Lord

Chapter 2144

“Guy boy! If… I mean if, if you brat is really the destined God of Original Sin, then this matter is too complicated, most likely there is some hidden conspiracy behind it, maybe it is eternal The pit that the nameless girl digs for you brat, no! Not for you, but for Allah of Original Sin. The purpose is to make you become Allah of Original Sin, and then wipe you out, so as to completely remove original sin from its source. Obliterate.”


Gu Qingfeng looked at the Daxing monk here, and said seriously: “Your motherfucker looks more and more like a god. It’s a stick, speaking of which motherfucker is a set of sets.”

“What a stick!”

The big monk stared in anger, shouted: “You think I Are you scaring you? Tell you brat! I don’t have time to scare you now, it’s the fucking time, who is still in the mood to brat you bullshit!”

To be honest.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t know if the Daxing Monk was frightening himself.

I don’t know what selfish calculations this old bald donkey is saying.


If the Daxing monk said these words really frightened Gu Qingfeng, then he succeeded, and Gu Qingfeng was really frightened and frightened.

Even though he didn’t want to, he had to admit that what the Daxing Monk said was the truth. If his biggest variable is the destined original sin of Allah, then this will happen. There must be some earth-shattering conspiracy behind it, maybe it was really said by the monk, all of these are pits dug by the ancient nameless Allah, the purpose is to completely obliterate the original sin, and Gu Qingfeng just happens to be destined The one.

“Gu boy, can you tell me seriously, why on earth do you want to be the Allah of Original Sin?”

“I have said it eight hundred times, I am to the Allah of Rao Shizi not at all any interest, I just want to seek original sin.”

“Okay! Then tell me, why do you want to seek original sin?”

“What and why? This needs a reason Lord, I’ve been muddleheaded with the name of the original sin variable for most of my life. I didn’t get the slightest benefit. It’s because of this so-called great original sin variable. Lord, I have not suffered less, and I have to figure it out no matter what. What is this thing? You can’t stand the name of the original sin variable for a lifetime without knowing what original sin is, right?”

“What you said is reasonable, but the problem is Now what is placed in front of you brat may be a big pit. After you figure it out, you may be completely finished…”

“Then what you mean… tell me not to seek original sin?”

“I don’t mean that, I’m calling you brat shivered. I just want to do things by chance. Don’t walk to the dark, take one step at a time.”

“I want to go. Look at it step by step, but often involuntarily.”

Gu Qingfeng really wants to seek original sin, but he also knows that the original sin road is full of pits, and the ancient black hole is extremely chaotic. What is the situation now? He didn’t know at all, he had been running around like headless flies since he entered the ancient black hole. He wondered first to understand the situation before making a decision.


Into the wild and ancient black hole, first the unfathomable mystery merged with an ominous thing, and then it swallowed the gluttonous food.

Taotie, like Asura and Yellow Springs, is the original sin True Son that has been fused with the original sin True Blood. As for the ominous thing, although Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know its origin, he faintly feels it. I am afraid that the child is also related to the original sin. Even if the motherfucker does not integrate the original sin True Son of the original sin True Blood, it is definitely not much different.

In addition, the drop of original sin blood he fused back then looks like 80% may also be true blood of original sin. Regardless of whether Gu Qingfeng admits it or not, he is already on the path of original sin. Far away, the sinking deeper and deeper in the black hole of original sin.


Gu Qingfeng thinks of the three original sin True Sons, gluttony, Asura and Yellow Springs.

If you really are the destined original sin Allah.

If it is destined to be a conspiracy to completely obliterate the original sin.

So gluttonous, Asura, and Yellow Springs, the three original sin True Sons merged with themselves. Wouldn’t it bring about one’s own destruction?

It’s hard to say that they don’t know this is a conspiracy?



These three beings all have independent consciousness and are terrifying existences. If it is really a conspiracy, they are impossible to know, right?

Since you know why you still fuse together with yourself?

What is their purpose?

Want to fight with cause and effect? Gamble with fate?

Or something else?

It is still said that fate is not a conspiracy, everything is just a guess.

I don’t know.

These questions are too complicated. Gu Qingfeng’s head was about to explode and he didn’t think of a reason.

“Guy boy, now above heaven under earth almost all beings are staring at you, I think you brat should be careful, it’s important to save your life first, after all, there is hope only when you live, even if you want It’s unhurried to seek original sin for a while, right? So, the first thing you have to consider is your own life, how can you survive and go.”

“Although what you said is nonsense, but It’s also true, but… there’s something I must figure out as soon as possible.”

“What’s the matter?”

“What you just said has a premise, that is I am the destined God of Original Sin.”

“What? Stump you brat. Still don’t want to believe that you are the destined God of Original Sin? You brat this is covering one’s ears whilst stealing a bell, also Are you deceiving yourself to know? If you are not the destined God of Original Sin, what are those beings above heaven under earth staring at you? Do you think they are so idle? And your within the body of Asura and Shangqiongbi Luoxia Yellow Springs plus the swallowing heaven devouring earth that you swallowed up, their motherfucker is the original sin True Son fused with the original sin True Blood. If you brat is not the destined original sin Allah, they will fuse together with you?”

“Nothing is impossible, you old bald donkey has lived for so many years. It’s hard to hear that what you see may not be the truth?”

“Then you brat did you hear After The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear? Now all the signs show that you brat is the destined original sin Allah, you brat just can’t accept it, you are in the game, and I see it outside Clear and clear.”

Gu Qingfeng smiled slightly, but did not speak.

As the monk said, all signs indicate that Gu Qingfeng is the destined God of Original Sin. Although Gu Qingfeng is in the game, he is not confused. Because he is in the game, he is better than Anyone knows this sign, and he doesn’t believe it, let alone unacceptable.

He just had doubts.

The reason for suspicion is simple.

Only two words.


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