Supreme Lord

Chapter 2093

This is another wild ancient vestige.

The difference is.

The ruins outside are the endless barren desert, and this barren ancient vestige has both mountains and rivers, as well as trees and flowers.


The mountains and rivers are barren mountains and rivers.

The river is more like a swamp mudflow.

Trees are dry trees, and flowers are also withered flowers and plants.

It feels like a terrifying abyssal hell, whether it is mountains, rivers or flowers, trees and trees, although they still exist, they are all dead, like bones that have lost their lives. The weird blood mist is also full of lifelessness.

Looking up, there are more than ten holes in the sky, and each hole rotates slowly like a turbulent vortex. Gu Qingfeng jumped in from one of the holes, and he looked at the other holes. vortex, wondering whether these holes vortex lead to other ancient vestige.

Without much thought, he immediately jumped up and went out from another hole vortex. As expected, it was indeed a way to another barren ancient vestige, as he expected.

Come in again, and then continue to pass from other holes vortex, going in and out seven or eight times in a row, that is to say, these more than ten holes vortex all lead to different ancient vestige .

Previously, Gu Qingfeng and Black Pig Monster King were chatting, there was a loud noise from the unfathomable mystery in the ruins, and then a hole vortex appeared, which also stumped other wild ancient vestige. same?

For the time being not quite clear, he did not continue in and out again, but returned to the barren ancient vestige filled with blood mist to investigate.

Feel the blood mist carefully.

This thing is like a magic breath, but it doesn’t seem to be.

It feels like a breath of original sin, but it also doesn’t feel like it.

Whether it is the breath of the devil, the breath of original sin, or both, Gu Qingfeng was not sure for a while, and felt that it was very evil.

Continue to move forward, the blood mist becomes more dense, and the lifelessness becomes stronger and stronger.


He found a pool of blood in front, saying that the pool of blood is more like a spring, and blood mist is emitted from this spring. The spring is bubbling blood, just like boiling blood. The strange thing is that after the blood comes out, it will soon become blood mist and diffuse.

Before it had time to find out what this thing was, Gu Qingfeng saw two people not far away.

They are two women.

One of the women is beautiful and alluring. She is beautiful, beautiful and beautiful, and she is also extremely beautiful. This is a demon and a heavenly demon.

When he saw this woman, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but was stunned, because he knew the woman and was the mandala who had met several times.

To this day, he still remembers clearly that the modern and ancient times just started, after he was reborn in the secular world, he once encountered the mandala in a Secret Realm. Back then, the mandala seemed to be swayed by the Buddha. Suppressed in Secret Realm, the second meeting was in the illusion of the Age of Innocence. In his impression, Mandala seems to have an inexplicable relationship with the age of innocence and even original sin.

There is a woman beside the mandala. This woman is dressed in black clothed, holding her arms, and her appearance is somewhat neutral. It is a kind of handsome beauty, if not tied with a towering one. Gu Qingfeng really couldn’t tell whether it was a male or a female.

The existence of this woman turned out to be a demon just like the mandala. The difference is that the mandala is a heavenly demon, and this woman is a Demon.

That’s right!


It is both a demon and a demon.

Throughout the past and present, whether it is the same body of fairy and demon, or the whole body of Demon, there are very few.

The immortal demon body is walking the heavens-defying road, since ancient times, this kind of existence, to be honest, there are not a lot of them, but there is no good end, the immortal demon is like water and fire, the higher the cultivation base , The immortal demon is more difficult to balance, and if the immortal demon loses control due to the inability to control it, it will definitely die.

The existence of Demon is also not many.

The bodies of the immortals and demons are all cultivated the day after tomorrow.

Demons can only be congenital. Only if one parent is a demon and the other is a demon, it is possible to give birth to a Demon.

Generally speaking, after Demon is combined, it is impossible to get pregnant, and it is impossible to give birth to a child.


nothing is impossible.

Some Demons combine to give birth to children, and they give birth to the same body of Demon.

Speaking of Demon, this thing also has a very old Myths and Legends.

In Myths and Legends, it is said that the children born after the combination of Demon are disaster stars and will bring catastrophe… Therefore, the demon path and the demonic path Old Ancestor set up a curse, cursing Demon Together will not give birth.


This curse has worked. Since ancient times, Demon will not give birth under normal circumstances after the combination. Even if one or two break the curse and give birth to a child of the same Demon, it is not as in the legend. Becoming a catastrophe is stronger than ordinary monsters and demons at best, and then everyone gradually didn’t take it seriously. As long as Demon can give birth to a child, you can give birth to whatever you like, no one will take care of this nosy. child.

Gu Qingfeng stared at the Demon woman standing on the side of the Mandala. He felt that this Demon woman was more than just stronger than ordinary monsters and demons.

The Demon woman looks illusory, true or false, faintly discernible, giving people a very evil feeling, Gu Qingfeng did not take out Divine Consciousness to investigate, and intuitively told him that this Demon woman is not simple, may be more terrifying than expected.

Especially when he appeared, when the Demon woman stared at him with a smile, she was really called Gu Qingfeng. She felt like have one’s hair stand on end, thinking about this Demon woman. Either from Guixu or motherfucker from Huangxu.

When Mandavan saw Gu Qingfeng, her beautiful and alluring face was slightly surprised. If she didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng to be here, then, her eyes became complicated.

This complexity contains anger, also contains helplessness, contains pain, but also contains entanglement, contains worry, and contains countless hesitation and loss.

At this time, the Black Pig Monster King also rushed over. First, he looked at the Scarlet Spring, and then at Gu Qingfeng. When he was about to ask, he found that Mandavan and the Demon woman, black The Pig Monster King opened his mouth, and swallowed it forcibly when he spoke.

Although he did not know the mandala, he could see that the mandala was a heavenly demon.

Heavenly demon’s existence is so terrifying, even more how it still appears in the heavenly demon of the ancient vestige. Don’t look at him as the throne of the demon road. If you meet the heavenly demon in the wild, you have to Taking a detour, he knew a truth from the moment Ancient Era came out, that is, as long as he encounters the existence of the head of the sky, he will run as far as he can, whether it is a heavenly demon or a heavenly Buddha, and whether it is a heavenly demon or a Celestial Demon. So.

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