Supreme Lord

Chapter 2046


Gu Qingfeng’s within the body burned with flames. This frightened the soul of Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor. He didn’t understand and couldn’t figure it out. Gu Qingfeng has neither a cultivation base nor a cultivation base. Without good fortune, where did this flame come from? After careful sensing, I realized that it turned out to be the fire of Divine Consciousness.

For this.

Lin Chi Old Ancestor is not afraid, but rather happy inside.

Divine Consciousness is a measure of spirit strength, and the fire of Divine Consciousness is also a kind of spiritual fire.

The fire of powerful Divine Consciousness can cause damage to the soul, even the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke of the soul, and even the refinement of the soul is not impossible. After all, the soul itself is a source of spirit.

Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor is not afraid because he has tempered his soul and poured it with a lot of rare treasure, plus the special soul secret technique of cultivation, which makes his soul want Much stronger than other cultivation people.

This is also the case, so he dared to ignite the bloodline, detonate the fleshy body, fight to the death, and go to the body to take possession of Gu Qingfeng such a mysterious and strange existence.

Lin Chi Old Ancestor is most happy that now Gu Qingfeng has taken out the fire of Divine Consciousness trying to refining his soul.

In his opinion, this is simply a stupid behavior that can no longer be stupid. It is not an exaggeration to call it an idiot rookie.

Mind is particularly important for people of cultivation. In a sense, Mind is like Guardian God, not only guarding the body, but also the soul.

Once you lose your mind and lose your concentration, Divine Consciousness will collapse, your mind will collapse, and your consciousness will be blurred.

Regardless of whether you are using Magical Powers or cultivating magic weapons, you need Divine Consciousness to control. If you lose your mind and cause Divine Consciousness to collapse, no matter how high your cultivation base is, no matter how strong your good fortune is, you will be like a waste.

What’s more terrifying is that after the mind is lost, just like the door of the Guardian Spirit soul is opened, the opponent can easily invade the mind and hurt the soul.

At the Old Ancestor in Linchi, I want to come, if anyone is trying to invade his mind, he will definitely cling to his mind without the slightest hesitation, and never take out Divine Consciousness.

Took out Divine Consciousness, although it will not open the door to the Guardian Spirit soul, but the mind will be in an active state, which will allow the opponent to take advantage of it.

If you compare your mind to a shield, and your soul to the person behind the shield, sticking to your mind is like hiding behind the shield completely and not giving the other party any chance to attack yourself. When taking out Divine Consciousness, it’s like hiding behind the shield while attacking the opponent. In this way, the opponent will have a chance.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor at all costs ran his soul and used the secret technique to try to invade Gu Qingfeng’s mind.

Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor is the Senior of the Great Ancient Era and the Old Ancestor of Dandinggu. Since it can survive in the Desolate Era for two eras million years, it is enough to show his strength. However, when When he detected Gu Qingfeng’s mind, he was dumbfounded.

I was frightened.

That’s right!

I was frightened.

Gu Qingfeng’s mind is beyond imagination, boundless, and endless, like the sky and the earth.

Lin Chi Old Ancestor has never seen such a boundless mind, not to mention, I have never heard of it before, and I can’t even imagine that a person’s mind can be boundless, which is completely beyond him. If you don’t feel it personally, you can’t believe it at all. Even if you feel it at the moment, you still can’t believe it is true.

This…how is it possible!

The soul of Old Ancestor in Lin Chi is like a trivial ant in front of Gu Qingfeng. Can ants invade Heaven and Earth?

The answer is yes.


He didn’t care about the shock of his heart, came back to his senses, and didn’t dare to invade Gu Qingfeng’s mind anymore. Just when he was about to find a way to escape, the fire of Gu Qingfeng Divine Consciousness spread. , Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor’s soul ran away quickly, trying to charge ahead through Gu Qingfeng’s acupuncture point, but he just moved, and suddenly found that his soul had been heavily surrounded by the fire of Divine Consciousness, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor decided to charge ahead from the raging fire of Divine Consciousness. He thought he had tempered his soul, poured it, and cultivation the soul secret technique. The soul should be able to resist the fire of Divine Consciousness and charge ahead.

When the fire of Gu Qingfeng Divine Consciousness came and enveloped his soul, Lin Chi Old Ancestor realized that he was wrong.

His soul may be very powerful, and it is not comparable to those of ordinary cultivation people, but Gu Qingfeng Divine Consciousness is more powerful, not only boundless, but also vast and endless, continuously, the soul of Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor Fen’s distortion was blurred, and the crackle made a crisp sound.

Don’t say charge ahead.

Don’t say resist.

After being enveloped by the fire of Gu Qingfeng Divine Consciousness, the soul of Lin Chi Old Ancestor burned like a lit grass.

I’m afraid!

This time, Lin Chi Old Ancestor was completely scared, and shouted in fear: “No! No! No! I know the method of opening the seal, I can tell you! Don’t refining me! No— —”

In the heart-piercing cry, Lin Chi’s Old Ancestor’s soul is becoming more and more distorted and blurred, and there is no struggle even to struggle, just so alive scattered ashes and burned dispersed smoke.

Within giant cauldron.

Gu Qingfeng stood next to the Eye of Magic Treasure, closing his eyes slightly. He not at all refining the soul of Linchi Old Ancestor, it is not how kind he is in his heart, but the soul of Linchi Old Ancestor. It is not worth his refining. In other words, he simply doesn’t look at the soul of Linchi Old Ancestor, so he burned the soul of Linchi Old Ancestor with the fire of Divine Consciousness.

Of course.

When it was burned, I also took this opportunity to extract the self-consciousness of Linchi Old Ancestor from the soul alone, hold it in the palm of the hand to refining it, so as to obtain the memory stored in the self-consciousness of Linchi Old Ancestor .

At this moment, he is looking at the memory of Lin Chi Old Ancestor.

Don’t say it.

Lin Chi Old Ancestor really didn’t lie, he is indeed the Old Ancestor of Dandinggu, and he did enter the wild ancient vestige in Ancient Era.

However, in addition to these basic information, other words are fooling Gu Qingfeng.

Lin Chi Old Ancestor said that he didn’t know this was the ancient vestige, but his memory told Gu Qingfeng that he knew it was the ancient vestige.

Lin Chi Old Ancestor said that the ancient vestige fell into the endless sea not long after the Great Wilderness appeared. This is indeed the case. Many people are trapped here. In order to survive, finally Both are killing each other.

It is true that as Lin Chi Old Ancestor said, trapped in the ancient vestige, there was a Demon who killed people and robbed resources. It only caused public outrage. They were all beheaded and killed. The people who really killed people and robbed resources robbed resources. No one else, but Old Ancestor in Linchi.

This Old Guy and a group of Dandinggu Elder coaxed not only to kill everyone else, but in the end, in order to survive, grab more resources and absorb more Spiritual Qi, Lin Chi Old Ancestor actually killed all of their Dandinggu Elder, robbed all magic weapons, and drained everyone’s essence.

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