Supreme Lord

Chapter 2096

Perhaps because this bloody land has turbulence and vortex in many ancient vestige. Just after a bunch of Old Ancestors from Yuhua Immortal Realm and Zixia Immortal Realm appeared one after another, it didn’t take long for the other ancient vestiges to show up. Vestige successively came down many people.

There are both old giants like Yuhua and Zixia, Old Ancestor, and large clans that have inherited from ancient times.

For example, the Hao Lei Family is the famous noble family.

Another example is Shangqing Sect, which is also an extremely influential Great Sect in the Great Wasteland.

In the Great Wilderness, whether it is the Hao Lei Family or Shangqing Sect, neither the influence nor the power is weaker than those of the Great Wilderness giants, and even some with a strong background are deeper than the Great Wilderness giants, especially It is Shangqing Sect. It is just one Sect of the secular world, but the point is that All Heavens Myriad Realms has a Shangqing Sect in almost every secular world, just like the immortal dynasty set up by Nine Heavens in All Heavens Myriad Realms.

According to rumors, the backstage of Shangqing Sect is Shangqing Cave, one of the 36 caves.

If the rumors are true, then the existence of Shangqing Sect is too terrifying. You must know that the backstage of Shangqing Cave is one of the nine days of Shangqingtian.

Who is the backstage of Shang Qingtian?

That would be too big.

In the legend, Shang Qingtian is Heavenly Dao’s territory.

Of course.

This is just a rumor.

No one knows whether it is true or false.

However, judging by many signs, most of them think that the rumors may be true.

There are many reasons. If Shangqing Sect has no background, it is basically impossible to gain a foothold in All Heavens Myriad Realms, and it is one of the very best sect in every world. You must know the immortal dao system in modern and ancient times. Dominating Heaven and Earth and daring to be so overbearing in the immortal dao site, how could there be no backstage, and the ordinary backstage can’t cover it at all, let alone a wild giant, even the Seventy Two Blessed Land may not be able to cover it.

Throughout Heaven and Earth, I am afraid that only one of the 36 caves with the background of Shangqingtian, Shangqingdong, can cover Shangqing Sect.

Only with the background of Heavenly Dao, immortal dao will open its eyes and close its eyes, and tolerate Shangqing Sect blooming all over All Heavens Myriad Realms.

Apart from this, there is also a very obvious feature, that is, the people of Tianzhao in the Great Wilderness, the eight-nine of the ten are all from Shangqing Sect of All Heavens Myriad Realms, including most of them It comes from Shangqing Sect, and there is a more remarkable feature. Ordinary cultivation people may not know it. Old Ancestors of the big desert giants know that Heavenly Dao Law Enforcer of All Heavens Myriad Realms rarely shows up, but does not It means that it does not exist. On the contrary, not only does it exist, but most of them are hidden in Shangqing Sect of All Heavens Myriad Realms.

It is precisely for this reason that many Great Immortal Realms, including the great wilderness giants, and even some Heavenly Paradise, are somewhat afraid of Shangqing Sect.

Although the immortal dao dominates Heaven and Earth in the modern and ancient times, it is only in name.

Heavenly Dao is still the real master of Heaven and Earth.

It has never changed.

Because Heavenly Dao has been asleep somehow, no one knows when to wake up.

This time, many people from the Hao Lei Family clan also came. There were also more than a dozen Old Ancestors with profound knowledge and magic, and an Immortal King led the team.

In the Great Wilderness.

Whether it’s a noble family, a grand prince, or a giant Immortal Realm, they more or less have their own destiny, and some have more than one, but several, and they will spend countless efforts And countless resources to create these great destiny.

After all, the destiny of the Dadao inherits the destiny. It is both the man of destiny and the Child of Destiny. No matter what the future is, this era will have their place. The giants of the wild devote their efforts to the man of destiny. , It also means to build the future for themselves.

There is another more important reason. No matter in any era, the great wilderness giants need a Dao Destiny as a representative. Of course, the greater the reputation, the better, and the influence is naturally also. Since then, not only It helps to increase the reputation of the family sect, and also helps to increase its influence. In the future, recruiting disciplines or going out for experience will have certain benefits, and it will save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

It seems that there are not many people coming to Shangqing Sect this time, there are only so few nine people.

Six of them are also the old seniors who are acquainted with the mystery. Although there is no Dadao destiny to lead the team, there are three gods.

That’s right!


Two of them are well-known in Dahuang, and there are many people who know them in the field. One of them is the Sect Master Chifeng of Guishui world Shangqing Sect, and the other is the ancient world. Sect Master Yun Wan of Shangqing Sect.

The one headed by him is much more famous than Chifeng and Yunwan, and can be said to be one of the most representative gods of Ancient Era.

The Dao No. Qinghong is the Sect Master of the Blue Sun world Shangqing Sect. In Ancient Era one man one sword, I don’t know how many demons and ghosts were killed. Even Monster King and Ghost King were once His departed spirit under this sword, how powerful his strength is in modern and ancient times, I am afraid no one can clearly say.

Almost all people of the older generation of cultivation know that the existence of the Tianzi generation is terrifying, and in a sense, it may be terrifying than the Dao Destiny.

We must know that although the destiny of the Great Dao is the destiny of the heaven, it is the destiny of the acquired heaven.

But the existence of those generations of heavenly characters, from the day they were born, they are born with the word heaven on their heads.


Since ancient times, there have always been rumors that the destiny of the Dao Dao is the Child of Destiny inherited from the heavens, and the existence of the Tianzi generation is the child of heaven bestowed by nature.

An acquired Child of Destiny, an innate child of Destiny.

Stronger and weaker, until now are all controversial.

Some people say that Child of Destiny is more powerful than the god-given children of the Tianzi generation. Although the inheritance is inherited, it is the destiny that is inherited. It is Heavenly Dao and destiny, and it is a hit Doomed.

And the child of the godsend is nothing more than a gift from Heavenly Dao, and it is completely inferior to the Child of Destiny.

Some people also think that the god-given children of the Tianzi generation are more powerful. The reason is simple. The destiny of Child of Destiny will be taken away. It is not the so-called destiny, but the god-given children are born with It is innately possessed, and other people can’t take it away anyway. If one of the God-given Son and Child of Destiny is destined, then it must be the natural God-given child.

Public speaking is public and reasonable, mother-in-law says mother-in-law is reasonable.

If the black pig Monster King is asked to say, he also thinks that the existence of the Tianzi generation is relatively strong. From Ancient Era to the present, he has encountered many great destinies, both weak and strong. Although there are not many Tianzi generations, each of them is very terrifying, especially when I was following Gu Qingfeng in the Nine Nether, I once met an extremely terrifying heavenly demon, which left the heart of the black pig Monster King. There was a deep shadow, and since then, as long as he saw the existence of the Tianzi generation, he stayed away.

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