Supreme Lord

Chapter 2137

This dragon bird Empress publicly exposed the fact that he was devouring gluttonous food. Gu Qingfeng might not know what its purpose was, but he was certain that he was definitely not thinking about himself.

He and Empress have never known each other, and they don’t have much friendship. How could the other person think about himself?

Furthermore, this girl looks a bit evil. At first glance, she is not a good bird. She may not be able to make any calculations. Then again, there is each one in the field, whether it is black liquid Empress or Old beggar, whether it is Bai Chou or the mysterious witch Empress, including the Daxing Monk, and even Gu Qingfeng himself, who is not playing his own selfish calculations.

Looking around, motherfucker is a pack of wolves.

No one pretends to be sheep.

I don’t know if it’s because the news from Empress was too explosive.

First, Gu Qingfeng wiped out Old Ancestor Divine Consciousness incarnation with a single move, and then gluttony was born, and finally Gu Qingfeng swallowed gluttony and so on. These news can be said to be more crazy than one piece. As for everyone’s attention, they are all on Gu Qingfeng, forgetting that this is the mysterious ancient vestige.

Until the violent roar came again, the trembling void became more distorted and trembling, and then everyone’s attention was drawn back.


hong long long! ka-cha!

The Void was more and more distorted by the roar, and the rune of Void kept cracking noises.

Everyone knows that these runes should be a kind of seal.

If there is really a terrifying existence that is sealed here, it won’t be long before the seal will inevitably collapse, and the existence that was sealed here when the time comes will also be born.

“The sky is dead!”


A voice seemed to come from all directions, the voice was so powerful that not only the seal of rune that was stunned and concealed from the void burst, but also everyone present was shocked.

The horror of sound and prestige is like the explosion of thunder, and it is as vast as the sacred judgment. Continuously, unstoppable, unstoppable, directly infiltrating the pores and acupoints of everyone, meridian muscles and bones, shocking The void also shocked everyone’s minds.

“The yellow sky should stand!”

hong long long ——ka-cha!

The violent voice came again, and everyone could feel the endless anger, endless unwillingness, and endless madness in the sound!

“The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand?”

Gu Qingfeng frowned and took out Divine Consciousness probe, neither the source of the sound nor the probe At this point, the only thing I knew was that with the sound exploding, the rune seal that kept the void was almost on the verge of collapse.

“Is the movement too big? What is this?”

Gu Qingfeng thought about the words Heaven is dead and Huang Tiandangli. He has heard this In other words, the legend about this sentence has also been heard.

In the legend, Huang Tian is also one of the nine days.

And Jiutian has always been headed by the sky, the sky is the largest, and since ancient times is still the same now.

However, it is said that a long, long time ago, when it should be an ancient era, the sky dominated All Heavens Myriad Realms, domineering and tyrannical, and without justice, there was the saying that the sky was injustice.

It didn’t take long for Huang Tian to call out the slogan that Heaven is dead, Huang Tian should stand, and wanted to replace Heaven and become the head of the nine heavens.

It is said that in the ancient times, the yellow sky almost replaced the sky, but unfortunately, it failed in the end. Not only failed to replace the sky, but was also replaced by the sky to catch everything in one net, Huang Tian It just fell.

Of course.

This is just a legend, no one knows whether it is true or false, and Gu Qingfeng does not know.

Since ancient times, the era of innocence is the most mysterious, mysterious ignorance, and even whether the era of innocence has existed, whether it belongs to the past or the future, no one can say clearly.

The ancient times are also more mysterious.

Different from the mysterious in the Innocent Age, the mysterious in the Desolate Age is too chaotic.


It is the word chaos.

It feels that many things that affect future generations happened in the ancient era, and many existences also fell in this era.

The problem is that so far no one knows what happened in the Desolate Age and how many have fallen.

The existence now being sealed here suddenly called out that the sky is dead and the yellow sky should stand, is it possible that the Yellow Sky Old Ancestor who rebelled against the sky back then?

Gu Qingfeng looked towards The Daxing Monk, the Daxing Monk also shook his head to signal that he did not know.

“Isn’t your old bald donkey a samsara reincarnation from the ancient times? How come motherfucker doesn’t know anything like an idiot!”

“You brat is an idiot! I follow You’ve said it more than 800 times. Although Lao Tzu was from samsara reincarnation in the ancient times, setback occurred during the reincarnation. Most of the previous life memory has been forgotten, and…”

The monk glared at Gu Qingfeng and said: “And the ancient times are not as simple as you brat thought. The water inside is deep. Don’t say that Lao Tzu, a person who reincarnates from the ancient times can’t tell, it is the motherfucker who survived the ancient times. The Avenue Old Ancestor may not be able to say clearly.”


hong long long! ka-cha!

“The sky is dead! The yellow sky should stand!”

The roar of violent rage kept coming, this wild ancient vestige became more and more vague and distorted, and the seal of rune was even more powerful. It exploded like firecrackers.

“Not good! This place is about to explode!”

The monk realized that something was wrong, and immediately took out his immobile golden body.

tone barely fell, with a bang, the rune seal that was full of void collapsed, and at the same time this wild ancient vestige also completely exploded.

The horror of the explosive formidable power, even if the monk took out his body without moving his golden body, he was shocked by blood and blood. His face was pale, and his body was painful and unbearable. Fly out.

He is so.

And Gu Qingfeng is not well, being shocked is like jumping into a Fire Pit, and his whole body is aching pain. Fortunately, his fleshy body is hard enough, not at all, when he reacts When he came over, the ancient vestige, which was like a void, had collapsed and disappeared, and his people were also shaken out and returned to the ancient black hole.

Turbulent flow!

Turbulence everywhere!

Perhaps the formidable power of the ancient vestige explosion is too powerful, the turbulence in the ancient black hole was shaken by the waves.

Gu Qingfeng stood still in the chaotic turbulence here, just staring calmly.

He saw a long rainbow thread!

A golden-yellow rainbow light, the rainbow light soars into the sky, like a heaven-supporting pillar.

The rainbow of golden-yellow contains an extremely powerful and terrifying power.

This mighty power, vast and endless, so violent.

Gu Qingfeng has burned the nine worlds to slaughter the Nether Nether in this life. He has seen countless experts, and the powers he has seen are stronger than each other, but he has never encountered such terrifying powers. So that he felt a trembling feeling in his mind, this was his first time.

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