Supreme Lord

Chapter 2068

What amazed the Black Pig Monster King the most is that almost all the people who entered that barren ancient vestige were expert powerhouses.

It’s not the giant Old Ancestor or the destiny of Dao Dao.

It’s not the celebrity of the era or the pride of the era.

Either world Paragon or heaven overlord.

The fame is bigger than the other, the cultivation base is higher than the other, and the strength is stronger than the other.

After all, it is a relic of the ancient era. Although there are many mysterious and powerful avenues buried in this place, it is also known that many ancestors of the avenue have fallen in the ancient catastrophe. Not to mention that some of the cultivation bases are weak, that is Old Senior who has cultivated for many years dare not enter easily.

Under normal circumstances, whether it is too ancient vestige or far ancient vestige, even if it is dangerous, the giants of the wild are confident to protect themselves, so when they go on adventures, they will bring some discipline experience, even if they get nothing, they Can increase experience.

And this time after the ancient vestige appeared, few giant Old Ancestor would bring the discipline to experience, because the ancient vestige was too mysterious and knew nothing about the ancient times. Once Going in, no one will know what terrifying things they have encountered. It is unknown whether they can protect themselves or not, so they dare not bring the discipline into the experience.

“What is the ancient vestige that appeared in the Great Wilderness?”

“What is it like?”

Black Pig Monster King scratched his head and said: “It’s nothing, it’s similar to the barren ancient vestige outside. It’s all barren, except for deserts or deserts, at least when small ones go in.”

“There is no Source Law or something? “


“Is there no turbulent vortex above that barren ancient vestige?”

“There was no vortex when the little one entered. Later Just the unfathomable mystery appeared, and then…there was no more. The wild ancient vestige fell into the endless sea, and everyone was trapped in it.”

“That’s it…”

Suddenly, Black Pig Monster King seemed to have thought about something, and said: “That’s right! There is one thing I don’t know if I should say it.”

“What’s the matter? “

“The little one heard…When that barren ancient vestige first appeared, a madman ran out of it.”

“A madman?” Gu Qingfeng was puzzled. Asked: “How many do you mean?”

“What’s the details, I don’t know how small it is. I just heard other people say that when the wild ancient vestige just appeared, no one else entered. , A madman suddenly rushed out from the inside, and the madman’s cultivation base was extremely terrifying. Some giant Old Ancestor who was waiting outside at the time did not stop the madman, and was seriously injured by the madman’s shock. Several giants Old Ancestor were shocked on the spot.”

“Is there anything else?”

Gu Qingfeng thought it was strange and asked, “What do you mean? …That lunatic might be a powerhouse from an ancient era?”

“This…the little one doesn’t know, some people say that the lunatic might be a powerhouse from an ancient era, others say it may be from a certain era We don’t know what happened to the senior experts who were trapped in the ancient vestige after falling into the endless sea.”

“Whether the lunatic is the powerhouse of the ancient times, or was later The expert trapped inside, there should be some clues in the ruins? It’s difficult for you to find something after entering?”

Black Pig Monster King nodded, then said: “Little People also think so. Even if the powerhouse of the barren era stayed in the ruins for so long, there should be some clues left. Even if it was sealed inside, nothing was left behind. The strange thing is that no one found anything. Clues, small doubts… This matter must have been blocked by the most advanced group of people. “

“What do you mean? “

“The first batch of experts who entered if they found something in it, they would definitely not want others to know, and…”

Black Pig Monster King wanted to continue. What, it’s just that Gu Qingfeng has no patience to listen anymore, and said: “I said black pigs, we two have known each other not a day or two, what kind of virtue you are, your heart is like a mirror, so you don’t give it to me. Slightly, just say it. “


Gu Qingfeng knows the virtues of Black Pig Monster King too much.

When he wants to come, even if the Black Pig Monster King enters late, there is no He will definitely try his best to figure out what happened to the ancient vestige. If there are any treasures, and who robbed them of them, after hearing the news, he will stumble and stumble. It’s a sap to kill people and make money.

This kind of activity, when the two broke into Nether together, Gu Qingfeng was an expert in killing people and making money, and Black Pig Monster King was even more so.


And this guy has a unique ability called Gu Qingfeng I admire very much, that is, he has a lot of eyes and brains, and often an unremarkable word may be something that you can’t stand at all. In the end, this guy He can predict things that are not known.


He is quite sure that what happened in the ancient vestige where the Great Wilderness emerged, even if the Black Pig Monster King did not personally Experience, he definitely knows almost.

“This…Master Gu, you always misunderstood. It’s not that the young ones don’t want to say. The young ones know almost all they hear, so they dare not come. talk. “

Gu Qingfeng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, only said one word: “Say. “

“This…well, the little one just talks casually. You can just listen to it. According to the little one, it is said that the first person who entered the desert ancient vestige is in the ruins. A treasure that was enough to cause a sensation in the wild was found inside! “

“What baby?” “

“There is an innate treasure of Dadao! There is also a great road seed…”


Gu Qingfeng was slightly surprised and said, “Really? “

“This…” Black pig Monster King said with a weeping face: “The little one is just guessing based on some people and things. The little one doesn’t know if it is true or not.” “

“Do you know what kind of innate treasure of the avenue, and what the seed of which avenue is? “

The Black Pig Monster King even shook his head and said: “I don’t know this, I can’t guess it, but…”

“But what? “

“The first person who entered the deserted ancient vestige with a small doubt found not only an innate treasure of Dao Dao and a seed of Dao Dao, apart from this, but also things. “

Gu Qingfeng sits in a chair, drank a little wine, did not speak, and waited for the following.

“There is still a drop of primordial blood. “

hearing this, Gu Qingfeng frowned slightly and asked: “You mean the blood of original sin?” “

“no! The little one is primordial blood! “

“motherfucker! Isn’t the blood of original sin the blood of primordial? “

“Uncle Gu! The blood of original sin is indeed the blood of primordial, but besides the blood of original sin, the blood of primordial also has blood of light and blood. “

Gu Qingfeng laughed dumbly and said: “It’s also ha, why did you forget this?” “

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