Supreme Lord

Chapter 2056

Although Gu Qingfeng was shocked when he learned that there was an ominous thing on his body.

But it was just shock.

not at all there is no fear of fear, no worry.

As the saying goes, there is no worries about debts, but no lice are itchy.

There are enough messes in him, and one thing is more mysterious than one more strange, and it’s not worse than one more ominous thing.

The only thing that made him curious was why this destined person would be himself, and to be precise, why the destined person would choose himself.

When inquiring, Fengzhu Old Senior responded: “Lao Na also wants to know the answer to this question, maybe it is destined, or it may be causal, or even a chance coincidence.”


Hearing this sentence, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but smile.

“Why did Little Friend Qingfeng laugh?”

“I laughed because of what you said. I don’t remember how many times I have heard it…” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Thinking about it, it’s really strange, why do you beings like to say this every time you encounter this kind of thing, either by fate, by cause and effect, or by coincidence… No I know if you have discussed it, or what’s going on.”

“It may be abnormal if other people hear this sentence often, but if it is a little friend, it would be too normal.”



“Little friend Qingfeng is a variable, not only a variable of original sin or a false variable, but also a variable of modern and ancient times and even innocence. It is called between Heaven and Earth. Unpredictable variables are not an exaggeration.”

Feng Zhu Old Senior looked solemn when he mentioned the ominous things, and when Gu Qingfeng was a variable, Feng Zhu Old Senior With a smile on his face again, he said: “The existence of the little friend Qingfeng is chaotic in cause and effect, and the fate is naturally unpredictable. Therefore, what happened to the little friend, through the history of Heaven and Earth, I am afraid that no one can deduct it. Come out.”


Fengzhu Old Senior said again: “This is also the reason why the old man saw Qingfeng Xiaoyou change his mind. If the ominous thing chooses other people, it may really become an ominous thing, but if it is Choosing Qingfeng Xiaoyou, the so-called ominous things may not really be ominous things, and even becoming auspicious things might not be impossible.”

“Why?” Gu Qingfeng asked Said: “I am stumped because my existence is a variable?”



Fengzhu Old Senior is very Affirmative response: “Perhaps.”

“In other words, now you have changed your mind and do not intend to trap me in this time and space fantasy?”

“As long as the breeze is small Friends can leave at any time if they want.”


Gu Qingfeng laughed, and said: “I’m just a little puzzled.”

” I don’t know what the little friend is wondering?”

“Let’s tell you, I’m still the first time to enjoy the benefits of being a variable in my life.” Gu Qingfeng said with emotion, “I used to The identity of this variable has caused me trouble, and now I am at a point where I cannot be tolerated by Heaven and Earth. The curse is the identity of the variable.”

He didn’t understand before.

I don’t understand why the Dao can’t tolerate itself, nor can Heaven and Earth.

I thought it was because I had done too many evils, and the enemies were everywhere. Maybe it was because the good fortune was too mysterious, that caused the anger.

Later, he learned that he was the person of original sin, and he thought it was the identity of original sin.

As he experienced more, he realized that this was not the case. It was neither caused too much evil nor too mysterious, and also had little to do with the identity of the original sinner. The real curse is the word variable.

Throughout the history of Heaven and Earth, there are many people who have committed more sins than Gu Qingfeng. Each of the ancestors of Guixu has done more sins than him.

As for good fortune is too mysterious, between Heaven and Earth is not more secretive than Gu Qingfeng’s Spirit Transformation, but there are definitely more.

And there are really many people of original sin, between Heaven and Earth.

Not only the original sinner, but also Gu Qingfeng as the original sin variable.

However, the existence of Gu Qingfeng is not only a variable of original sin. As Fengzhu Old Senior said, the existence of Gu Qingfeng is both a variable of original sin and a variable of falsehood. Infinite variables, it is not too much to call it the most variable, and it is also the biggest variable between Heaven and Earth since ancient times.

Even ordinary people with variable causality are chaotic, and their fate is unpredictable, let alone Gu Qingfeng as the most variable.

If Gu Qingfeng is not the person of original sin, then that’s all.

He is the person of original sin, not only the person of original sin, but he is deeply involved in original sin.

You must know that Allah of Original Sin is the key to the Age of Innocence, and the Age of Innocence is buried with all the secrets between Heaven and Earth.

No one thinks, and dare not let Gu Qingfeng, the most variable, become the original sin, and open the era of innocence.

Because his cause and effect are too chaotic, there is no idea what will happen after he opens the Age of Innocence.

This is the most terrifying.

For this.

The avenue can’t accommodate him, and Heaven and Earth can’t accommodate him. Nine Nether, Heaven and Hell, Guixu Ruins, Holy Land Forbidden Land, etc. all exist as thorns, thorns in the flesh, and secrets. glare like a tiger watching his prey, even Gu Qingfeng suspected that it is unknown whether he can or can leave the ancient black hole this time.

When he wanted to come, Fengzhu Old Senior had arranged the space-time illusion in advance, the purpose is to trap the destined person of the ominous thing here, and completely prevent the birth of the ominous thing. Once it is born, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Now that I am such a destined person who has become the most indelible thing, it stands to reason that Fengzhu Old Senior should trap himself here. After all, he is the biggest variable and will be filled with Unknown, perhaps as Fengzhu Old Senior hopes, the ominous things may become auspicious things in his own body, but at the same time, there is another possibility that the ominous things may become more unknown in his body.

Although he doesn’t know what the so-called ominous thing is until now, but only from Fengzhu Old Senior has been guarding from the ancient times to the present, thinking about it with his toes, he knows, ominous I am afraid that things are more terrifying than imagined. Otherwise, Fengzhu Old Senior would not say that once an ominous thing is born, it is for Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, for all living beings, for the past, for the present, for the future , And even the era of innocence opened in the modern and ancient times has a great influence.

That’s it.

Fengzhu Old Senior should be more cautious, how can he let himself leave the most variable?

It should be a pleasure to be able to leave here, but Gu Qingfeng really couldn’t understand it.

When I came here, I came here in a daze. I had tossed about dozens of reincarnations in it. You can’t just go in a daze, right? No matter what, you have to figure out the ominous thing.

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