Supreme Lord

Chapter 2126

These words of the old monk really stopped Gu Qingfeng and said: “What do you mean, the drop I merged back then was not the blood of original sin but True Blood of original sin?”

“Ancient layman, you shouldn’t ask Lao Na for this question.”

The voice of the old monk came, and Gu Qingfeng thought about it carefully. He was a drop of original sin blood that merged in the northwest of the ancient world. , And the owner of that drop of original sin blood is Wuyou Empress. He also asked Wuyou Empress about the origin of that drop of original sin blood, but Wuyou Empress also said that it was related to Jun Xuanji.

Whether that drop of original sin blood was from Wuyou Empress or Jun Xuanji, Gu Qingfeng has not yet figured out.

To say whether this drop of original sin blood is original sin blood or original sin True Blood, Gu Qingfeng really couldn’t understand it for a while, but vaguely felt that it might be the so-called original sin True Blood.

The old monk said that between Heaven and Earth, all the blood of original sin is conceived from True Blood of original sin, and the relationship between the two is like a son and a mother. It just so happens that Gu Qingfeng himself is not the Northwest That drop of original sin blood was conceived, but was born because of that drop of original sin blood.

The most important thing is that when the Wudao Mountain came, Gu Qingfeng was able to ignite the original sin karma, not because of his ability to endure, not because of his high ability, and not because of his understanding of original sin. As for how to ignite the original sin karma fire, to be honest, Gu Qingfeng has not figured out until now, when the unfathomable mystery ignited the original sin karma fire.

If what I had merged back then was just a drop of ordinary blood of original sin, I am afraid it would not be able to ignite the fire of original sin karma anyway?

From this point of view, the drop of original sin blood that stumped oneself is really the so-called original sin True Blood?

I think that every time I see people or things in the era of innocence, there is a feeling of deja vu, and the blood of original sin is mostly conceived from the original sin True Blood, which belongs to the acquired original sin, in other words, only the original sin is True Blood really belongs to the original sin blood of the innocent age.


Gu Qingfeng also thought of Asura and Shangqiongbi falling to Yellow Springs, including the swallowing heaven devouring earth bloody gluttony not long ago.

He also has a familiar familiarity with these three existences. The old monk said that these three existences are the sons of the original sin that has been fused with True Blood. In this way, he is within the body of the original sin. The most likely blood is also True Blood?

The more I think about it, the more I think this is possible.


Not possible.

Gu Qingfeng feels that his original sin within the body is True Blood.

Otherwise, I am afraid that Asura will not become her own soul, and she will not be able to become her own incarnation even if she falls on the poor blue and falls to Yellow Springs.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng asked: “Old monk, how many original sin blood is there between Heaven and Earth, and how much original sin True Blood is there?”

“Lao Na doesn’t know… …”

“When the era of innocence began, how many people merged with True Blood of original sin, and how many sons of original sin were there?”

“Lao Na…I don’t know.”


Gu Qingfeng continued to ask: “If the blood of the original sin is all conceived from the original sin True Blood, where did the original sin True Blood come out?”

“Lao Na I don’t know…”

The old monk asked three questions.

And Gu Qingfeng did not continue to inquire.

After dealing with the old monk for so many years, he may not know that the old monk is who, but he still knows a little bit about the nature of the old monk.

He is very clear that there are many things that the old monk may not really know, but there are also many things that the old monk does not want to say, and there are some things that the old monk can’t say, and some things the old monk dare not say. .

The old monk who should say will naturally say, if the old monk who should not say will not say more.

Gu Qingfeng has been used to it over the years.

So, when he asked these questions again, he did not expect the old monk to answer.

We chatted with the old monk for a while, talking about some irrelevant topics. Looking at the chaotic world of dying, Gu Qingfeng said, “Okay, let’s stop here today, you Senior Let’s rest first, and ask for advice after I finish this time.”

Just as Gu Qingfeng was about to leave, the old monk’s voice came again.

“Ancient layman……”


Gu Qingfeng looked over, looked at the illusory nirvana mountain in nirvana world, and asked: “What?”

“Lao Na has a few questions to ask, Gu If you want to answer, you can answer it. If you don’t want to answer it, you don’t need to force it.”

“But it’s okay to ask. I don’t hide it like you do. Just ask whatever you want. Just ask, knowing whether to answer. Absolutely, it’s enough.”

This sentence of Gu Qingfeng was obviously ridiculous, and the old monk didn’t know if it was embarrassing or something, but didn’t say anything.

“Just kidding.”

Gu Qingfeng said with a laugh: “Old monk, don’t take it seriously.”

“Oh ……”

The old monk sighed, sighed with countless helplessness, and said: “If there are things that can be said, Lao Na will never conceal anything, and if there are things that cannot be said, Lao Na is also involuntarily. , I hope that the ancient layman will forgive me.”

“Understand and understand that everyone’s situation is different, and naturally have their own difficulties. I just made a joke that’s all.”

“many thanks the ancient layman is considerate of Lao Na.”

“Come on… if you have any questions, just ask.”

“Dare to ask the ancient layman, but he has decided to seek original sin. “

“Of course.” Gu Qingfeng said: “Otherwise, what shall I do in this place where the birds do not shit.”

“Dare to ask why the ancient layman demanded the original sin “

“Why?” Gu Qingfeng pondered for a moment, and said: “It’s not that many. Why, if I have to say a reason, it is for myself. After all, idleness is also idleness. Let’s find something to do. Now all the existence of above heaven under earth has come to join in the excitement of original sin. Naturally, I, a layman, can’t avoid the vulgarity.”

“Dare to ask the ancient layman, if you are because of this. What if I die here?”

“Old monk, it’s not that I said you. Is the question a bit idiot? If I die here, what can I do? Of course not, die I’m all dead, what else can I do?”

“Is it possible for Lao Na to understand that Gu Qingfeng’s search for original sin this time is for resignation, if he can get the original sin the best, if he can’t get it, he won’t force it? , Right?”

“no! You are wrong.”

“How to tell?”

“Since I have decided to seek original sin, naturally it will not be like In the past, if I had a chance, I would definitely fight for it, irreconcilable.” Gu Qingfeng sighed then said: “Why don’t I tell you the truth, this time I will either die here or seek the original sin.”

“Death may have become a luxury for the ancient layman… If… the ancient layman could not find the original sin this time and did not die, what shall we do?”

” impossible, as I said, I will either seek the original sin this time or die here. There will be no third possibility.”

“Lao Na remembers that the ancient layman used to say, nothing is impossible, not afraid of one. I’m afraid in case, in case it’s true As Lao Na said, what about the ancient layman? “

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