Supreme Lord

Chapter 2048

Gu Qingfeng remembers very clearly that when he took out Divine Consciousness to explore the Eye of Magic Treasure, nothing was found.

He just felt weird and things were weird, so he decided to go in and take a look.

In any case, I never thought that there is no magic weapon in the magic eye, but there is such an incredible space.

What makes Gu Qingfeng even more incomprehensible is that this space is exactly the same as the ancient vestige where the giant cauldron is located, and even gave him an illusion, as if he hadn鈥檛 come in from the magic eye of giant cauldron. , But came in from the outside of the ancient black hole.

That’s true.

Because he is standing above his head, the sky vortex is sweeping the turbulence of the ancient black hole.

What is the situation with this motherfucker?

Gu Qingfeng was puzzled, especially looking at the mountain range like a keel lying in the endless desert, the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger.

took a deep breath, he jumped up and appeared above the mountain range.

The mountain range has no flowers or trees, only some ruins, and one bone.

Some of the white bones will disperse at the touch of a touch, and more will die later.

Everything is exactly the same as the previous mountain range, the ruins are, the bones are, everything is.

Seeing this, Gu Qingfeng suddenly felt like have one’s hair stand on end. He stood on the top of the mountain, and he used his feet suddenly, banging his whole life. The surface of the mountain range was disappeared by him at any time, tight. Then a giant cauldron appeared in his field of vision.

giant cauldron is like a mountain, in cyan-gray color, is a eight-legged tripod, eight-legged like a dragon, lifelike and vivid, wrapped around the body of giant cauldron.

Looking at this giant cauldron, Gu Qingfeng was completely dumbfounded.

People are a little confused, and their brains are a little confused.

He shook his head fiercely, without thinking, and entered the giant cauldron again.

This giant cauldron is the same as the previous giant cauldron, with its own cave.

In the previous giant cauldron, there were bones everywhere, and now this giant cauldron is the same, and there are bones everywhere.

In the previous giant cauldron, there was no magic weapon for resources, and now this giant cauldron is also the same.

Gu Qingfeng once again found the eye of magic weapon.

This time.

Not only people are stupid, they even doubt life a little bit.

In the previous giant cauldron, the all around of the magic eye was piled with bones, and now the magic eye of the giant cauldron is the same.

The magic eye in the giant cauldron previously had a seal, and the magic eye in the giant cauldron also had a seal.

And the seal is exactly the same.

What makes Gu Qingfeng most unbelievable is that there was a dying fleshy body beside the magic eye in the giant cauldron. Elderly is like a corpse. Now next to the magic eye in the giant cauldron, the same There is also an Elderly whose fleshy body is half a breath.

Just a glance.

Gu Qingfeng can see that this Elderly is the same as the previous Elderly in the giant cauldron, it is Lin Chi Old Ancestor.

Why is this happening?

I’ve been here before, and I entered the Eye of Magic Treasure, how come I have returned to the ancient vestige before?

If he simply returned to the ancient vestige before, it wouldn’t shock him so much.

In fact, when I went back to the original ancient vestige, I even encountered that giant cauldron. Inside the giant cauldron, there was also a dying Old Ancestor in the forest pool.

This is too weird and too weird.

Because Gu Qingfeng clearly remembers the fleshy body self-destructed of Linchi Old Ancestor, and he burned the soul of Linchi Old Ancestor with the fire of Divine Consciousness, it can be said that scattered ashes and dispersed smoke are dead.

Why now appears in giant cauldron again?

Is this Lin Chi Old Ancestor and the previous Lin Chi Old Ancestor the same person?

This giant cauldron and the previous giant cauldron, this ruin and the previous ruins, are they the same?

I don鈥檛 know.

Gu Qingfeng also couldn’t figure it out.

His cultivation has encountered many rare things over the years, but this is the first time he has encountered such a strange thing.

Walking over, Gu Qingfeng yelled two Old Ancestor in Lin Chi, but unfortunately the other party did not respond at all, so he still had a piece of Yuan Jing, arranged a Spirit Gathering Array, and came to the Eye of Magic Treasure Next to him, he explored the seal again, and as he expected, the seal was the same as the previous one.

Not long after, a voice came: “young…man, thank you…”

The voice was very weak, dragging a long tone, as if I had exhausted my energy. Finish this sentence.

It is not someone else, it is Lin Chi Old Ancestor, and what he said is the same as the previous Lin Chi Old Ancestor.

Gu Qingfeng stared at the Old Ancestor in Lin Chi here, and asked: “Don’t you remember me?”

“How do you say this? Stupid…old man Know you?”

Gu Qingfeng said: “I have been here just now.”

“Just now? Youngster…the consciousness of the old man has just recovered…” In other words, Lin Chi Old Ancestor said again: “youngster, I don’t know what fate is now? When is it?”

“Destiny Star Monarch.”

“Destiny Star Monarch? “Lin Chi Old Ancestor murmured: “The fate of the ancient times, the throne of the ancient times, the seal of the ancient emperor… It seems that the old man has been trapped here for a long, long time…”

Gu Qingfeng walked over , Squatting next to Lin Chi鈥檚 Old Ancestor and asked: “You really don鈥檛 remember me?”

“The old man said…My consciousness has just recovered. When did you come… The old man doesn鈥檛 know at all.”

“Really?” Gu Qingfeng said: “But when I came last time, your consciousness had recovered, and we had been talking for a long time. Not only that, You have to try to kill me.”

“youngster…you laughed, the old man’s consciousness has just recovered, and he has never talked with you, let alone killed you.”

Gu Qingfeng laughed and said: “It seems that I really hit the evil this time.”

“What do you say?”

“You don’t remember killing me , But I remember killing you, and killing you scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, but now you are sitting here nicely.”

“youngster would really be kidding… if you take old man The scattered ashes and dispersed smoke…The old man is probably dead long ago, and he won’t wait to die here at this moment…”

“How can I say that I’ve hit the evil.”


“youngster…how did you get here?”

“This ruin has just appeared, so I will come in and take a look.”

“What “

When I heard that the ruins had just appeared, Lin Chi鈥檚 Old Ancestor鈥檚 reaction was the same as before, suddenly lifting the head, seemingly very excited, and said: “Good! Good! Good! So good.”


“OK what? “

As soon as Gu Qingfeng asked, Lin Chi Old Ancestor lowered his head again, with no vitality, as if he were dead.

Seeing this scene, Gu Qingfeng really didn鈥檛. t know whether to cry or laugh, before meeting that Lin Chi Old Ancestor would pretend to die this trick, now this Lin Chi Old Ancestor has also played dead this trick, he deliberately moved his head over, as expected , Lin Chi Old Ancestor suddenly cheated the corpse and raised his hand to the top of the head of Gu Qingfeng.

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