Supreme Lord

Chapter 2057

“Little friend Qingfeng doesn’t need to wonder about this.”

Fengzhu Old Senior holds a bottle and pours a glass for Gu Qingfeng.

Although this wine bottle looks exquisite, it is very small. According to the capacity of the bottle, you can pour four or five cups at best, but now you have poured enough thirty-forty cups. Bottomed out.

Gu Qingfeng thought that there should be something else in this thing, but he is not in the mood to appreciate it now, just want to know what medicine is sold in Fengzhu Old Senior bottle gourd, and asked “Why?”

“The reason is very simple, the old man wants to take a gamble.”

Hearing this, Gu Qingfeng was surprised, and asked: “Give a gamble? “

“Yes, take a gamble.”

“What are you betting on?”

“The bet is that the ominous thing is in the hands of little friend Qingfeng Will it have a good or a bad influence on the heaven and Earth Grand Dao?”

“Since it is an ominous thing, it is naturally a bad influence, how can it become a good influence.”

“Ominous things are dead if they are unknown, but people are alive.”

“I have no objection to Old Senior saying this, but you must not forget it. The ominous thing is in my hands. Even if it really has a good effect on Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, it may have a worse effect.”

Fengzhu Old Senior twisted his white beard, said “That’s why the old man decided to take a gamble.”

“Knowing that the result was terrible, why insisted on betting.” Gu Qingfeng said curiously: “Are you not afraid of losing the bet?”


“Of course I’m afraid.”

“Afraid you still gamble?”

“Because you are afraid of losing, you should bet more.”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t understand, and asked: “What’s the truth?”

“Little friend Qingfeng is the most variable. If the ominous thing is in your hands, there will be two extreme results. If it has a good impact on Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, it will be the best impact. If it has the worst result on Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, it will also be the worst result.”

“In this case , Then you still bet?” Gu Qingfeng shook his head speechless saying: “Your Senior has survived from the ancient times to the present with a touch of incomplete knowledge. Wouldn’t it be just for a gamble? If I were you, I would definitely not pin my hopes on In others, even if they have to gamble, they will find a reliable person to think of a safe way to gamble, and even if they lose in the end, they will not lose too badly.”


Fengzhu Old Senior laughed faintly, and suddenly asked an irrelevant question, saying:” Does Qingfeng Xiaoyou like to gamble? “

“It’s OK. “Gu Qingfeng shrugged and responded: “It’s not like it or not, I will play two occasionally when I am interested.” “

“Has Qingfeng Xiaoyou ever lost?” “

“Slightly. “Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Betting with others, I generally don’t lose, but if… betting with destiny, I have never won. “

“haha. “

Inexplicably, Fengzhu Old Senior smiled, a little unfathomable mystery.

“What is Old Senior laughing at? What’s so funny about this? “

“Betting with destiny is like betting with yourself. You will never win and never lose…”

“Why? “

Fengzhu Old Senior smiled without saying a word, not at all to answer this question.

And Gu Qingfeng whispered this sentence, as if he had realized something, and felt very It makes sense.

“Little friend Qingfeng, can old man ask you another question? “

“Of course. “

“If you have ever gambled once and you have lost miserably, only one heirloom is left, apart from this, there is nothing else, and there is no way out. You have only one chance to gamble, and you have to bet on Jiabao. At this time, how would you gamble? Is it to win in stability, or to give it a go? Winning in stability, winning or losing is unknown. As you just said, winning is only a small win. If you lose, you won’t lose too badly. But if you let go, if you win, you will lose. All of you win back, if you lose, you will lose everything! “


Gu Qingfeng thought about it for a while, and after a long time, he responded, “You have the character to determine the destiny, according to my character In other words, I wonder if I really get there, I will definitely choose to let go and fight hard. If you win, you will win thoroughly. If you lose, you must lose completely. A small win will quench your thirst at best. So, it might as well lose light. “

“If this is the case, you should be able to understand the meaning of old man if you want to come to Qingfeng, right? “


Gu Qingfeng understands.

When Fengzhu Old Senior asked him, he already understood.

Fengzhu Old Senior said that he had lost once, and the loss was miserable and miserable. In Gu Qingfeng, that time should be the catastrophe of the ancient era. Fengzhu Old Senior lost everything, leaving only a touch of disability. With the “heirloom” of that ominous thing, he no longer wants to win in stability, but wants to give it a go. If you win, you will win thoroughly, and if you lose, you must lose completely.

It’s just.

In this world, you understand, understand, understand, and sometimes you just don’t want to do it.

Gu Qingfeng sighed: “Old Senior, what you say makes I’m very stressed, it feels as if you are putting your heirloom on me as a bet. “

“no! You are wrong. “

“How to say. “

“It’s not that the old man pressed the ominous thing on the young friend Qingfeng, but that the ominous object chose the young friend Qingfeng, and the old man couldn’t control his choice at all. “

“Although you can’t control the choice of the ominous thing, you decide my stay. “

“Does the old man trap you in this time and space illusion?” “Fengzhu Old Senior lightly said with a smile: “Don’t say that the old man doesn’t want to trap you here. Even if the old man has this mind, it may not really be able to trap the little friend of Qingfeng. “

“If I could go out, I would have gone out a long time ago, and I wouldn’t have tossed back and forth for so long. “

“If you can’t get out now, it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get out in the future. The old man believes that the time and space illusion will trap the little friend and the little friend for a while. “

“I have no confidence in myself, but you have confidence in me. “

“At this point, the old man can only think about the good side as much as possible, right? “

“ha ha ha ha! “Gu Qingfeng said with a big smile: “This is a truth. “

The two were chatting while drinking wine. Gu Qingfeng wanted to know what the ominous thing was. However, no matter how he asked, Fengzhu Old Senior was always mouth-watering. Not to mention, I just say that once an ominous thing is born, it will have an impact on Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, all living beings, and even the opening of the era of innocence.

Gu Qingfeng thinks about it and thinks it all. This ominous thing is most likely to be related to original sin.

Based on the existence he knows so far, only original sin affects both the heaven and earth grand dao all living beings and the opening of the era of innocence.


But if the ominous thing is related to original sin, then what is it and what does it have to do with original sin?

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