Supreme Lord

Chapter 2135

Gu Qingfeng not at all responded, just looking at the dragonfinch Empress who laughed at the Old Guy in the ancient era.

When he wanted to come, this little Demon lady said this in front of so many people, I am afraid the purpose is not just to laugh at those Old Guys.

“Gu boy! You are talking, is it true that the dragon bird Empress said?”

The monk kept asking in a hurry, Gu Qingfeng did not hide it. What, I can’t hide this thing, so I just admit it generously, saying: “Yes, there is such a thing.”

“My mother!” Daxing lunatic suck in a cold breath, said: “How did you brat… do it?”

Maybe the Daxing monk doesn’t know how strong Gu Qingfeng’s ability is, but what is the ability of those Old Guys in ancient times He still knows how much terrifying is terrifying. No matter how much he thinks about it, he can’t believe that Gu Qingfeng can actually disappeared the ancient Old Guy Divine Consciousness incarnation.

“Just do it casually.”

“you brat…”

The monk is completely speechless, and he won’t be there. Know what to say.

“he he he ……”


The laughter of the Dragon Queen Empress gradually stopped, and his eyes were on Da Xing Monk, old beggar, black liquid Empress and the others one after another, and the corner of his mouth was still smiling with a playful smile, saying: “You guys are not curious about why the good old avenues, Old Ancestor, will suddenly kill him?”


Compared to how Gu Qingfeng will avenue Old Ancestor Divine Consciousness The incarnation shocked disappeared, and everyone in the field wanted to know why Dadao Old Ancestor suddenly acted on Gu Qingfeng.

When did you see it? Or did you see some providence?

This is very important for everyone present.

Everyone’s eyes are fixed on Dragon Sparrow Empress, and Dragon Sparrow Empress seems to enjoy the feeling of focal point of ten thousands. At this moment, she is like an experienced storyteller. Successfully attracted everyone’s attention.

“The reason is simple, the blood of swallowing heaven devouring earth is born.”

Good fellow!

Longque Empress once again broke the news of the explosion, as if a single stone caused a thousand waves.

Whether it’s the big monk, the old beggar, or the black liquid Empress and the others, they all know how swallowing heaven devouring earth blood gluttons exist, and they all know that swallowing heaven devouring earth blood gluttons are born. What meaning it represents, but they don’t know what the swallowing heaven devouring earth blood gluttonous birth has to do with the obliteration of Gu Qingfeng by the Old Ancestor in the ancient times.

“Swallowing heaven devouring earth was born when the blood gluttony was born, it happened that our Youdi Great Lord was at the scene, and even more unfortunately, the blood gluttonous seemed to be very interested in him and wanted to make it Swallow, and has swallowed half of Youdi’s body. At that time, Youdi’s situation can be said to be very dangerous, even one foot has stepped into the gates of hell.”

“Those avenues Old Ancestor Seeing the right time, they all started, they thought they could take this opportunity to take away the original sin from You Emperor. If you can’t take away the original sin, at least they can be obliterated. If you don’t have any money to test the depths of You Emperor, it is counted once.”

“he he he he…”

The dragonfinch Empress started to laugh again, and the laughter was full of abuse and mockery.

“The result…hehe, not only did not take away the original sin from You Emperor, but also did not obliterate You Emperor, and even the depth of You Emperor was not tested. Instead, he was given a trick by You Emperor. It’s shockingly disappeared…”

“It’s so funny, it’s so ridiculous.”

After listening to the words of Empress, everyone in the field Almost everyone knows why Old Ancestor, the avenue of the desolate era, would act on Gu Qingfeng.

As they guessed, the time has come and the will of heaven has come.

Blood gluttonous swallowing Gu Qingfeng, even if it is not God’s will, it is definitely time, and it is also a rare opportunity.

It doesn’t matter whether this timing is a real timing or a false timing. Regardless of whether this timing is true or false, Old Ancestor will not miss the avenues in the ancient times.

Not only the avenue Old Ancestor will not be missed, but if there are many people in the field, they will not miss this opportunity.

After all, the existence of Gu Qingfeng is the biggest variable between Heaven and Earth.

The fate is uncertain.

No time should be missed. If you miss it, there will probably be no more time.

“Dragon Sparrow Empress, you don’t want to sell it anymore. Can you finish it all at once, don’t let your appetite be stoked.” Old beggar asked, “What then? Then what happened?”

“Then?” Dragon Queen Empress shook his head, and said: “There is no more.”

“What is no then? Old Ancestor Divine Consciousness incarnation disappeared, that bloody gluttony disappeared. What? Didn’t you just say that you want to swallow this kid? Now this kid is standing here full of blood?”

“Old beggar, old beggar, I have to say, you have this question. It’s a good question. Not only do you want to know where the bloody gluttons have gone, but I also want to know the whereabouts of the gluttonous blood. At that time, our Emperor Nether destroyed the Old Ancestor Divine Consciousness incarnation and began to devour the gluttonous blood. Don’t doubt your own. Ears, you heard that right, our Nether Great Emperor is not only courageous, but also has a big appetite. The bloody glutton wants to swallow him, and he wants to swallow the bloody glutton…”

The voice of Empress Dragonfinch Come, everyone in the venue is numb for a while, have one’s hair stand on end.

Who does not know how bloody gluttons exist, then his mother is one of the Four Great Vicious Beasts of since ancient times, and it is also known as the existence of swallowing heaven devouring earth.

There has always been blood gluttony to devour others, absolutely no one dares to swallow gluttony.


Absolutely not.

Who would dare to devour a swallowing heaven devouring earth which claims to be a gluttonous beast that can devour everything in the world?

Who has the guts?

Who has this ability?

Take ten thousand steps, even if you have the courage, you also have this ability. In the end, you really swallow the gluttony, but then?

You have to refining to swallow, right?

The ominous beast of gluttony cannot even be extinct by God. Looking at Heaven and Earth from ancient to modern times, who can refining it?

The answer is yes, no one.


What does it mean to swallow an existence that cannot be refining, and is still the blood of swallowing heaven devouring earth? It means that you may be gluttonous reverse devouring anytime, anywhere.

When it comes to gluttony, everyone has always run how far, at least, everyone in the field has each one, no one will provoke gluttony, this thing is too fierce, and it can’t be wiped out. There is a possibility of being swallowed, but there is no other way to stay away from him.

Just now, Empress said, Gu Qingfeng and gluttonous eat each other.

And now Gu Qingfeng is standing here with a good heart, what about gluttony?

Could the gluttonous… really be swallowed by this guy?

Thinking of this, everyone in the audience stared at Gu Qingfeng like a monster.

The Daxing Monk even more tremblingly asked: “Gu…Gu boy…Don’t tell me, you…really…really swallowed the gluttony… ……”

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