Supreme Lord

Chapter 2069

For the so-called blood of original sin and primordial blood, what light blood and dark blood, including what sacred blood and evil blood, etc. some mysterious and unknown existences in the legend, Gu Qingfeng has always been stupidly can not tell.

It’s not because he has a bad memory, but because these bloodlines are all legendary gadgets, most of them have disappeared, not to mention that they have seen them, and there are probably not many people who have even heard of them.

Gu Qingfeng has heard of it, and just because he has heard of it, he is stupid and unclear.

Because the version he heard of myriad, it has everything.

Some people say that the blood of original sin, the blood of light, the blood of darkness, and the bloodline of sacred evil are all primordial blood.

Later he heard that all bloodlines between Heaven and Earth originated from the blood of primordial and the blood of original sin.

It’s just that later the blood of primordial and the blood of original sin both gave birth to many different bloodlines.

For example, the blood of primordial conceived the blood of sacred and light, while the blood of original sin conceived the blood of evil and the blood of darkness.

Later, the sacred blood and the blood of light gave birth to other bloodlines. The legendary Divine Beast guarding the square of Heaven and Earth, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Black Tortoise, and Vermilion Bird are the sacred ones. The blood of blood and light is impregnated.

The legendary Four Great Vicious Beasts of Heaven and Earth and Eight Desolates, gluttony, chaos, qungqi and 梼杌 are all conceived by the blood of evil and darkness.

Of course.

He heard these legends, where they heard them, and who said them. Gu Qingfeng also forgot. Because of the many versions he heard, he still can’t tell the original sin, Primordial and what is the situation between the bloodlines of light and darkness, sacred and evil.

He has never seen any other blood of light, darkness, or sacred evil except the blood of original sin.

The blood of darkness and the blood of evil are okay. Although I have not seen it before, I have heard some of them. In Ancient Era, Ancient Era, including Great Ancient Era, these two kinds of bloodlines exist, and they have all There are many legends left.

It is the blood of light and the blood of sacredness, as if they are really extinct, they have never appeared.

Gu Qingfeng has also heard about this, and he learned the news from Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor’s memory.

It is said that the blood of light and sacred blood restrain the blood of original sin. Three Thousand Great Daos also tried to obliterate the blood of original sin with the blood of holy light.

As a result, the news spread. The blood powerhouses of the original sin began to slaughter the blood of holy light. It can be said that they saw one kill the blood of holy light. Although they did not kill the blood of holy light, but The two bloodlines who also killed did not dare to show up.

In the memory of Old Ancestor in Linchi, 36 Dongtian and seventy two blessed land not only cultivated the blood of original sin in secret, but also cultivated the blood of sacred and light in secret. In this way, it’s just that no one dared to speak up, and they were afraid of being targeted by the powerhouse of the blood of original sin and thus obliterated.

Whether the sacred blood and the blood of light restrain the blood of original sin is not clear to Gu Qingfeng, and Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor’s memory does not contain the exact information. He only knows that holy light clearly restrains the original sin. This statement is handed down from the ancient times. It seems that in the ancient times, the blood of original sin and holy light seems to have happened a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering battle.


Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor doesn’t have many things in his memory about the barren ancient times, and most of them are heard from the Senior of Danding Valley. Is it true? Old Ancestor himself I don’t know, but Gu Qingfeng naturally doesn’t know.

I just sighed that there are too many secrets buried in the desolate ancient times. It gave him the feeling that everything was buried with the end of the desolate ancient era. Otherwise, the historical documents of the great desert It will not only start with the Great Ancient Era.

It seems that whether it is seeking original sin or seeking the era of innocence, one must figure out the ancient era.

Drank a glass of wine and glanced at the obediently and honestly Black Pig Monster King on the opposite side. Gu Qingfeng asked again: “What about then?”

His question was a bit screaming. The Black Pig Monster King was puzzled and asked: “What then?”

“What else happened to the ruins in the Great Wilderness?”

“Nothing. , The young one knows so much, really!”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t speak anymore, just lying on his back on the Old Zhang’s chair with Erlang’s legs, his eyes closed slightly, like Like in meditation.

The opposite.

The Black Pig Monster King looks quite pitiful. He was seriously injured. He was covered with bloody wounds. The spirit strength was almost exhausted. The whole person was weak. He stood so obediently and honestly. So, neither dared to speak more, nor dared to move.

After a while, Gu Qingfeng eyes opened, changed his posture, leaned his body, tilted his head slightly, and asked: “Right, there is something else, I want to ask you too “

“I don’t know what Uncle Gu wants to ask?”

“When you were outside just now, your last move Danger Land took out was the power of original sin, right?”

When Gu Qingfeng mentioned the word original sin, Black Pig Monster King’s heart sank suddenly, and the whole person became nervous.

In the legend, the book of destiny records that when the original sin finds God, the road will fall, the ancient and the ancient will end, Heaven and Earth will be reborn, and the era of innocence will begin…


In other words, only Allah of Original Sin can open the age of innocence.

Since the news spread, this above heaven under earth since ancient times, All Heavens Myriad Realms has secretly started a battle for original sin.

If there is no original sin, snatch the original sin.

Those who have original sin want to deepen the original sin.

The deep original sin wants to be deeper.

After all, everyone wants to be the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny.

Even if you fail to become the Allah of Original Sin, at least you will not miss the Age of Innocence because you are not a person of Original Sin.

Black Pig Monster King is a good example.

He is not a person of congenital original sin, his original sin is all snatched, including at this moment his fleshy body is also from the body possession of a person of congenital original sin.

So, he knows better than anyone how cruel it is to rob each other of original sinners.

Hearing Gu Qingfeng mentioned original sin, he instinctively became cautious, thinking that Gu Qingfeng was going to snatch his original sin, but just changed his mind and relaxed his vigilance. When he wanted to come, Gu Qingfeng was unlikely to snatch himself The original sin.

The reason is very simple.

He clearly knows that Gu Qingfeng is the original sin of not just in name only, but also in reality, and the original sin of between Heaven and Earth one of the very best.

If the original sin is really a kind of bloodline, Gu Qingfeng is the orthodox pure bloodline, and his acquired original sin, like fake and inferior, belongs to the impurity bloodline, although it is also the original sin, but it is not the orthodox Compared with the original sin of the innate, the gap is not as simple as a little bit.

If Gu Qingfeng robbed him of the original sin of impurities, the orthodox original sin of purity may still be contaminated.

The most important thing is that Gu Qingfeng’s orthodox original sin is particularly profound, not worse than Black Pig Monster King.

I want to come to Black Pig Monster King, let alone snatching, it is to give his original sin to Gu Qingfeng, he may not want it.

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