Supreme Lord

Chapter 2030

At this moment.

Gu Qingfeng sat cross-legged, his hands naturally placed on his knees, accompanied by all kinds of turbulence, his fleshy body also became more and more blurred, like a flame burning slightly in the turbulence The same moves with the wind, as if a reflection floating in the water swaying precariously.

And the stronger the turbulence, the more blurred his fleshy body, and eventually, his fleshy body disappeared.


To be precise, it is not disappeared, but merged into the turbulence. A faint silhouette can be vaguely seen in the turbulence, but this silhouette is getting weaker and weaker, just like the darkness Like the fading light, Gu Qingfeng’s silhouette is also gradually disappearing.


The silhouette disappeared completely.

While disappearing, it is also completely integrated into the turbulence.

This moment.

Gu Qingfeng is turbulence, and turbulence is Gu Qingfeng.

The turbulence is changing, and Gu Qingfeng is also changing. Turbulence has no rules, Gu Qingfeng has no rules, turbulence has no origin, and Gu Qingfeng has no vitality just like there is no life.

That’s it, I don’t know how long it will take.

A faint and fuzzy shadow gradually appeared in the turbulence.

The shadow changes with the changes in the turbulence, and with each change, the shadow becomes clearer.

When all the shadows appear, they are alone.

A white clothed, three thousand black hair, it is Gu Qingfeng.

He appeared, still sitting cross-legged as before disappearing, naturally placing his hands on his knees, as if he had never disappeared.

The difference is that before the disappearance of Gu Qingfeng, whether it is clothes or hair, the acupuncture points of the whole body, and even the entire fleshy body are changing with the turbulence.

After appearing, Gu Qingfeng looked like a statue, as if it was not affected by the turbulence at all, his clothes remained unchanged, and his hair never flew.


Gu Qingfeng moved, I saw him slowly raising his hands, holding a circle in front of him, like playing with a ball, strangely, his hands moved, as if it stirred the surrounding Turbulence, the turbulence also rotates.

Gu Qingfeng’s hand dancing speed intensified, and the surrounding turbulence also rapidly rotated, and the range of the disturbed turbulence became larger and larger. When Gu Qingfeng opened his arms, the rotating turbulence suddenly hit him A vortex is formed in front of you.


It is a turbulent vortex.

Moreover, it is a turbulent vortex in a turbulent vortex.

If anyone sees this scene, they will be shocked. You must know that the ancient black hole is a huge turbulence vortex, and the power of the turbulence is so terrifying. Not only is it terrifying that many oblivion spaces cannot withstand the turbulence. It exploded under the impact, even those supreme powerhouses had to seal themselves up to their fate.

And now Gu Qingfeng can not only change with the turbulence, but also integrate into the turbulence, like a statue without any influence.

The most incredible thing is that when both of his hands danced, it not only stirred the surrounding turbulence, but also changed a small turbulence vortex in the ancient black hole.

This is the profound mystery that Gu Qingfeng comprehend in the turbulence, it is the spatial flow, also known as the spatial chaos.

Previously, Gu Qingfeng enlightened the Buddha and worshipped Celestial Phenomenon.

Then he realized the purgatory of death, and the earth roared.

Now I have realized the universe of space and the chaos is rotating.

A Celestial Phenomenon, a land like purgatory, and a chaotic like the universe.

It’s really amazing.

Are you finished?


Gu Qingfeng put his hands together, and when he put it on his chest, the vortex in front of him gradually collapsed.

After a while, he didn’t see any movements. Suddenly, ten vortexes emerged from the ten fingers of his hands.


Ten vortex!

Ten vortex is crazy vortex on Gu Qingfeng’s ten fingertips. The more you turn, the crazier you are. The place where the bottom of the vortex connects to Gu Qingfeng’s fingertips is very small, and the higher you go, the bigger and thicker it is. If the pointed vortex is as thin as a hair, then the top of the vortex looks like a towering tree, and it still grows larger as it rotates.

Immediately afterwards, several vortexes appeared on the palm and back of Gu Qingfeng’s palms, nine, Eighteen, twenty-seven, 36, and more and more turbulent vortex was derived.

Followingly, Gu Qingfeng’s arms, shoulders, chest, back, feet, knees, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, Qiqiao, etc., etc., Gu Qingfeng is all over Stop evolving into a turbulent vortex after another, even three thousand hairs, as if they all evolve into a turbulent vortex.

I don’t know how many turbulence vortex has evolved in total, because there are too many, too many, innumerable, and there are all over the body, and it feels like Gu Qingfeng A vortex is derived from all the acupuncture points of the whole body.

This scene is crazy.

It is also incredible and amazing.

It is a scene that makes people numb, have one’s hair stand on end.

Think about how terrifying is that thousands of turbulent vortex derives from a person, and Gu Qingfeng at this moment looks like a monster. Every acupuncture point in the whole body is drawn A turbulent vortex is spinning, and these vortex are spinning like crazy.

What is the space universe? This is the space universe.

What is chaotic rotation? This is called chaotic rotation.

What is the chaos of the universe? This is called the chaos of the universe.

As long as Gu Qingfeng is willing, a snap of his fingers, even a single thought, can derive a chaotic image vortex, a chaotic image has its own universe, and the universe is space. If he wants, he can Let this space circulate forever.


Gu Qingfeng derives endless turbulence vortex from his own acupuncture points, but not only to deduct a chaotic phenomenon, but also to use this method to attack the impurities in the acupuncture points.

Previously let the turbulence sweep itself, although it can also impact the impurities in the acupuncture point, but the effect is not very ideal. If there is no profound mystery of the space avenue, Gu Qingfeng can only do so. Now Gu Qingfeng Not only did he understand the profound mystery of the Dao of Space, but he also realized the universe of space and the means of revolving chaos. Naturally, he would not continue to wait.

Sure enough.

The impact of this chaotic phenomenon is much larger than the previous turbulence. It is simply impossible to mention on equal terms. It is like hitting you with a piece of iron. Although it is a bit painful, it is limited to this. That’s it, but if you grind this piece of iron into a needle, it will definitely hurt more than a piece of iron.

The previous turbulent flow swept the impact hole, like a piece of iron, although the impurity that can impact loosens, the effect is minimal.

And now the chaos of Gu Qingfeng is like a stick, no! It is not a stick, but each acupuncture point has a needle. The impurities in the acupuncture points are not only loosened quickly under the impact of the chaotic phenomena of the universe, but even a lot of impurities are forcibly rushed to Gu Qingfeng by the vortex of the chaotic phenomena of the universe. within the body.

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