Supreme Lord

Chapter 2094

“Big sister, long time no see, I trust you have been well since we last met.”

Gu Qingfeng wondered whether he had met Mandala, if he didn’t meet That’s all, you have to say hello if you run into it.

It’s a pity that this is just his wishful thinking. Mandala is not at all concerned, just staring at him, if his eyes can kill people, I am afraid that Gu Qingfeng will already be full of blood.

“What’s the matter, are you still angry about what happened last time?”

Gu Qingfeng happily walked over, like flirting with an old lover.

Not far away.

Looking at this scene, the Black Pig Monster King despised Gu Qingfeng in his heart.

He went through Nether with Gu Qingfeng back then, and he clearly knew that Gu Qingfeng had a stinking problem, that is, no matter what is going on, no matter whether the situation is dangerous or not, as long as you meet a beauty, even this At first glance, the beauty is the kind of master who is not to be trifled with. Even if the beauty wants to kill him, this guy will come forward to molest him. The Nether Empress back then was hooked up by Gu Qingfeng while fighting.

I thought that Gu Qingfeng’s stinking problem should be corrected for so many years. Even if it shouldn’t, it should at least converge. It’s just now that Gu Qingfeng died again to have no shame to say hello to others. , Black Pig Monster King realized that he was thinking too much. This guy’s problem has not changed at all. Instead of changing, it seems to be worse than in ancient times.

This motherfucker is a dangerous and wild ancient vestige.

Furthermore, with this sky full of blood mist and this weird blood-colored spring, you can imagine that this place is not simple with your toes.

Even so, this guy still just passed by and got close to others.


Black Pig Monster King misunderstood Gu Qingfeng.


He liked to molest a girl when he was young, and hook up a girl. This is his only hobby. It can’t be changed, even if he can change Gu Qingfeng, he doesn’t plan to change it.

Of course.

This time, he was not trying to molest the Mandala, but to greet the Mandala sincerely.

For the mandala.

Gu Qingfeng is somewhat apologetic.

The last time he met the mandala in the illusion of the era of no way, he realized that the flower of acacia that he snatched from the mandala was the flower of cause and effect, and it was also the mandala. I don’t know how many reincarnations and reincarnations, the flower of causality conceived.

The purpose of the mandala and the flower of causation is very simple, that is, to change one’s own destiny and cut off one’s own cause and effect.

In the legend, if the flower of causation is conceived, the cause and effect can be cut off, thereby changing the destiny.

Legend is a legend after all.

true or false, Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know either.

This is also not important, what is important is that he accidentally refining the flower of causality that the mandala has painstakingly conceived. In this way, the flower of causation that the mandala has been exchanged for countless times without samsara reincarnation If it disappears, it may be grafted with Gu Qingfeng into cause and effect.

Think about it in another way. If Gu Qingfeng’s painstakingly conceived causal flower is refining of unfathomable mystery, he may not only be as simple as anger, but destroying in anger. Heaven extinguishing earth is also possible.

So, he can understand the mood of Mandava, and it is precisely because of that he is very sorry.

“I’m sorry for what happened last time, if you can…”

Gu Qingfeng is about to apologize, but he hasn’t said anything yet. Shouted loudly: “Stay away from me!”

hearing this.

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and smiled bitterly, but did not continue to say anything, turned around and went back.

“Since it has happened and it has been so long, why are you still worrying about it.”

Beside, the Demon woman still holds her arms Standing quietly, looking at Gu Qingfeng who turned and left, the sound transmission whispered: “I can see it, he really wants to apologize to you.” Mandavan responded: ” I don’t need to apologize, especially his apology.”

There was a very evil smile on the face of the Demon woman from beginning to end, saying: “You should accept his apology. “


“If you don’t accept this time, I’m afraid I won’t have the chance to accept it…”

Hearing this, Man Tu Fan’s heart moved slightly and asked: “You mean him…”

“If he doesn’t appear, that’s all, since he appears in the ancient vestige…” The Demon woman shook her head. Said: “I’m afraid there will be no return, nine deaths and still alive.”

“If the ancients appear, the original sin will definitely change!” The Demon woman continued: “This sentence is deduced by those great wild giants, Heavenly Paradise is also deduced. Nine Nether, Holy Land forbidden land, and all the existence of Guixu ruins can be deduced. They have been preparing for this and waiting for the arrival of this day.”

“In Lingluo Tianyu, those who existed above heaven under earth did not do anything, because the time has not arrived, and now that the ancient black hole has appeared, it means that the time has come… This is the only time that can change the original sin Allah, this time Even if Allah of Original Sin cannot be born, the true Son of Original Sin will definitely appear.”

The expression of Mandala became heavy, and said: “You said that he may not be the true Son of Original Sin. It’s not necessarily the God chosen in principle.”

“It doesn’t matter whether he is the son of original sin, it doesn’t matter whether he chooses God in principle, the important thing is that he ignited the fire of original sin karma in Wudao Mountain. , I have also awakened original sin. The important thing is that above heaven under earth all existence suspects that he is the son of original sin and he is the God chosen by original sin.”

“So…” Mandala said: “Everyone, no matter what Will not let him leave alive, right?”

Demon woman nodded.

“So are you?”

The voice of Mandala inquiring came, and the Demon woman took a look, the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more wicked, nodded again, and then He shook his head again.

“What do you mean?”

“I haven’t decided yet. When the time comes, check it out.”

“You haven’t decided yet Are there many?”

“Not many, but definitely not many.”

“What makes you hesitate?”

“Too much There are too many, one or two sentences are not clear, this guy’s existence is very complicated…complex to involve many, many existences, no one knows how much is involved, and…”

said With this, the Demon woman’s tone became helpless again and said: “And if my guess is good, there should be many people who have made heavy bets on this guy today, and some even bet everything.”

“Betting on him?” Mandala asked in surprise: “What is the bet?”

“This is the crux of the problem, who is betting on this guy, What the hell are you betting on, who knows?” The Demon woman sighed then said, “No one knows…”

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