Supreme Lord

Chapter 2136

Faced with the enquiry of the monk, Gu Qingfeng serene laughed, and swept everyone in the field again, and said indifferently: “Yes, the Lord did swallow the gluttonous blood, what’s the matter? Do you have any? If you are interested, why not call out the gluttonous food to open your eyes and let you have a long experience?”


The sky turned around and said: “You brat really swallowed up the gluttony! You fucking…you fucking…it’s just…”

It’s been a long time since the big monk hasn’t come out. Therefore, he really didn’t know how to describe Gu Qingfeng.

“Good fellow!”

The old beggar was obviously stimulated, and his expression changed and changed, and said, “This bastard is too guts, right? Even motherfucker Dare to swallow gluttons?”

“This is too…too unbelievable.”

Black liquid Empress also closes his eyes and can’t help taking a deep breath.

Speaking of which Daxing Epilogue is known as the living Buddha of the world, and the old beggar and black liquid Empress belong to the existence of Guixu. It can be said that they have seen the world and experienced winds and waves. Lord, I have a certain understanding of this road to Heaven and Earth, and to cause and effect to destiny.

But even so, after hearing that Gu Qingfeng had devoured blood gluttony, he still couldn’t believe it, let alone accept it.

Because they never thought that one day someone would swallow the gluttony known as swallowing heaven devouring earth. Until now, there was no such concept at all. It felt like someone killed Death God.

“Oh my God!”


The black liquid Empress seemed to realize something, and his expression suddenly became suspicious.

Old beggar asked: “What’s wrong?”

“I suddenly realized something terrifying.”

“What’s the matter?”


“Do you still remember that the era of innocence was opened in the era of innocence, and several existences broke into the era of innocence and merged with True Blood of original sin!”

Listen to black liquid Empress With that said, the old beggar also remembered, choking his throat and said with excitement: “gluttonous! Those who broke into the age of innocence and merged with the original sin True Blood and became the sons of original sin will be gluttonous!”

” There are more than gluttony! There are also evil Asura and Blue Sky Yellow Springs!”


Not only gluttony, but also evil Asura and Blue Sky Yellow Springs.

Black liquid Empress knows, old beggar knows, big monk knows.

Dragon Sparrow Empress knows, Shuiyue Bodhisattva knows, Empress the witch and many others in the field know it.

At this moment.

They are thinking about a terrifying problem like black liquid Empress.

An Asura with no room for evil, an Asura on a poor blue sky and a fall in Yellow Springs, and now there is another swallowing heaven devouring earth bloody gluttony. All three of them are the sons of original sin who have merged with True Blood, and now But they are all integrated with Gu Qingfeng. “

Is this coincidence or accident?


This is both impossible by coincidence and impossible by accident.

Difficult Is it cause and effect?

Or fate?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

They don’t know much more, Asura, Yellow Springs There is also the fusion of the three sons of original sin with Gu Qingfeng, what does this mean?

Stupefied means that Gu Qingfeng is the destined god of original sin?

If so.

After the fusion of Asura, Yellow Springs, and Gourmet, is it to acknowledge allegiance to Gu Qingfeng, the original sin Allegiance, or to plot Gu Qingfeng’s original sin Allegiance?

I also don’t know.

The same is not clear.

The only thing I know is that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is more mysterious and weird, and more weird and unknown.

It is not the existence of Gu Qingfeng that is more mysterious. Strange, but the fate of God’s will is more mysterious and strange.

If all the existence of above heaven under earth did not dare to act blindly without thinking.

Then know that Gu Qingfeng is again After swallowing the gluttonous blood, they are even more afraid to act blindly without thinking.

The so-called providence, the so-called fate, the so-called timing, and the so-called signs will all become confusing and confusing.

The signs of the fate of God’s will that appeared in the past are not clear to everyone.

The signs of the fate of God’s fate that appear in the future are even more unclear to everyone.

Because Gu Qingfeng Integrating the sons of the three original sins, in a sense, the attitude of the sons of the three original sins directly affects the will and destiny of Gu Qingfeng.

If Gu Qingfeng is really the destined god of original sins .

If the three sons of original sin, Asura, Gourmet, and Yellow Springs merge for the acknowledge allegiance, then the chances of above heaven under earth wanting to obliterate Gu Qingfeng will be even slimmer.

Such as If these three sons of original sins and Gu Qingfeng merge not as an acknowledgement allegiance, but a plot to Gu Qingfeng’s original sin, then the consequences may be more terrifying, and even the tragedy of the ancient era is not impossible to repeat.

Thinking of this, everyone present was silent, their expressions were more solemn, and their hearts were more complicated.

They are so.

Presumably lurking in the void, Old Ancestor Divine Consciousness is no exception.

Throughout the field, only Gu Qingfeng still looks like that serene. He looked at the dragonfinch Empress on the opposite side and said: “I said the big sister, don’t we have no enemies?”

“I have never met with Emperor You before, and this is only the second meeting. Where did the hatred come from?”

“Since there is no hatred, what are you here to provoke? ?”


The dragon sparrow Empress laughed blankly and said: “My Nine Nether, what kind of existence are you, and what kind of situation are you, don’t need me to say , You know better than anyone else? Do you think I need to provoke it?”

Although Gu Qingfeng didn’t want to, he had to admit that what the Dragon Que Empress said was the truth.

With his identity combined with the current situation, it is meaningless to be provoked or not by outsiders. Whether provocative or not, the existence of above heaven under earth will not let him go.

“My Nine Nether, you really misunderstood me. I have no other meaning, let alone deliberately provoking something. On the contrary, I am helping you and for your good.”

“Help me? For my good? Hehe.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Why don’t you see that you are helping me? How is it for me?”

“It’s very simple. You can’t hide the things you swallowed up gluttony. Sooner or later, everyone will know. I will tell you about it for you while everyone is here today. It can also save you some unnecessary trouble. You should You know, this above heaven under earth has too many existences for you glare like a tiger watching his prey, not only the avenues of the ancient times, Old Ancestor, even many existences in the field also glare like a tiger watching his prey, There are many of them who want to try to test your depth.”

“Now I will destroy you Old Ancestor Divine Consciousness incarnation and the matter of devouring gluttony, although it will not be called Those who are glare like a tiger watching his prey give up the idea of ​​obliterating you, but at least they can make them afraid to try it out.”

“Nine Nether, I wonder if I am right? “

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and thought about it seriously. The more I think about it, the more I feel that the Dragon Bird Empress makes sense, nodded and said: “Don’t say it, it’s really the reason, putting it that way, Lord Thank you so much.”

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