Supreme Lord

Chapter 2031

The chaos of the universe became more and more crazy under the urge of Gu Qingfeng. The countless turbulent vortex is like a dragon-like penetration into Gu Qingfeng’s acupuncture points and impacting rotten impurities.

The chaotic phenomena of the universe are not unforgiving, because the impact of each turbulent vortex is as if hundreds of spaces explode together, this is only a turbulent vortex, you must know that Gu Qingfeng has realized The chaos of the world is endless turbulence vortex.

Bang the moment.

An orifice point was washed away by the turbulent vortex, and the impurities in it were also washed into the body of Gu Qingfeng by the turbulent vortex.

Followingly, two, three, nine, ten, hundred, thousand…

Gu Qingfeng’s various acupuncture points one after another, the chaos of the universe Rushing away, when all the acupuncture points have been rushed away, he suddenly felt a kind of invigorating and dripping feeling. It felt as if the mountain pressing on his head had finally disappeared, and it was as if the breath that had been held for ten thousand years finally went smoothly. I feel the same, not to mention how refreshing it is.

Gu Qingfeng was so excited that he couldn’t wait to roar immediately.

However, he didn’t do it at all. Although the acupoints were flushed out, it was only the acupoints. In addition to the acupoints, his meridian, dantian, internal organs, etc. They are also full of impurities.

Gu Qingfeng can only endure the excitement in his heart for a while, preparing to flush away all the impurities within the body in a spurt of energy.

Took a deep breath, Gu Qingfeng continues to spur the chaos of the universe and the crazy impact.

Now he doesn’t think about anything, he just wants to get through everything that is blocked within the body.


After Gu Qingfeng rushed to open the acupuncture points, he did not at all hit the meridian, but gathered all the chaos directly attack the root of the problem, hitting the Purple Mansion dantian.


No one knows how big and deep the ancient black hole is.

Even the clansman was an ancient clansman in his previous life, and he also didn’t know that he was a great monk in the ancient era.

To this day, the Daxing Monk is still running around in the ancient black hole.

took out without moving the golden body, like a golden arhat, his hands clasped together in the turbulence everywhere.

To say that the true strength of this great monk is really deep and unmeasurable. After tossing in the ancient black hole for so long, he can still run around in the turbulence without blushing or panting. And it’s the kind of run around meet force with force.

When running around, neither hide nor dodge, relying on the powerful immovable golden body to run rampant in the turbulence, let the turbulence be strong and crazy, even if it’s like a tsunami turbulence. It swallowed the Daxing Monk, but it couldn’t stop the Daxing Monk from running around.

One word.

Strong enough and hard enough!

Absolutely brave the wind and waves, fearless rampant!

speaking of which.

If you hadn’t seen a witch before, the Daxing Monk wouldn’t be so tossing about it. He is also a master who can sit and never stand, especially in this mysterious and unknown ancient black hole. , Clearly know that preserving strength is king.


After seeing the witch, the monk realized that he had made a serious mistake. He shouldn’t abduct Gu Qingfeng to an ancient black hole, let alone press his bet. In Gu Qingfeng, I hope he will become the Allah of Original Sin.

Originally, the great monk wanted to abduct Gu Qingfeng in. With good luck, Gu Qingfeng might be able to awaken the original sin and get one step closer to the original sin.

Now the big monk regrets his death, at this moment he just wants to find Gu Qingfeng as soon as possible, and then at all costs get Gu Qingfeng out of the ancient black hole, even if he can’t get out, he must follow Gu Qingfeng’s side prevents him from awakening the original sin, but also protects him from dying here.

If Gu Qingfeng died here, the consequences would be terrifying, and the monk cannot afford it.

If Gu Qingfeng awakens the original sin, the consequences will be more terrifying, and the monk will be even more unbearable.


This ridiculous black hole is like a boundless, endless abyss, even though the monk has tried his best to find Gu Qingfeng.

Daxing monk not at all give up, he dare not give up, he can only brace oneself to continue searching.

Just looking for him and gradually found something wrong.

Originally, the ancient black hole was a huge vortex. When the great monk looked for it, it was layer by layer, layer by layer, layer by layer, circle by circle, from the inside to the outside, from top to bottom.

But I don’t know why, and I’m looking for it, the monk feels like he’s in a turbulent vortex again.

What’s the situation?

Why is there another turbulent vortex in the ancient black hole?

It’s even more amazing that the turbulent monk feels that although this turbulent vortex is in the ancient black hole, the speed of rotation is much stronger than that of the ancient black hole, and the vortex is still turning bigger and bigger, disturbing the ancient black hole. The turbulence in the black hole is constantly being drawn in.

The situation is a bit weird, and the monk dare not care about it. Besides, now he has no intention to figure out the reason. When he wanted to charge ahead, suddenly he was involved again. Another turbulence vortex.

What’s the situation?

The appearance of a turbulent vortex in the deserted ancient black hole is already very strange, why are there two now?


There are more than two.

It seems to be three ways!


It’s not three ways, but four ways, five ways, nine ways…ten ways, a hundred ways, a thousand ways…

Good fellow!

As the Daxing Monk gradually deepened, people were completely stupid along the way, like seeing Ghost God, his eyes were full of incredible, because when he went deeper he found turbulence after another vortex , There are almost innumerable and innumerable. Looking around, there are crazy swirling vortex everywhere.


Buddha Lord!

What is the situation with this motherfucker!

How can so many turbulence vortex emerge from the deserted ancient black hole?

The big monk only felt his scalp numb, and his body was in a cold sweat. Even though he was experienced and knowledgeable, at this moment, he was scared by the endless turbulence of vortex. Trembling.

Forcibly resisting the fear in his heart, the monk cautiously continued to explore in depth, and he found that these turbulent vortexes became smaller as they went down, and became thinner as they went down.


The smaller and thinner the turbulent vortex is, the more terrifying the power is. When a small turbulent vortex is rolled into it, the monk feels hot pain all over his body. It feels like The whole body was twisted by a knife, and it was more like being crushed and torn apart by a lot of space. The frightened monk did not dare to neglect, and immediately rushed out.

Fortunately, the deep turbulence vortex is small enough, and the range of agitation is not large. After charge ahead, the monk will hide far away and continue to explore downward.


He saw a familiar silhouette.

Is a black clothed person.

The black clothed person wears a hooded cap and is wrapped tightly, illusory, giving people a very unreal feeling. Standing on a ball of light with his negative hand, he is also watching With these endless turbulence vortex.

Isn’t this a witch?

Why is she here?

What happened here?

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