Supreme Lord

Chapter 2047

After checking the memory of Old Ancestor in Linchi, Gu Qingfeng secretly sighed this old man is really a sighed hypocrite. In order to survive in the wild ancient vestige, it can be said that he will do everything he can, first rely on Dandinggu Supreme Elder’s identity tricked everyone into handing over the resources in their hands, saying that these resources could be used to refine more medicine pills.

Finally, the conspiracy was dismantled, and the old man jumped the wall in a hurry, and went straight to the murder. In the end, even the Danding Elder Gu who trusted him was all trapped by him.

Originally, I was expecting to find clues about giant cauldron from the memory of Old Ancestor in Lin Chi, called Gu Qingfeng. To my disappointment, this old man knew nothing about giant cauldron. As for opening The method of sealing is even more nonsense. Although the old man has been comprehending the profound mystery of the seal, he has never understood it.

It’s not without valuable information. At least, from Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor’s memory, Gu Qingfeng knows that Dao Pill Dinggu had already secretly cultivated the original sin as early as Great Ancient Era. People, and in order to cultivate people of original sin, have always been secretly making arrangements, reincarnation of reincarnation, reincarnation of reincarnation, and wooing.

Since Dandinggu is like this, I would like to come, the 36 caves and seventy two blessed places in the Great Wilderness, I am afraid that it is the same as Dandinggu, as early as Great Ancient Era has been laid out for original sin.

There is another thing that has attracted Gu Qingfeng’s attention. Since the Great Ancient Era, Dandinggu has been looking for the ancient vestige, not only to confirm whether the ancestor of the Dao really fell, but also to Recover the great treasures that were lost in ancient times.

Before, Gu Qingfeng always thought that even if there were in the ancient vestige, it was nothing more than some lost treasure.

Through Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor’s memory, he knew that the ancient vestige was not only buried with Dao treasures, but also Dao seeds, primordial bloodline, and what myriad True Spirit, Xushen, Divine Consciousness, magical thoughts and so on are in a mess.

It is said that many avenues have fallen in the ancient times. Although some avenues have been reborn, many avenues have not been reborn. After their origins have dried up, only the seeds of the avenues remain.

Similarly, many great abilities have fallen in the Desolate Age. These great abilities have not only the great ancestors, but also some bloodline ancestors. After these great abilities have fallen, some will leave Divine Consciousness, Demon Mind, and What True Spirit virtual body and so on.

To say that after the Grand Dao Source is exhausted, only Dao seeds are left, Gu Qingfeng thought for a while, this is very possible.

As for whether Divine Consciousness, True Spirit, etc. will remain after the fall of the mighty power.

Gu Qingfeng also believes.

After all, it is great.

Even if the fleshy body soul really falls scattered ashes and smoke dispersed, the spirit willpower will stay.

And these spirit willpower turned into Divine Consciousness magic, True Spirit virtual body is not impossible.

He even suspects that his Shangqiongbi, Yellow Springs and Asura may be the spirit willpower that was left behind after the fall of a certain mighty spirit, which was the result of Divine Consciousness, True Spirit.

What makes Gu Qingfeng even more surprised is that, according to Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor’s memory, he also knows that a destiny was born in the desolate age, which is also the destiny of the desolate age: holy way.

It is said that the Holy Dao is superior to the Three Thousand Great Daos. It is the Supreme avenue. After being sanctified, it is like a secular person becoming Immortal-like.

The difference is.

An ordinary person becomes a fairy, not an old fart.

And the immortal being holy is Undying and Inextinguishable.


This sacred destiny was born in the desolate ancient times, died in the wild ancient times, and was buried in the wild ancient times.

After the ancients, there is no holy way in Heaven and Earth.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know if this kind of thing is true, anyway, Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor’s memory stores this kind of memory.

There is one more thing that surprised him.

Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor’s memory records that the blood of original sin was still buried in the ancient times. It is said that in the Great Ancient Era, someone found the blood of original sin in the ancient vestige.

Besides the blood of original sin, what other sacred blood, blood of darkness, blood of light, these all are legendary primordial bloodline.

Whether it is the destiny of the holy way or the primordial bloodline.

Gu Qingfeng has all heard of it, but it is nothing more.

I have heard of it, but I haven’t heard much, and I don’t know true or false.

In any case, getting so much information from Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor’s memory is not in vain.

Opening his eyes and opening a jar of hell’s impermanence wine, Gu Qingfeng was about to continue to comprehend the seal on the eye of the magic weapon, when he raised his eyes and looked over, he suddenly found that the seal had disappeared.

It really disappeared.

Just like the magic eye has never been sealed, disappear without a trace.

Gu Qingfeng wondered if he had read it wrong, and looked at it carefully several times, and finally determined that the seal of the magic eye was really unfathomable mystery disappeared.

What’s the situation?

When did the seal disappear?

How did it disappear.

Gu Qingfeng knows nothing, and still clearly remembers the seal on the eye of the magic weapon, extremely mysterious and abstruse when he was enlightened before. , Why suddenly disappeared strangely?

I don’t understand, I can’t figure it out, let alone understand.

For a while, he took out Divine Consciousness cautiously to enter the probe, but he found nothing, it was empty and there was nothing.

This is a bit too unusual.

In theory, the magic eye should contain the source of the magic weapon, and there is nothing impossible.

Stupefied to say that the source of treasure has long been exhausted and collapsed? Or was it stolen?

This is also impossible.

If the source of the magic weapon is gone, then the giant cauldron is like a person who loses his soul and only a skin is left. The structure will be collapsed long ago, and the entire giant cauldron will also be disappeared.

Now the giant cauldron still exists. Although the structure is chaotic, it is still complete. And Gu Qingfeng is sure that there must be a source of magic weapon supporting the giant cauldron, even more how, if the magic weapon in the magic eye The source is really gone, and the seal is impossible.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng’s heart trembled, secretly thought: Could it be that when he burned the soul of Old Ancestor in the forest with the fire of Divine Consciousness, the source of the magic weapon disappeared, so the seal was unfathomable mystery Broke?

Is this a coincidence?

Gu Qingfeng didn’t think too much. He always felt that things were not as simple as he thought. He immediately took back Divine Consciousness, and decided to enter it personally and see.

Jump up, then jump in.

As soon as he jumped in, Gu Qingfeng had a bad feeling, and then he felt like he had fallen into a turbulent flow.

All this happened so fast that he didn’t have time to react at all. When he came back to his senses, he suddenly came into a strange space.

This space has no sun and moon reincarnation, nor yin and yang Five Elements, nor even Source Law. The sky is like a huge vortex sweeping turbulence, and the underground is full of endless desert.

What’s the situation?

Is there an ancient vestige hidden in the magic eye of giant cauldron?

Just as Gu Qingfeng was suspicious, he saw another scene that he couldn’t understand. There was a mountain range inside this barren ancient vestige. The mountain range was like a keel, lying in the desert.

It was exactly the same as the ancient vestige he had just entered, even the keel-like desert.

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