Supreme Lord

Chapter 2070

After thinking about it, the Black Pig Monster King was no longer afraid, cautiously responded: “The power that the little one took out in the end is indeed the power of original sin.”

No response from Gu Qingfeng, The Black Pig Monster King dared to tentatively ask: “I don’t know what Uncle Gu wants to ask?”

“Nothing.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Your power of original sin looks very powerful. Look like.”

“Uncle Gu, don’t make a joke at Senior.”

“Lord, I didn’t laugh at you. Your original sin is much worse than your master’s. “

“Uncle Gu.” Black pig Monster King wanted to cry without tears, and said with a mournful face: “How can this little original sin be compared with you? It is simply the light of rice grains and the light of the sun and moon. It’s impossible to mention on equal terms at all, and it’s not on the stage. Don’t make a small joke for your Senior.”

“Oh! It’s not too much, and you start to be humble.”

Black Pig Monster King felt that Gu Qingfeng was deliberately teasing himself, and he didn’t dare to say anything, but was secretly depressed.

“Tell me, how did your original sin come from?”

“This…” The Black Pig Monster King hesitated for a moment before he reluctantly said: “Yes I came here by chance with body possession.”

“It’s not just as simple as body possession, right?”

“I also grabbed a few original sins.”

“How many have you grabbed?”

“Two or three?” Perhaps because I realized that Gu Qingfeng couldn’t be concealed, Black Pig Monster King took his heart away, and brace oneself said: “A total of I grabbed it. Five or six original sins.”

“Refining after snatching it?”


“Yes, this is robbing the house and killing people. You brat is becoming more and more proficient in his activities. In the past, he was just grabbing magic weapons and good fortune. Now motherfucker is starting to grab the original sin!”


The Black Pig Monster King really doesn’t know what to say. “Deep in one’s heart” is extremely contempt for Gu Qingfeng. Others may not know. As the old partner who went to Nether Nether with Gu Qingfeng, Hei Pig Monster King knows clearly that this guy is not a good bird, and he is only doing the kind of murderous activities compared to himself.

“Lord, I am a little curious, how did you brat grab that many original sins, those people who are in the wilderness should not be trifled with?”

Gu Qingfeng knows not many people of original sin, there are only a few, Bai Chou counts one, Ren Tianhang counts one, plus Mo Wentian who hit it off not long ago.

Bai Chou’s strength is deep and unmeasurable, and even Gu Qingfeng is not absolutely sure to defeat her.

As for Ren Tianhang and Mo Wentian, let alone.

One is Emperor Weiyang, the overlord of demonic path, and the other is Emperor Xiaoyao of Megatron Dahuang.

The existence of these two people is not only the original sin person, but also the original sin variable like Gu Qingfeng.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know how strong true strength is.

Don’t say that a black pig Monster King, that is, ten hundreds of thousands of black pig Monster Kings may not be Ren Tianhang and Mo Wentian opponents.

“Uncle Gu, those people who have been in the Great Wasteland of the original sin, the strength is more than terrifying, and it is too late to hide, how dare to snatch their original sin.”

“Where did your five or six original sins be snatched?”

“The small original sins were all snatched from the secular world.”

“The secular world?” Gu Qingfeng couldn’t understand a bit.

“Some people of original sin in the secular world often don’t know that they are the person of original sin.”

Listening to the Black Pig Monster King, Gu Qingfeng understands this, think carefully Think, this is indeed a good way.

It’s not that everyone is born to know that he is a person of original sin. Gu Qingfeng himself is a good example. He has been in the secular world for so long without knowing that he is a person of original sin until later Only after entering the great wasteland did I gradually know.

“Those great tycoons have been secretly searching for the original sinners in All Heavens Myriad Realms, and after they are found, they will bring them back to cultivate them. There are very few places when they are alone, even if they go out, they are definitely protected by experts. “

As soon as the conversation turned, the Black Pig Monster King said again: “However, there are too many secular worlds, and the great wilderness giants can’t control them all. There is always a fish that escaped the net, and the small is now I haven’t done anything for thousands of years, and I’ve been wandering around All Heavens Myriad Realms. It’s also a small good luck. I met a few weak people of original sin.”

“You brat is really patient. For the original sin of Rao Shizi, motherfucker has been tossing in the secular world for thousands of years. It seems that you brat is very interested in the seat of God of Original Sin.”

“No! Absolutely not! The little one knows himself. , How dare to peep at Allah of Original Sin.” For fear of Gu Qingfeng’s misunderstanding, Black Pig Monster King quickly explained: “The little ones just join in the fun, don’t want to…miss the future era of innocence…”


Gu Qingfeng, with a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, swept back and forth on the Black Pig Monster King, and the Black Pig Monster King looked numb.

After a while, Gu Qingfeng said again: “speaking of which, you brat snatched that many original sins, why didn’t you say that you made an original sin?”

“Gu Uncle, your old lady is too high-minded, and even those original sins cannot conceive the original sin body. The small, stolen acquired original sin does not dare to expect the original sin body at all.”

Legend Only when the body of original sin is conceived can the door of original sin be opened.

Only when the original sin incarnation is conceived can we officially embark on the road of original sin.


It is not easy to conceive the body of original sin.

This thing depends on fate, chance, and perception.

The three are indispensable.

This is just a person of original sin.

If a person of acquired original sin is robbed like the Black Pig Monster King, it is really harder than heavenly ascension to open the door of original sin and conceive the body of original sin.

After all, the acquired original sin is the acquired original sin.

It is neither as orthodox, nor as pure as the original sin of innate. Not to say that the original sin body is conceived, and it is quite difficult to integrate the original sin into oneself.

Gu Qingfeng is a person of innate original sin. He has never merged with acquired original sin and has no experience in this area.

King Keshi, the black pig demon, has a deep understanding. He spent 10,000 years in All Heavens Myriad Realms not just to find the original sinner, but to integrate the looted original sin into himself.

This is just the beginning.

After integrating into yourself, you must ensure that you will not be backlashed, and at the same time, you can control the power of original sin.

Like the Black Pig Monster King, although he has successfully integrated the original sin he has stolen into himself, he has suffered more than a dozen original sin backlashes over the past ten thousand years. Every time he has lost his life and death. On the edge, one of them was almost scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, and he has not been able to completely control the power of original sin.

Each time the power of the original sin is taken out, his Essence, Qi, and Spirit will be exhausted. The most important thing is that every time the power of the take out, he may be backlashed.

So, if it is not as a last resort, under normal circumstances, Black Pig Monster King will not use the power of original sin.

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