Supreme Lord

Chapter 2029

As for why this is the case, Gu Qingfeng is also unclear, the only certainty is that it should not be caused by death and rebirth.

Because he has been rebirth from nirvana more than once, although he is very weak after rebirth from nirvana, he is only weak. The fleshy body has never changed, let alone chaos and decay.

I want to come to Gu Qingfeng, the reason why my fleshy body has become like this, it should be caused by the original sin karma fire that was ignited that year.

Today, his fleshy body is still messy, dantian is not dantian, meridian is not meridian, and acupuncture points are not acupuncture points, all twisted together, intertwined, and full of within the body Impurities like rust are everywhere, and countless.

What these impurities are, Gu Qingfeng is also unclear.

He has never tried to recover the same as before. However, the effect is not ideal. The rotten fleshy body is like a rock, it is difficult to shake, not to mention the chaotic meridian points. After recovering, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t get rid of the impurity Gu Qingfeng that blocked the meridian acupuncture point within the body.

With the help of external force to impact the impurities within the body, Gu Qingfeng also thought about it, but unfortunately, he has never found a suitable opportunity.

I never thought I would encounter an extremely rare opportunity in the turbulent vortex of this wild black hole.

This makes Gu Qingfeng happy.

While I was happy, I scolded myself for being too stupid. I had been in the turbulent vortex for so long. I just thought about how to follow the current, but I didn’t even think about using the power of the turbulence to hit the impurities within the body. .


It’s not too late to know, after all, Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know how long he will drift in the turbulent vortex.

That’s it.

Gu Qingfeng completely let go of the fleshy body, allowing all kinds of turbulence to sweep in, madly impacting the acupuncture points of the whole body.

The power of turbulence is very strong, and continuously, endlessly, the most important thing is that it can cover Gu Qingfeng and attack all the acupuncture points around him at the same time.

I have to say that the impurities sealed in the Acupuncture Point of Gu Qingfeng are really hard enough, and the turbulence swept through, Gu Qingfeng’s membrane felt the pain of tearing, and the impurities in the Acupuncture Point Under the impact of all kinds of turbulence, it just loosened slightly.

After the impact for such a long time, not to mention that the impurity blocked in the acupuncture point was not washed away, not even a single impurity.

That’s true.

No exaggeration at all.


This has already made Gu Qingfeng very happy. Since the impurities in the acupuncture point have begun to loosen, they will be washed away sooner or later. It is only a matter of time.

Gu Qingfeng is not in a hurry. If he is in a hurry, he would never wander freely in the wilderness with such a fleshy body before. Even more how this thing is in a hurry. He himself He couldn’t get in. At least, he couldn’t get in before the impurities were loosened. For now, he can only pin his hopes on the turbulent vortex.

I don’t know when and how long it will take to open the acupuncture points. Gu Qingfeng feels that it’s not a way to wait like this. It’s quite boring, and he starts to feel the turbulence when he has nothing to do.

The so-called turbulence.

Strictly speaking, it is actually a kind of space.

Different from the Great Wilderness Space, the Great Wilderness Space is located in Heaven and Earth. It has been warmed by the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth all the year round, and gradually gave birth to its origins, gradually under the blessing of the Heaven and Earth law of order. To form a state or world.

And the endless sea does not have any Spiritual Qi at all, let alone nature, so it is called Heaven Beyond the Heaven.

In this environment, the space of the endless sea neither derives its origin, nor does it form a realm or boundary. Since the endless sea does not have any laws and order, the space of the endless sea is always something Space without rules, just like wind and water, will change with environmental changes.

If space is a person, then Origin of Space is its soul, and the form of space is fleshy body.

The space of the Great Wilderness has both soul, fleshy body and life.

The space of the endless sea has no soul, no fleshy body, and no life at the same time, just like solitary soul, unbound ghost.

This is why the space of the endless sea is called turbulence.

Because space has no rules, it is a chaotic space and a flowing space.

The turbulence is so, the name of the endless sea is also derived from this.

Gu Qingfeng just allows the fleshy body to bear the impact of all kinds of turbulence, while feeling the turbulence in the ancient black hole.

I don’t know how long I have felt.

Gradually, Gu Qingfeng seems to realize something, but it is very vague. This feeling is like being lost in the endless darkness and suddenly discovering a touch of light, but the light is too weak It’s too dim to see but not touch.

Gu Qingfeng continued to realize that the whole person was completely invaded by the turbulent changes, forgetting time and everything.

The more he realized, the more and more he felt that turbulence was extremely mysterious and abstruse. It was wonderful and wonderful.

Gu Qingfeng has always thought that the so-called turbulence has no rules and no order, and at the same time there is no road to speak of.

Gradually, he discovered that this was not the case. Turbulence not only has laws and order, but also has great roads.

It’s just the law of order of turbulence, Gu Qingfeng still couldn’t realize it for a while, but it was the turbulence avenue, how much has already been prying into such a profound mystery.

Turbulent flow is space, even if there is no rules, it is also space.

Since it is space, it is a avenue, and space is also one of the avenues.

Gu Qingfeng continues to feel the profound mystery of space turbulence. As his understanding of turbulence becomes deeper and deeper, he also understands the profound mystery of space avenue more and more.

This feeling is like discovering the new Heaven and Earth, Gu Qingfeng has a brand new understanding of Space Avenue.

This realization is truly a universal universal, and it changes all the time.

Previously, although Gu Qingfeng could drift with the flow in the turbulence vortex, it would be swallowed by the turbulence from time to time.


After this realization, Gu Qingfeng will never be swallowed by the turbulence, no matter how strong the turbulence is, it cannot be swallowed.

Is it just that?


Much more than that.

After Gu Qingfeng was swallowed by the turbulence before, he must use all his strength to rush out.

After this realization, even if it is swallowed by turbulence, Gu Qingfeng can come out with no difficulty.

Is it just that?

Not only that.

Gu Qingfeng previously tried to get out of the turbulent vortex, but he tried his best to no avail. Now Gu Qingfeng can ride the wind and waves and go retrograde.

Are you finished?

It’s not over.

After this realization, Gu Qingfeng’s drifting with the flow will no longer be drifting with the flow, riding the wind and breaking the waves is no longer riding the wind and the waves, but like a fish back in water, which can travel through the turbulence unscrupulously, the so-called space Barriers, the so-called Space Law, and the so-called space turbulence, are all like bubbles to him. If he wants to, he can just ignore it.

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