Supreme Lord

Chapter 2127

“Old monk, what you said might happen. I don’t rule out it will happen. It’s just that the probability is too low and too low. The low is completely negligible.”

Gu Qingfeng said: “Fight from me Coming to this ridiculous black hole, it is destined to have only one possibility, either die here or seek original sin. This time they will not let me, the biggest variable, leave here alive, don’t seek original sin. I will die, if I ask for the original sin, I will die even more.”

“Why did the ancient layman look so pessimistic in this line?”

“It is not the pessimism I see, but the fact is .”

“As the ancient layman said, you are a variable and the biggest variable. For the ancient layman, you are never doomed. Everything about you is full of unknowns, and no one can tell. , No one, no cause and effect, no destiny.”

“Badness is in the variable.” Gu Qingfeng said lightly with a smile: “It is precisely because of the variable, I believe Above heaven under earth, these existences will not allow me to leave alive. If I am someone else, I will not allow myself to live as an existence full of unknowns.”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and laughed, like I laughed at myself, as if I was sighing: “As long as I live a day, the heavens can’t sleep well, the underground ones can’t sleep well, since ancient times, all beings can’t sleep well. To be honest, I live to this point. I’m a bit sorry and continue to live.”

“Lao Na understands…”

“I understand, what else do I want to ask?”

“No more.”

“That’s OK, you always rest first, if you have the opportunity in the future, let’s continue to talk.”


Gu Qingfeng Divine Consciousness disappeared in the world of dying, disappear without a trace.

After he disappeared, there was an old monk’s sigh.

This sigh is quite complicated.

There is helplessness, confusion, and emotion.


Another voice came from the nirvana world: “Old monk, what does he mean, it is difficult for him to come to the ancient black hole this time not for original sin, but for death?”

The voice is like the voice of a woman, illusory, intermittently, and when the voice comes, it reverberates in the dying world.

The old monk responded: “No, you understand it wrong.”

“You understand it wrong, what’s wrong? He said that he should continue to live sorry, not what it is to ask for death. ? And I heard that he is not just casually nothing serious.”

“He really didn’t talk casually.”

“What does he mean?”

“The meaning of the ancient layman is very clear, this above heaven under earth since ancient times, if anyone can’t sleep because he is alive, unless he is dead, otherwise, above heaven under earth all exist There is no need to be unable to fall asleep, and to be precise, there is no chance of being unable to fall asleep again…No matter how precise, I will sleep forever in the future.”

“What is meant by that unless he dies, all beings don’t need to be awake? No chance to fall asleep again? Sleep forever? Why am I a little bit confused? Old monk, can’t you understand something simpler?”


The old monk sighed then said, “If you have to make Lao Na more clear, then Lao Na may as well tell you that this time the ancient layman’s will has been determined. Who can not tolerate him, he cannot tolerate who, who If he wants him to die, who will he let him die, can you understand?”

The woman’s voice did not continue, after a long time, she said: “It turns out that it is…putting it That way, the sky is really going to change this time.”

“Yes, it is going to change.”

The woman asked again: “Then what are you going to do? Will you take action?”

“Lao Na just wants to be a resigned outsider.”

“he he he……”

The woman is like hearing the world Like the funniest joke on the Internet, he laughed a little frantically, and said: “You are in the game, how can you be an outsider?”

“This is Lao Na’s business and has nothing to do with you.”

“Old monk, if you don’t make a move this time, he must be bode ill rather than well. There is a sentence he said quite right, since ancient times above heaven under earth all existence will not allow him Such a biggest variable left here alive, this has nothing to do with the original sin, no matter whether he asks for the original sin, he is very likely to die here this time!”

The woman continued: “For the time being Regardless of whether his immortal body can be awakened, even if he is really awakened, even if he does not die, he will definitely be sealed here forever.”

“Now everyone is waiting, waiting for an opportunity, Niu Tian Ni ne Nether is waiting, heaven and hell are waiting, the ruins of the ruins are waiting, the forbidden land is waiting, the people in the ancient times are waiting, the people in the era of no way are waiting, even his within the body of Ah Nose Evil Asura, Shangqiongbi and Yellow Springs, and even swallowing heaven devouring earth blood gluttons are also waiting, and even causal fate, the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao are waiting…”


The old monk interrupted the woman and said, “You are wrong. “

“Where did I go wrong? “

“Everyone is not waiting, but watching. “

“What is the difference between watching and waiting not at all? As long as the time comes, everything will happen. “

“There is a difference between watching and waiting. “

“Tell me, where is the difference? “

The old monk not at all answer this question.


The woman is coldly snorted, said with a smile: “Old monk, don’t I thought I didn’t know what you were thinking about. If I guessed right, you must hope that he would ask for original sin and become the Lord of original sin. “

“In the end, no matter who aspires to Allah of Original Sin, after opening the Age of Innocence, Heaven and Earth will cause chaos, and this chaos cannot be dealt with at all. He is a variable, and the biggest variable, if he Asking the original sin of Allah may change, right? “

“There is another possibility. Since the chaotic situation cannot be stopped after the opening of the Age of Innocent Society, then he will simply ask him to claim the original sin and make the chaotic situation even more chaotic, without destruction there can be no construction , Break and then stand, you want to use violence to control the violence to make Heaven and Earth all start again, right? “

“Apart from this, you also hope that the reason why he aspires to Allah of Original Sin is to deal with the ancient clansman, right? “

“I know that not only you think so, but some others think so too. “

The woman said a lot, as if questioning the old monk, but the old monk not at all answered, not even a word.

“Answer me, is it right? ? “

The old monk still did not respond.

“Answer me! is not it! “

The woman repeatedly questioned.

After a long time, the old monk’s voice came.

“Lao Na I said, I just want to be an outsider, above heaven under earth. In the past and the future, the causal fate has nothing to do with Lao Na. Lao Na can’t control and doesn’t want to control…”

“If you really want to be an outsider , Why does it appear in this dying world? “

“Don’t hide the donor, Lao Na wants to know the answer to this question more than you. “The old monk sighed, “Lao Na also didn’t understand why he appeared in this dying world!” “

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