Supreme Lord

Chapter 2086

speaking of which.

The Great Emperor Changfeng is neither lacking in his brain nor cutting sleeve.

The reason why he keeps obsessing with You Emperor is entirely because he appreciates You Emperor, appreciates You Emperor’s fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, and appreciates You Emperor’s do as one. pleases free and unrestrained temperament, and appreciate Youdi’s unrestrained gratitude and grudges are clear.

Apart from this, I also admire the mysterious and strange strength of Youdi.

Emperor Changfeng is aggressive by nature, especially when he was young, no one was convinced, even if he later aspired to immortal dao, the aggressiveness of the emperor did not get rid of the problem. He has fought against the ghost emperor in his life. After Monster Sovereign, he has also fought against many Immortal Emperors and Demon Emperors, and even the powerhouse of the forbidden land in the legendary Holy Land and Elderly of the ruins of the ruins.

Youdi may not be the most powerful opponent he has ever met, but he is definitely an opponent he admires, not one of them.

From Ancient Era to the present and ancient times, I don’t know how many people I have fought, how many battles I have fought, but the one I fought with Youdi is the most enjoyable and memorable. .

To this day, he still clearly remembers that the Emperor You broke into Nine Heavens in a rage, and the blood flowing into a river that killed Nine Heavens. After the Great Emperor Changfeng who was in retreat knew about this, he immediately Before going out to fight, the two of them fought directly from Jiutian all the way to Nether. They played murky heavens dark earth, and they were as crazy as they were.

As for how long it took to fight, Emperor Changfeng no longer remembers it. He really did not remember it. He completely forgot the concept of time. At the end of the fight, not only the consciousness of the fight was blurred, but the people were also crazy. In the end, he didn’t know who won and who lost. The only thing he knew was that when he woke up again, he was saved by an Old Senior. As for where Gu Qingfeng went, Old Senior did not say, nor did he know.

To this day, this matter is still a mystery, and the Great Emperor Changfeng has always been brooding about this matter. He really wants to know who wins and who loses.

Recalling the fight back then, the Great Emperor Changfeng still couldn’t help being overwhelmed by emotions, and his blood was boiling.

In his lifetime, he hopes to be able to fight Youdi crazy again.

“Master Master, when you go to see Emperor You, can you also bring Lian’er.”

Lian’er came over and begged excitedly.

“Why? You want to see him too?”

“Of course I do, I really want to see him.”

Lian’er didn’t know Youdi before. , I have never even heard of it before, after all, Emperor You is taboo in the place of Jiutian, and no one will mention the name of Emperor You.

Later, by chance, Lian’er heard that Emperor Changfeng mentioned Youdi as his most admired opponent. Since then, Lian’er knew of such a person as Youdi. After inquiring, I heard For the legendary stories of Emperor You, Lian’er is more curious about the existence of Emperor You.

She has always wanted to see what kind of person is Youdi, who is called the most admired opponent by the Master.

I also really want to see what the Emperor Nether looked like when he burned for nine days and was ambiguous with the Empress.

Especially after hearing about Lingluo Tianyu, the idea of ​​meeting Youdi became stronger.

Lian’er is so curious.

Curious about what kind of existence Youdi is. In Ancient Era, the All Heavens Myriad Realms disturbed Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Not to mention, the modern and ancient times made the great wilderness giant Heavenly Paradise, etc. All the giants were jealous and fearful. Nine days could not help him, and Heavenly Dao did not dare to speak.

“Master Master, is You Di really terrifying as the legend?”

“Oh? What legend have you heard?”

“About There are so many legends about the Emperor You, what impressed Lian’er most is that the sun fell, the twilight enveloped, the darkness struck, the Emperor You came, the dusk of the fairy demon, the end of Heaven and Earth…Oh! There has always been a great wilderness, no matter how mad, no matter how mad, but Gu Qingfeng, no matter how mad, but no Gu Tianlang, no matter how arrogant, no matter how arrogant, but the King of Scarlet Sky, no matter how powerful, but also no bigger than You Di’s tyrant, no matter how lonely, but also proud of you The emperor’s way!”

“hehe.” Changfeng Great Emperor said with a smile: “The rumors are mostly exaggerated, don’t take it seriously.”

“Ah! Master, yours It means that the rumors circulating in the Great Wilderness about the Emperor You are all false?”

“The false ones are not good, but…” The Great Emperor Changfeng frowned, thought for a moment, and said. “Youdi is not at all so terrifying in the legend. On the contrary, under normal circumstances, he is no different from an ordinary person, and may not be as good as an ordinary person. What does that guy say, he is very tacky and simply intolerable. It is said that I have seen the most tacky vulgar for my teacher, and the tacky can’t be more vulgar…”


Lian’er was very surprised, as if she couldn’t believe it. , Said: “Master, did you lie to me? How could You Di be the kind of tacky person in your mouth? Lian’er has heard many legends about him, not to mention that it happened in Lingluo Tianyu not long ago. Things, he doesn’t put our nine days in his eyes, that’s all, he even dared to obliterate the fate in front of Heavenly Dao. How could this be done by a layman? What kind of layman can do such terrifying What’s the matter?”

“So the teacher just said that he is a vulgar vulgar under normal circumstances.”

“What about abnormal conditions?”

“Youdi under abnormal circumstances… Didn’t you just say that you don’t take our nine-day immortal dao in your eyes, nor Heavenly Dao in your eyes, none of these Three Thousand Great Daos Can he enter the eyes of his Dharma, that guy… Under normal circumstances, he is a layman. Once he gets angry, he is simply…”

“What is it?”

The Great Emperor Changfeng shook his head , Did not answer this question.

He has seen Youdi completely angry when he ran away with crazy demons, just like in the legend, the big day falls, the twilight envelopes, the darkness strikes, the Youdi descends, the fairy demon dusk, Heaven and Earth doomsday , This sentence also spread from that time.

In the past nine days, in order to obliterate the Emperor You, he did everything he could, and the Emperor You endured again and again, and finally became unbearable. He didn’t do anything and didn’t stop. He directly took out the Nine Nether ancestral fire and burned for nine days, resulting in many powerhouses in nine days. Fallen one after another.

Not to mention how tragic the situation was in the nine days at the time, and the Great Emperor Changfeng did not stop it.

As soon as he came to fight against You Emperor, he felt that Jiu Tian was too hegemonic, because the so-called variables could not tolerate You Emperor. No matter what the price was paid, he would kill You Emperor, and he knew that he couldn’t. In the case of Youdi, he still persists in your own wrong doings. For this reason, I don’t know how many people died in Jiutian.

Of course.

Even if his heart is dissatisfied with Jiutian, Emperor Changfeng is also the emperor of Jiutian immortal dao, and Jiutian is embarrassed and he can’t ignore it.

After learning about this, he wanted to stop it for the first time, but unfortunately he was stopped by his immortal fate Dao Companion Chiba Immortal King.

In the past, when Emperor You rushed for nine days in anger, Emperor Changfeng almost died at the hands of Emperor You. Qianba Immortal King was worried about Emperor Changfeng’s safety and forbid him to go, and forced him to die. The Great Emperor Changfeng dared to leave, so she immediately committed suicide. In the end, Emperor Changfeng had no choice but to compromise.

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