Supreme Lord

Chapter 2055

From the hair, the skin, from the acupoints, meridian, from the bones to the internal organs, feel and feel, feel every part of the entire fleshy body, and there is no ominous thing.

From the mind, soul, Divine Consciousness, consciousness, soul, Sea of ​​Consciousness, etc., everything was carefully explored, and no ominous things were found.

It even includes the spirit of Asura, the spirit of Asura, which falls on the Qiongbi and the Yellow Springs incarnation, plus Celestial Phenomenon, the elephant purgatory, and the chaotic universe, the three great good fortunes, even absolute, silence, life, and death Waiting for the Taboo Avenue also checked again, and also did not find any ominous things.

“Old Senior.”

Gu Qingfeng stared at Fengzhu Old Senior and asked: “Aren’t you scaring me? I just checked carefully, all over Not at all found something ominous.”

“Not found does not mean that it does not exist.” Fengzhu Old Senior said quite solemnly, saying: “Dare to ask Qingfeng, you have that many The mysterious and weird existence, can you guarantee that you can detect them all?”

The question of Fengzhu Old Senior really stopped Gu Qingfeng, and he was speechless.


Gu Qingfeng has many mysterious and weird existences, some of which he realized by himself, and some unfathomable mystery who came to the door, but whether it was realized by himself or from outside, although some of them cannot be controlled, But at least they can perceive each other’s existence, but there are only two existences that Gu Qingfeng can’t feel at all.

That is original sin and falsehood.

He was born as a person of original sin, and then he has merged with the blood of original sin. As for the illusion of me, he realized it.

One was his active integration, and the other was his own realization. According to common sense, he should be able to dominate, but in fact, not only cannot dominate, on the contrary, he can’t even sense it.

Since original sin and falsehood cannot be sensed by oneself, other existences cannot be sensed either.

The more I think about it, the more I have no bottom in my heart, because when I explored myself just now, I found a strange thing.

Since entering the ridiculous black hole, whether it is the spirit of Asura or the body of Asura falling on the poor blue, the body of Yellow Springs has always been beginning to stir, and it feels like returning to my hometown, especially the sudden transmission of the ridiculous black hole The loud noise that came to mysterious made these two existences even more excited, as if they heard the call of their relatives.

But after coming to this ancient vestige, the originally excited Asura spirit and Shangqiongbi fell to Yellow Springs. The bodies of the unfathomable mystery are all becoming unfathomable mystery, and no longer begin to stir. , It’s like falling into a deep sleep.

Gu Qingfeng entered more than a dozen ancient ancient vestiges in a row before and after the ancient black hole. When entering other ancient vestiges, Asura and Shangqiongbi fell into Yellow Springs and always begin to stir, why Wei Wei Entering this barren ancient vestige alone, have these two existences become honest?

Thinking of this, my heart sank, secretly thought: Is it possible that the ominous thing of Rao Shizi is really on me?

He looked up at Fengzhu Old Senior, and looked at this old man, divine poise and sagelike features, kind eyebrows, kind eyes, and a very serious look, feeling It shouldn’t be fooling himself.

Good fellow.

If the ominous thing is really on your body and you can’t sense it, what is this thing?

Fengzhu Old Senior was most likely an expert from an ancient era, most likely the ancestor of the legendary avenue, and even his existence is called an ominous thing, so how terrifying the motherfucker is.

I don’t know.

Can’t imagine it.

When Gu Qingfeng asked, Fengzhu Old Senior shook his head slightly and said: “Little friend Qingfeng, you should not ask old man about this question.”

“Then I should Who to ask?”

“You should ask yourself.”

“I want to ask myself, but the point is that I can’t sense the ominous things of Rauchi at all.”

“Since the ominous thing chooses you, it means that you are the destined person waiting for the ominous thing. If you can’t sense it now, it doesn’t mean you can’t in the future. The old man believes that one day you will It met.”

“You didn’t mean that you didn’t say anything.”

Fengzhu Old Senior shook his head and did not speak any more, no matter what Gu Qingfeng asked, Old Senior No mention of ominous things.

This makes Gu Qingfeng feel bad, because he can see that Old Senior has a very complicated feeling about the ominous things, which seems to be very jealous and full of worries.

“Since Old Senior refuses to say, I am not reluctant, but…” Gu Qingfeng continued to ask, “Can I ask you what is the relationship between you and that ominous thing?” “

“The old man has nothing to do with that ominous thing.”

“Isn’t it true?”

Gu Qingfeng picked up the exquisite The bottle first pours a glass for Fengzhu Old Senior, and then he pours a glass for himself, and said: “If you have nothing to do with the ominous thing of Rao Shizi, why have you been here for so many years with Senior?”

“The old man has already answered this question before. I am here only for the destined person who is waiting for the ominous thing.”

“And then? Since the ominous thing has nothing to do with you, you What is waiting for the so-called destined person?”

“The old man wants to see what kind of existence the destined person is waiting for.”

“I’m afraid Old Senior The purpose of waiting here is not just to look at the destined person, right?” Gu Qingfeng said with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, “I may not know if you have anything to do with that ominous thing, but Old Senior must It has something to do with the giant cauldron that seals the ominous things, including this ancient vestige, and even this time and space turbulence, which is most likely to be caused by you, is it?”

Fengzhu Old Senior voted Gu Qingfeng an appreciation The look in the eyes, not at all, nodded should say: “The little friend said yes, this cauldron is called Bahuang Yuanding. It is indeed refined by the old man during his lifetime. As for this time and space illusion, it is indeed arranged by Lao Na.”

Listening to Fengzhu Old Senior, Gu Qingfeng was not surprised. When he saw the old man, he had guessed in his heart that all of this should have been made by the old man, and it was time. Today I can guess the purpose of the old man’s arrangement of this space-time fantasy.

“Old Senior arranged this space-time fantasy to trap me here?”

“Before the little friend Qingfeng came, the old man did intend to destined the ominous things. Person was trapped in this time and space fantasy. After seeing Xiaofeng Qingfeng, the old man changed his mind again.”


“I don’t know why Xiaofeng Qingfeng asked. The thing is…”

“Why are the two, the first is why you want to talk about the ominous things waiting for the destined person stuck here.”

“The reason is simple, ominous Once a thing is born, it will have a great impact. It will have a great impact on the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, on all living beings, on the past, on the present, on the future, and even in the age of innocence opened in the modern and ancient times.”

“Listen to what you said.” Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and said: “It seems that I have a major event this time.”

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