Supreme Lord

Chapter 2085

The ancient, original sin, and innocent.

It is the three major opportunities and the three major storms.

The existence of original sin is like a link that connects the mysterious ancient era with the unknown era of innocence, just like cause and effect.

Although Changfeng the Great is not the person of original sin, he is the immortal dao the Great. The ordinary person may be able to escape the three major storms, but he cannot. Not only can he avoid it, but also with the experience Things are getting more and more, and his understanding of Dao is getting deeper and deeper. He also feels more and more that whether it is the fate of the present and ancient Star Monarch, or the ancient throne of fate, the ancient seal of fate, including the imperial power of fate Coming from the coming storm of original sin.

He had always thought that this might be an arrangement of fate, and that fate arranged them to deal with the original sin.

After all, it is recorded in the Book of Destiny that when the original sin finds Allah, the great road will fall, the present and the ancient will end, Heaven and Earth will be reborn, and the era of innocence will begin…

Fate arranges them to prevent the birth of Allah of Original Sin, so as to protect the Three Thousand Great Daos and even Heaven and Earth beings.

I just thought about it later and felt wrong.

If this is really recorded in the Book of Destiny, in other words, the birth of Allah of Original Sin, the fall of the great road, the end of the present and the ancient, the rebirth of Heaven and Earth, the opening of the era of innocence, etc. are all in compliance with fate… …

Since they are compliant with fate, how can they arrange these destinies to prevent the birth of Allah of Original Sin?

Isn’t this a contradiction?

Exactly what is to comply with destiny, to this day, Changfeng Great Emperor does not know, the only thing he knows is that now the great wilderness giants, Heavenly Paradise, the forbidden land Holy Land, Nine Nether are all fighting for the original sin. Want to become the Allah of Original Sin and open the secrets of the Age of Innocence.

One word.


above heaven under earth, Heaven and Earth are very messy inside and outside.

I was sighing, and suddenly I heard someone call his name and turned around to see that it was not someone else, but it was Lieyin Old Ancestor of Zixia Immortal Realm.

“Anything else for Old Senior?”

“That’s it…We decided to follow the views of the emperor and wait for them here, hoping to be as the emperor said, all ancient Vestige will fuse together.”

“I’m just guessing whether this is the case. I’m not 100% sure. Wish for Senior can be determined by discretion.”

“old man Believe in the judgment of the great emperor.”

The great emperor Changfeng knew that Lieyin Old Ancestor was here this time, and he definitely didn’t just say these words, I am afraid there is something else.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Lieyin’s Old Ancestor to look hesitant, saying: “There’s something old man has thought about for a long time, and I’ve been hesitant to tell you or not.”

oh?” Changfeng Great Emperor asked: “What’s the matter?”

“It’s like this…”

Lieyin Old Ancestor deliberated again and again, and finally I told him about meeting Gu Qingfeng in the ancient vestige.

It doesn’t matter what he said, it really shocked the Great Emperor Changfeng, Immortal King Chiba and the others. After hearing about this, Lian’er seemed very excited and asked: “Which Emperor is You? Is it the legendary Nine Nether Great Emperor Gu Tianlang who burned nine days and killed Nine Nether?”

Lie Yin Old Ancestor nodded, said solemnly: “Exactly!”

” Senior.” Chiba Immortal King asked with some uncertainty: “Are you sure you really are Youdi?”

“This…it should be, this All Heavens Myriad Realms except for Youdi Besides, I am afraid that no mundane mortal can come to this wild ancient vestige, and… he himself admitted that he is the emperor.”

After saying this, neither did Lieyin Old Ancestor Stayed too long and left after leaving.

In the field.

Qianba Immortal King and the others’ faces are not very good, and their expressions are more solemn. After all, they all know that Emperor Changfeng and Emperor Nine Nether were once rivals, and the so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. , If you really meet the Emperor Nether in this barren ancient vestige, it would be…too bad.

On the contrary, the Great Emperor Changfeng himself was shocked when he heard that Emperor You was in this ancient vestige, but it was nothing more than that. There was nothing more than a shock, and no worries. Fear, not only that, but he seemed to have a hint of happiness.

“hehe, didn’t expect… really didn’t expect… didn’t expect You Emperor is here too…”

Qianba Immortal King is very speechless Said: “At this time you are still laughing.”

“There is nothing you can’t laugh at. Since the end of the ancient times, I have never seen Youdi again. I heard that he is still alive in the modern times. I’ve always wanted to see him, but it’s a pity that he didn’t fulfill his wish. I never had a chance. He didn’t expect that he was also in this wild ancient vestige. It’s all right now, and I can finally see him.”

“What?” Chiba Immortal King wondered if he had heard it wrong, and asked: “You still have to see him?”

“Of course, since I met, Is there any reason for not seeing it?”

“I said Changfeng, after so long, why are you still indifferent? Even if you don’t consider yourself, you must consider it for all of us, even more how Lian’er is still so small…”

“Wait.” Changfeng Great Emperor interrupted her and said, “Do you think I went to see him to fight him?”

“Otherwise, what else? Don’t you often say that you have to fight against Youdi for three hundred rounds?”

“Chiba, I have told you many times, I and You There is not at all any personal grievances between the emperors, even if there is no slightest bit. Maybe he and I can’t be called friends, but they are definitely not enemies, let alone any hatred.”


The Great Emperor Changfeng has said this sentence many times, and Chiba Immortal King has also heard it many times. When she listens to it, she sometimes wonders whether her Husband has a cut sleeve. Otherwise, how could it be? You Di kept thinking about it.

This is not an exaggeration at all.

For thousands of years, she has heard the name of Emperor Changfeng chanting Youdi almost every once in a while, especially when she is looking for someone to fight and cannot find an opponent, Emperor Changfeng The name of Youdi is always mentioned.

Chiba Immortal King and Changfeng the Great are fellow apprentices. She also knows that Changfeng the Great likes to fight with people when he was young, like a martial idiot. If you don’t fight for a day, you feel uncomfortable. It’s fun and even more uncomfortable.

Fortunately, with the changes in the mood of the Great Emperor Changfeng over the years, he is no longer as aggressive as before. However, occasionally he would like to have a fun fight.

If friends, it’s okay to have a fight. It’s harmless and won’t hurt.

The point is that Emperor Changfeng himself said that he and Youdi are not friends.

Not only is it not a friend, others don’t know, but as the immortal fate Dao Companion of Changfeng Great Emperor, Qianye Fairy King Keshi knows clearly that You Di almost killed Changfeng Great, and Changfeng Emperor Feng didn’t take seriously this matter. Instead, he said that Emperor You was an admirable opponent. He also said that if he weren’t the Great Emperor of Immortal Dao, he might become a confidant of friends with You Emperor.

This makes Chiba Immortal King completely incomprehensible, and he always feels that Emperor Changfeng’s mind is weak.

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