Supreme Lord

Chapter 2058

Gu Qingfeng asked the side by side for a long time and didn’t ask for a reason. Fengzhu Old Senior seemed to be particularly taboo against that ominous thing. In desperation, he had to give up.

Finally, I came across an expert in the ancient times. I thought that even if I couldn’t ask about that ominous thing, I would at least have to find out what terrifying catastrophe happened in the ancient times. However, let Gu Qingfeng What is extremely speechless is that Fengzhu Old Senior doesn’t mention that’s all if he doesn’t mention the ominous things, and he is silent about things in the ancient times.

What he said now is only a touch of incomplete knowledge and memory, and he has forgotten most of the things that happened in the ancient times.

Don’t say, this reason is really sufficient.

At least Gu Qingfeng could not find an excuse to refute.

After all, cannibal consciousness is incomplete consciousness, a touch of incomplete consciousness after being separated from the subject of life. Even consciousness is incomplete, let alone memory.

Of course.

Fengzhu’s Old Senior has been able to survive from the ancient times to the present. If you think about it with your toes, you will know that it’s definitely not an ordinary incomplete knowledge. Even if the memory is really incomplete, I believe he can use it. Incomplete memory deduces a complete memory.

Unfortunately, this old man just doesn’t say anything, Gu Qingfeng has nothing to do.

You can’t use evil means to force others to speak out, right?

Although Gu Qingfeng can’t talk about a good person, he can’t do the kind of requite kindness with enmity. If you don’t say anything else, just take the few cups of wine that Old Senior asked. He would not embarrass others, even more how Old Senior also took the initiative to undo seal to let him leave.

Sighed, stood up, he habitually stretched his waist, drank the wine in the cup, and asked: “I wonder what Old Senior plans to do next?”

“The old man has been waiting from the ancient times to the destined person who is only waiting for the ominous things. Now this destined person has appeared, and it is still like a Qingfeng Xiaoyou.”

Fengzhu Old Senior Twist With a white beard, Wei Wei lightly said with a smile: “The old man has his wish, and there is no regret…”

“In other words, this is the first and last time we met. “

Gu Qingfeng heard that Fengzhu Old Senior probably meant to leave, but this leave is not from the ancient vestige, but from this place between Heaven and Earth, which is also scattered ashes. and dispersed smoke.

Although he couldn’t understand this, he didn’t say anything at all, saying: “I don’t know what else Old Senior has to explain? Or is there anything I can help?”

Fengzhu Old Senior shook his head slightly, pours two glasses of wine, and handed it to Gu Qingfeng, saying: “The old man has nothing to explain, and there is nothing to help. I just look forward to the little friend Qingfeng in the future. Be able to do as one pleases and be ashamed of your heart.”

“Follow what you want? No ashamed of your heart…haha!”

Gu Qingfeng laughed nodded, cup one fist in both hands The other hand, after leaving, was about to leave, suddenly remembered something, and asked: “By the way, Old Senior can you give me some pointers?”

“What’s the matter?”


“What’s the matter with the Old Ancestor of Lin Chi, who appears in the time and space illusion time and time again? Why does the seal disappear automatically as long as he is wiped out, and the more I think about it, the more I think he is with you…”

“Don’t hide it from my little friend, that Lin Chi is indeed the reincarnation of the old man with a touch of divine sense before his death.”


hearing this, Gu Qingfeng was slightly surprised.

When I saw Fengzhu Old Senior here, he had already guessed that there must be some connection between Nalinchi Old Ancestor and Fengzhu Old Senior. I thought it was Avatar or incarnation. Didn’t expect was actually transformed by the reincarnation of divine sense.

Divine sense and Divine Consciousness are known as the two gods of the spirit, both belong to the soul and are hidden in the mind.

The difference is that Divine Consciousness contains consciousness, while divine sense contains ideas.

samsara reincarnation is a taboo, and it is also an act against heaven.

No one will go to samsara reincarnation until as a last resort.

Because samsara reincarnation is too dangerous and full of mysterious unknowns, there are too many uncertainties. Once you enter samsara reincarnation, no one can guarantee the success of reincarnation, even if the soul of reincarnation is successful, it may not be able to awaken. , And will also bear the sin of reincarnation.

The soul reincarnation is still like this.

With Divine Consciousness and divine sense samsara reincarnation, the hope of success is even slimmer.

Especially divine sense, this thing is more fragile than Divine Consciousness.

The most important thing is that divine sense is just a carrier of ideas. To put it bluntly, it is a single thought. It does not even have self-consciousness. Even if the reincarnation is successful, it is impossible to awaken the consciousness of the previous life.

In other words, if you succeed in reincarnation with a touch of divine sense, in addition to inheriting the spiritual ideas of the previous life, it is no different from an ordinary person, and it will give birth to your own self-consciousness.

In the case of Divine Consciousness samsara reincarnation, there is more or less hope to awaken the consciousness of the previous life, even if it is incomplete consciousness, it is better than the consciousness that cannot awaken the previous life.

Gu Qingfeng really does not know the meaning of divine sense samsara reincarnation.

Fengzhu Old Senior seemed to see his inner doubts and explained: “Little friend Qingfeng can still remember what old man said just now, once the ominous thing is born, it will definitely affect Heaven and Earth. Grand Dao and all living beings will also affect the opening of the era of innocence.”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, did not speak, waiting for the following.

“Until now, there are many ideas of ill-intentioned things. Glare like a tiger watching his prey is trying to take it as his own. Old man is just a touch of intellect and he can do it. It’s really insignificant.”

Gu Qingfeng answered, “So you use divine sense samsara reincarnation to protect the ominous things with the help of divine sense?” As he said it, he felt wrong and said: “The divine sense is just a touch of your thoughts, without any consciousness. After samsara reincarnation, people will also conceive a new and independent self-consciousness. At best, they will only be affected by the divine sense of the previous life. It is difficult for you to be able to use a touch of disability. Dominate the divine sense Reincarnation Body?”

Fengzhu Old Senior shook his head and said: “As you said, a touch of divine sense of the old man will give birth to a new sense of self after reincarnation. Under this, How can old man dominate?”

“Since you can’t dominate, how did your divine sense Reincarnation Body come to this wild ancient vestige? How do you use them to protect the ominous things? “

“The reason is very simple, the word cause and effect.”

“Cause and effect?”

“They are the people of divine sense samsara reincarnation of old man, also There is cause and effect with old man, old man is the cause, they are the result, both cause and effect, they must meet, they are destined to come to this ridiculous ancient vestige, like the man of original sin, is destined to open the era of innocence…because of innocence Time is the cause of original sin.”


Gu Qingfeng was the first time he heard this statement about cause and effect. After thinking about it carefully, I think it makes sense.


He seemed to realize something and asked: “Old Senior, what did you mean by them? Your divine sense samsara reincarnation is more than Lao Zi Lin Chi?”

“It is true that there is more than one.”

“How many are there?”

“It is not clear how many old man is. Back then, the old man only left a trace of his knowledge, and the others turned into nothingness. When divine sense entered samsara reincarnation, how many divine senses were successfully reincarnated, the old man did not know.”

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