Supreme Lord

Chapter 2128

After leaving the nirvana world, Gu Qingfeng wandered in this deserted ancient vestige for a while, and left without any interest.

It’s a bit ridiculous, but also quite ironic.

Gu Qingfeng came this time to seek original sin.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know where to ask for this original sin or how to ask for it.

At present, the only thing I can do is to walk around and see where there is no excitement. Maybe a blind cat can really run into a dead mouse.

The Huanggu Black Hole and Gu Qingfeng have undergone tremendous changes when they first came.

The turbulent black hole that was just here was full of turbulent vortex, densely packed and countless, but now the turbulent vortex in the ancient black hole is much less, it seems to merge with each other After that, one after another huge turbulence vortex formed.

Gu Qingfeng also deliberately went in and took a look. As he guessed, behind these huge turbulence vortex there is also a wild ancient vestige, and the wild ancient vestige is far greater than the wild ancient vestige he entered previously. The vestige is much bigger.

Obviously, after the fusion of all the turbulent vortex, the ancient vestige behind them all fuse together.

Gu Qingfeng wandered all the way in the deserted ancient black hole, and was quite puzzled inside, thinking about going down the same. Wouldn’t all the turbulent vortex in the deserted ancient black hole fuse together, so it also means that all the ancient vestige also Will fuse together?

In the end, if all the turbulence vortex are fuse together, will it be the entire ancient black hole?

If all the ancient vestiges were fuse together, would it be the entire ancient age?

Not sure.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t make any presumptions either. He didn’t know much about the barren ancient times, and he didn’t know much about the so-called black holes. After thinking about it, he couldn’t think of a reason.

hong long long ——ka-cha!

The vast and violent sound came from nowhere, as if running through the entire barren black hole, the shaking black hole shook for a while.

Gu Qingfeng is not the first time to hear this sound. He has heard this loud noise many times before when he was in the ancient black hole. He also tried to find the source of the sound, but unfortunately not at all turn up.

The thing that makes him feel evil most is that every time this sound comes, he feels inexplicable in his heart, as if there is something in summon himself.

Not only that, but his within the body of Asura, Shangqiongbi, and Yellow Springs, including swallowing heaven devouring earth, blood gluttony, one by one begin to stir when he hears this sound.

These three beings have all merged with the original sin True Blood. They are the sons of original sin not just in name only, but also in reality. Judging from all the signs, Gu Qingfeng is pondering his original sin within the body Most likely may also be the original sin True Blood.

The three existences of Asura hear the sound begin to stir, and I almost do the same, putting it that way, the loud noise is most likely related to original sin.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng did not hesitate, and tried to find the source of the sound again.

It’s a pity.

Still not found this time.

The sound is too empty and misty, like from all directions, like from above heaven under earth, like from every turbulent vortex from a barren ancient black hole, and as if the roots are no longer in this barren ancient black hole , There are so many evil ways.

Gu Qingfeng searched for a long time, but finally returned to nothing. There was no way, but to give up temporarily.

Thinking about finding a wild ancient vestige to check in, he suddenly heard a strange sound.

Like an angry roar.


What’s the situation?

Gu Qingfeng stood still for a while, and after a while, he heard an angry roar again.

Curious in my heart, I am ready to go and take a look.

Although this roar is not as illusory as the loud noise that runs through the ancient black hole, it is also traceable, but it feels like a long distance to Gu Qingfeng. He searched for the sound and left, inside the ancient black hole Shuttle, I don’t know how long it has been, but I still haven’t been able to find the source of the sound.

On the contrary, the roar became clearer and clearer, which shows that the direction is correct and the position is correct. As long as you continue to search, you should be able to find it.

So, Gu Qingfeng continued to shuttle through the ancient black hole.

That’s strange.

I don’t know whether it’s shuttled to the inner layer of the ancient black hole or the depths. There is no turbulent vortex in this place, even if there is no one. Some are just heavy turbulence, and the turbulence in this place is comparable to that It was much more ferocious just now, even crazier than the previous turbulence vortex.

Continue to search in depth.


Gu Qingfeng found that something was wrong, because he sensed that there was a spiritual breath fluctuation, and he was galloping toward him. This spiritual breath fluctuates very strongly. It is a breath of destiny, not a destiny, but Two Dao, one Emperor Seal Destiny, and one Star Monarch Destiny, which means that the coming person is an unparalleled Destiny Emperor.

Gu Qingfeng not at all leaves, but stands still, wanting to see who the other party is.

It’s near.

The opponent’s speed was very fast, and it didn’t take long for him to appear in front of Gu Qingfeng.

Is a man.

A man dressed in white clothed, handsome face and elegant temperament.

The man stood with his hand in his hand, frowned slightly, and stared at Gu Qingfeng with a surprised look.

He stared at Gu Qingfeng, and Gu Qingfeng was also looking at him.

Just a glance, Gu Qingfeng can feel that the other’s existence is extraordinary.

If it were just the so-called Emperor Seal Destiny and the so-called Star Monarch Destiny, they would naturally not enter the eyes of Gu Qingfeng. The power of this man is really out of the ordinary, and it can be clearly felt from a long distance. What Gu Qingfeng secretly claims is that in addition to the Emperor Seal Destiny and the Star Monarch Destiny, there are five spiritual auras in the man, and these five spiritual auras are deep and unmeasurable together.

Gu Qingfeng wanted to take a look at the take out Divine Consciousness quietly, but he gave up directly before he found out, because he found that after taking out Divine Consciousness, he couldn’t detect the existence of the other party.


Definitely expert!

Although the existence of Gu Qingfeng cannot be detected by other people, there are not many existences he has encountered that cannot be detected with Divine Consciousness in his life. It can be counted with one hand, and those existences are too Too special, such as Jun Xuanji, such as eternal namelessness, one belongs to the era of innocence, and the other is the incarnation of cause and effect messenger.

This person does not look like a person in the era of innocence, and it does not seem to have anything to do with causal destiny, not even the person of samsara reincarnation.

Where did this fellow come from?

“Dare to ask you, but you emperor?”

The elegant man on the opposite side looked calm and asked.

Gu Qingfeng asked back: “Do you know me?”

“Throughout the ancient and modern Heaven and Earth, no one knows the name of You Emperor, although he has never seen You Emperor in the next, But Youdi’s name is still like thunder piercing the ear.”

“Is it…”

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and looked up and down the man, and asked: “You are again Who?”

“Floating in the next road number, from the Changsheng Pavilion.”

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