Supreme Lord

Chapter 2087

The Great Emperor Changfeng and Lian’er walked and chatted, talking and laughing, and they were talking about the most dangerous existence of All Heavens Myriad Realms, the Great Nether Nether.

For this.

Chiba Immortal King was extremely depressed. She began to really doubt whether her Husband had a weak brain, and said displeased: “I advise you to dispel the idea of ​​meeting Youdi , I will not agree with you to go.”


The Great Emperor Changfeng sighed helplessly. This sigh, I sighed with Chiba Immortal King has formed the immortal fate Dao Companion over the years.

Qianba Immortal King is good with everything, except that Changfeng Great Emperor can’t stand it very much.

That is the Chiba Immortal King is too wordy and too wide to deal with. Almost all things about large and small are concerned. Before, you can go where you want to go, and do whatever you want. After forming the immortal fate Dao Companion with the Immortal King of Chiba, the Great Emperor Changfeng couldn’t go anywhere, he couldn’t do anything, and he was in charge.

“Ye’er, don’t worry about it, you and a woman can’t understand things between us men, and I can’t understand you. In short, I promise you not to follow You Di is ready to do it, so put your heart in your stomach.”

“You…you are…just an elm bump!”

Chiba Immortal King Pointing to the Great Emperor Changfeng, the expression on the beautiful and alluring face is as speechless as it is speechless, shouting loudly: “Do you think I am worried that you will do something with Youdi?”

Chiba Immortal King, Changfeng Great Emperor is no longer as confident as before, cautiously asked: “Isn’t it difficult?”

“You! It’s really hopeless.”

The Immortal King of Chiba is angry, and fiercely touched the forehead of Emperor Changfeng with his finger, and said: “The Emperor You appeared in the ancient vestige, did you think of other things?”

“Other things?”

The Great Emperor Changfeng scratched his head, frowning in thought.

His EQ is really not very good. He doesn’t know how to say it, and sometimes it’s not very bright, but this does not prevent the Great Emperor Changfeng from having an unparalleled perception. A profound Divine Ability or something is not difficult for Emperor Changfeng, but if you want to think about other people’s minds, Emperor Changfeng can’t figure it out even if he wants to break his head.

“Ye’er, you also know that my brain is not very bright. If you have any words, just say it directly, and don’t make a roundabout.”

“You are really mad at me Oh, idiot! The current Youdi is the target of public criticism. What do you think will happen if he also spreads out about the ancient vestige?”

Listen to the words of Immortal King from Chiba, Changfeng Great Emperor. His expression sank suddenly, and he finally understood what Chiba Immortal King wanted to say.

Youdi lit the fire of original sin karma in Wudao Mountain and awakened original sin. It is even more rumored that he is the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny.

It is precisely because of this that all beings above heaven under earth have always glare like a tiger watching his prey towards You Emperor, and all beings are peeping at the original sin of You Emperor.

And when the ancient vestige of the previous wilderness appeared in the wilderness, the powerhouses of the giants of the wilderness, Heavenly Paradise and Nine Nether, all swarmed in. No one knew how many powerhouses came in.

The Great Emperor Changfeng only knew that there were a lot of powerhouses in the Immortal Palace of the nine days alone, and the deep and unmeasurable Old Ancestor would not say, there were seven or eight great emperors with names and surnames, apart From this, those Immortal Kings also have at least 20-30.

This is just nine days of Immortal Palace.

Nine Nether’s Demon Emperor, Ghost Emperor, and Monster Emperor are probably coming a lot.

As for the giants of the wilderness, Heavenly Paradise, it is only a lot more than Nine Nether and Nine Nether.

If Youdi were also after the story of the ancient vestige, then the consequences would be…unimaginable.

“Previously in Lingluo Tianyu, Dahuang Giants and Heavenly Paradise had already missed an opportunity to obliterate Youdi. I think this time they will never miss it again.”

Qianba Immortal King’s beautiful face is very serious, saying: “Not only will the great desolate giants and Heavenly Paradise not miss it, but we will probably not miss it again on the nine-day side, even the forbidden land of Holy Land and the ruins of Guixu will Don’t miss it anymore.”

“Even if I don’t say anything, you should be clear that the reason why Jiutian didn’t make a move when I was in Lingluo Tianyu earlier seemed to be the Empress of Heaven’s secret. We all know that there is only one reason for not taking a shot for nine days, and that is that the time has not arrived.”

“I think the Holy Land forbidden land and the powerhouses in the ruins of Guixu are also the reason, including the great desolate giants and Heavenly. Paradise is like this. They are testing the depths of the emperor in Lingluo Tianyu, just to wait for the time to come.”

“This opportunity has now appeared, and nothing else, it is the remains of this deserted ancient black hole. “

Every word Chiba Immortal King said made Changfeng Great Emperor’s expression more solemn. Even if he didn’t want to, he had to admit that what Chiba Immortal King said was the truth.

If it is said that Empress has never known Heaven and Earth to declare that original sin is not a sin, it is a prelude to the chaos of original sin.

Then the appearance of the ancient black hole this time may be the unlocking of the mysterious veil of original sin.

“Ye’er, you are right. Huang ancient vestige is indeed an opportunity to obliterate the Emperor You, but…”

The Great Emperor Changfeng closed his eyes and said in a deep breath “I think they may not be able to obliterate the emperor here.”


“This is not a great wilderness, but the ancient black hole of Heaven Beyond the Heaven, the judgment of the avenue It is impossible to come here at all, and the law of the avenue cannot be extended here. If you don’t rely on the power of the avenue, rely solely on the so-called Old Ancestor.”

Shaking his head, Changfeng Great Emperor disdainfully said: “I’m afraid that But you can’t help you, even more how, although there are many powerhouses from the great wilderness giants, they are definitely not many.”

“The powerhouses of the great wilderness giants, including Heavenly Paradise, may not be able to help you. , But what about the powerhouse of Jiutian? A floating emperor, a Xuanyang emperor, and two double great emperors. The existence of the four of them is more incredible than the other. How do you know that they are not the opponents of the emperor?”


Whether it is Emperor Fusheng, Emperor Xuanyang or Imperial Capital, it can be described as an unparalleled powerhouse above the nine heavens. The good fortune on the body is also terrifying, either holding the Dao Innate Magical Treasure, or owning the Dao ancestor The volition is either the primordial bloodline or the supreme body, not the forbidden avenue, or the True Spirit incarnation.

The strength of their cultivation base is not clear to Emperor Changfeng. Although they are both the emperors of the Immortal Palace of Nine Heavens, there are too many intersections between Emperor Changfeng and Emperor Fusheng and the others not at all. , At best can only be regarded as a nodded turn.

The only thing I know, the good fortune of these three great emperors is not inferior to the emperor’s Asura and Shangqiongbi under Yellow Springs.

“And…In addition to their three people, there is also a more terrifying Emperor Yao.”

After hearing the words of Emperor Sun Yao, the expression of Emperor Changfeng changed slightly, said solemnly : “Emperor Yao? Is he here too?”

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