Supreme Lord

Chapter 2059

Fengzhu Old Senior’s touch of divine sense samsara reincarnation has surprised Gu Qingfeng. I never thought that this old man used all kinds of divine sense samsara reincarnation, and he didn’t even know how many divine senses. .

This is too terrifying.

The horror makes Gu Qingfeng feel like have one’s hair stand on end.

Think about what kind of concept it is if it is transformed into countless divine senses, all samsara reincarnation, and how many old senior divine sense reincarnations should there be in All Heavens Myriad Realms.

Even if these divine sense reincarnated people are pregnant with self-consciousness, the root is Fengzhu Old Senior, which means that he is the cause and created so many effects. These effects continue to cause and effect. , The ghost knows how much cause and effect will continue.

This method is really…too terrifying.

And Gu Qingfeng is sure that with all kinds of divine sense samsara reincarnation, the sin is definitely much greater than the soul samsara reincarnation. It can be said that it is fundamentally impossible to compare. This method can no longer be called It’s defying heaven changing fate, but it’s fate against the heavens, and the consequences and impacts are absolutely unimaginable.

“You always use all kinds of divine sense samsara reincarnation, just to protect the ominous things?”

“It is for the ominous things, but not for the protection, old Although man used all kinds of Divine Consciousness samsara reincarnation back then, there should not be many divine senses for successful reincarnation, and there are very few who can come to this wild ancient vestige based on causality. Moreover, those who reincarnate with old man divine sense The ability is far from being qualified to protect the ominous things.”

“Why not protect it?”

Fengzhu Old Senior looked at Gu Qingfeng, pondered for a moment, and then responded Said: “For grafting cause and effect, it is also for fate.”

“Grafting cause and effect? ​​Fate?” Gu Qingfeng was surprised, and asked: “Whose causation is grafted? And whose fate is created?” Then, I startedled in my heart, realized something, and said: “What you graft is the cause and effect of the ominous things, and what you create is the condition of the ominous things!”


Fengzhu Old Senior not at all denies and bluntly said: “There have always been people spying on the ominous things. Since the end of the ancient era and the opening of the Great Ancient Era, some people have come to snatch them, and some have come to test them. The old man is worried about the fall of the ominous things. In the hands of other people, therefore, we must not think of grafting causality.”

paused, Fengzhu Old Senior sighed then said, “This is also a helpless move, because grafting The existence of causality who wants to connect with the ominous thing is not only the old man. In this tripod, among the bones, many of them are other people who have divine sense reincarnations, and they all want to connect with the ominous thing. So as to get it for yourself!”

hearing this.

Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath. He felt that it was too evil. He never thought that the bones in the giant cauldron would have other divine sense reincarnated people.

“Fortunately, the old man failed to connect with the ominous things, and other existences did not connect with the ominous things. After all, the cause and effect of the grafting is the cause and effect of the graft. Even if it is created, it is a falsehood. The fate.”

“Old Senior.”

Gu Qingfeng asked seriously and seriously: “Those who are reincarnated with divine sense know that they are the reincarnations of other people’s divine sense ?”

“I don’t know, but… if you are looking for cause and effect, you should be aware of it, but it’s just that’s all.”

“Old Senior arranged this The space-time illusion must also be a destined person who is afraid of waiting for ominous things. Is someone who is reincarnated in divine sense?”

“It is true!”

“Old Senior, do you think I am Is it the reincarnated person of divine sense?”

Fengzhu Old Senior stared at Gu Qingfeng with a solemn expression, and said: “What do you think?”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, shakes again Shook his head.

He doesn’t know, and he doesn’t know.

However, when Fengzhu Old Senior mentioned divine sense samsara reincarnation, he suspected for a moment that he might be the reincarnation of other existing divine sense.

People of divine sense samsara reincarnation, because they are the reincarnation of divine sense, they have no previous life that belongs to them.

Gu Qingfeng has no previous life that belongs to him, at least, he hasn’t noticed it now.

People of divine sense samsara reincarnation, also because they are reincarnation of divine sense, although they have no previous life of their own, but because of divine sense, they have unfathomable mystery.

And Gu Qingfeng has many causes and effects of unfathomable mystery.

Fang Cai Fengzhu Old Senior said that many existences use the method of divine sense samsara reincarnation to graft cause and effect with ominous things. Many of the bones in giant cauldron are divine sense. The person of reincarnation, who can guarantee that Gu Qingfeng is not someone of divine sense samsara reincarnation?

Think again, the unfathomable mystery that smashed on me earlier and merged with me like a lone star tear.

There is also the weird voice of Dadao Seed, which makes oneself not believe in causal destiny.

Gu Qingfeng has always wondered about this, but if he is someone of other people’s divine sense samsara reincarnation, then all this can be explained. The cause and effect of those unfathomable mystery encountered in this life The root cause can also be found.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help asking in his heart: Whose divine sense samsara reincarnation really stumps himself?

“Leave aside whether the little friend Qingfeng is a divine sense samsara reincarnation.” At this time, Fengzhu Old Senior said: “The old man asks the little friend a question first, if the little friend is really divine sense samsara What about the person of reincarnation?”

“If I really am the person of divine sense samsara reincarnation.” Gu Qingfeng bluntly said: “How can I see the owner of divine sense?”

“Why do you want to meet?”

“The reason is very simple, I want to know who I am.”

“If my little friend is really the person of divine sense samsara reincarnation, it would have been With your own independent self-awareness, you are you, not at all with the owner of divine sense.”

“Although it has no relationship, there is cause and effect.”

“Cause and effect is Very complicated…”

“Because of the complexity, it should be more clear, right?”

Fengzhu Old Senior sighed then said and asked: “Qingfengxiao You can have heard of the word Sea of ​​Bitterness?”

“Have heard of it.”

“Throughout Heaven and Earth, since ancient times, there is no One exception is caught in the Sea of ​​Bitterness.” At this point, Fengzhu Old Senior sighed again and said: “Causality is continuous, and it will only become more chaotic. The cause and effect have neither beginning nor end. There is only endless reincarnation…Under this situation, how can you figure out your own cause and effect?”

“The cause and effect of an ordinary person is still like this, let alone the cause and effect of the little friend Qingfeng, the little friend is the original sin People, original sin itself is formed by a series of disordered cause and effect. The little friend is the variable of original sin, and it is the most variable. Between Heaven and Earth, I am afraid that no one’s cause and effect are more chaotic and more complicated than the little friend…”

Listening to Fengzhu Old Senior’s words, Gu Qingfeng thought about it and found it reasonable.

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