Supreme Lord

Chapter 2095

Gu Qingfeng is not aware of the conversation between Mandavanh and the Demon woman. At this moment, he is carefully observing the blood spring.

“Uncle Gu…”

Black Pig Monster King cautiously asked: “What the hell is this spring?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head Just now, he deliberately took out Divine Consciousness to detect it, and the result was amazed. Nothing was detected, and he could not even sense the existence of the blood-colored spring.

Naked eye can see, Divine Consciousness can’t detect it, and he hasn’t encountered this situation. It was like this when Wudao Mountain came. Not only Wudao Mountain is like this, Jun Xuanji is unknown in ancient times. , And even the mysterious black clothed woman I met with the Daxing Monk not long ago was visible to naked eye, but Divine Consciousness could not detect it.

It’s like a dream, you can see but you can’t touch it.

Why did this happen? Gu Qingfeng is also unclear, although his existence is also visible to many people by naked eye, but Divine Consciousness can’t detect it, but why is it so? He didn’t quite understand it himself.

It just feels that it may be related to the word vain.

Falseness is true and false, false and true, all things are false.

Gu Qingfeng is also the self who has realized the illusion, and other talents cannot detect his existence.

Now this scarlet spring is the same, most likely to be related to falsehood.

And if it is related to falsehood, then it must also be related to original sin.

In the legend.

The overlord of the Innocent Age, that is, the Supreme Innocent Lord, before he died, his fleshy body turned into an endless body of original sin, and his soul turned into an endless amount of False me.

It’s a pity.

Between Heaven and Earth, most people only know the body of the original sin and don’t know the vain self.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t know it before, but later realized it in the illusion of the era of innocence.

If you want to say what the blood spring is, he really didn’t know for a while.

“Black pig, do you want to know what is under the spring?”

Gu Qingfeng suddenly asked such a sentence, Black Pig Monster King slightly startled, nodded quickly.

“If you think, why don’t we just jump down and take a look?”


The Black Pig Monster King was shocked and shook his head. Said: “Uncle Gu, you can spare the little ones. The little ones… don’t have the guts.”

When he jumped in from the ancient vestige, the black pig Monster King hesitated for a long time. , And this time he didn’t even hesitate, and he didn’t dare to jump down if he was killed.

For Black Pig Monster King, even though he doesn’t know what the blood mist vortex suddenly appeared in the ancient vestige, it can still be detected with Divine Consciousness.

As for this bloody spring, after take out Divine Consciousness, it can’t be detected at all. If it didn’t exist before, you can think about it with your toes to know how terrifying it is.

Black Pig Monster King likes to gamble, and dare to take a gamble, provided that there is hope of winning, even if it is a little bit.

The problem is facing an existence that even Divine Consciousness can’t detect. If you jump in, this is not a gamble at all, it is simply courting death.

He is so, and Gu Qingfeng is no exception.

If it was before, Gu Qingfeng might jump in without the slightest hesitation to find out.

As for now.

It’s not that I dare, but it’s not as foolish as before, nor as fearless as before.

Perhaps I have experienced more things over the years, and my mood has gradually matured, or it may be because I have a deeper and deeper understanding of the avenue, and I have become more and more aware that there is too much between Heaven and Earth. Mysterious unknown existence, some of which are not only human touch, but also unimaginable.

At this moment, when a turbulent vortex in the sky suddenly changed, whiz whiz whiz, more than twenty brilliance fell like a meteor.

Not long after I got down, I moved towards here and flew over. There were more than 20 people. Gu Qingfeng didn’t know him, but the black pig Monster King next to him saw more than 20 people coming. Somewhat changes on the look.

He knows more than twenty people.

It is not to know exactly, but to recognize the identity of these people, it is the Old Ancestor of Immortal Realm.

Yuhua Immortal Realm, like Zixia Immortal Realm, is one of the most famous giants in the Great Wilderness that has inherited from ancient times.

Speaking of these twenty-odd Old Ancestors of the Immortal Realm, he may not know him, but one of the middle-aged man, he knows, is the famous Kunwu Immortal King.

This is a great master.

In the Great Wilderness, there may be many thrones in the Dao, most of them have the name of a throne, and there is no real throne, like the black pig Monster King, which bears the name of the Monster King in the road. It has been more than 100,000 years, but unfortunately it is not fully fuse together with the Throne of Destiny today.

Even if fuse together with the Throne of Destiny, there will still be four major stages in the future. The heart of destiny, the spirit of destiny, the soul of destiny, the spirit of destiny, and the aspect of destiny will only be conceived of heart and soul. , Only then can destiny unity be called the real throne of destiny.

Throughout the great wilderness, there are definitely very few who can be called the real throne of the Dao, and it just so happens that Kunwu Immortal King who emerges from Immortal Realm is one of them, and at the same time, he is also the one who emerges from Immortal Realm. One of the representatives is definitely a powerful expert.

After the Kunwu Immortal King and the others of Feathering Immortal Realm appeared, they first looked at the bloody spring in front of them, and their expressions became more and more doubtful. Obviously, they could not be detected with Divine Consciousness, let alone Know the origin of Scarlet Spring.

Soon, Kunwu Immortal King and the others looked towards the Mandala and the Demon woman in the distance.

When I saw the mandala, maybe I saw the identity of heavenly demon. The expressions of Kunwu Immortal King and the others all changed slightly. When they looked towards the Demon woman, they all looked like Dignified and suspicious, it didn’t take long for Kunwu Immortal King and the others to look towards Black Pig Monster King again, only to take a look, and then they all fell on Gu Qingfeng’s body.

More dignified and more puzzled than seeing the Demon woman. Then, they might have guessed the identity of Gu Qingfeng, and they were shocked. The expression was as shocking as seeing Ghost God, whether it was This is true for Kunwu Immortal King or the Old Ancestor that embody Immortal Realm.

The opposite Gu Qingfeng just glanced at them and lost interest, and continued to stare at the bloody spring in front of him.

whiz whiz whiz!

The alternate vortex in the sky changed here. A group of more than ten people flew up. The Black Pig Monster King clearly remembered that he also jumped in from that alternate vortex. These more than ten people The same is true, which means that these people were previously in the same ancient vestige with themselves.

It shouldn’t be…

Sure enough.

As Black Pig Monster King had expected, the more than ten people who appeared this time were not others, but the old Ancestors of Zixia Immortal Realm who had previously met in the ancient vestige.

Lieyin Old Ancestor, Yuyang Immortal King, and Tiankui who severely injured the Black Pig Monster King are among them.

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