Supreme Lord

Chapter 2028

An ancient black hole.

Gu Qingfeng is still alone in the turbulent vortex, drifting with the flow, thinking about a question all the time.

That is whether my mood has been changed by the unnamed influence of the ancient times.

If your mood is really affected, what will be the impact?

Is the ancient namelessness preventing oneself from seeking original sin, or is it implying that oneself seek original sin?

Originally, Gu Qingfeng thought that eternal namelessness should prevent oneself from seeking original sin. After all, eternal namelessness is the messenger of causal incarnation, and he is the variable of original sin. According to common sense, eternal namelessness impossible will make oneself an original sin. Allah.

It is important to know that Allah of Original Sin is the key to the era of innocence. It is of great importance and even affects the future.

For such an important existence, if you think about it with your toes, you will know that the fate may have been arranged long ago, and the cause and effect has long been doomed. Maybe one has been chosen.

Ten thousand steps back, even if fate is not arranged, cause and effect are not destined, the eternal namelessness will not allow such a variable of original sin to become God.


This is the cause and effect of confusion.

If such a variable becomes the Allah of Original Sin, thus opening the era of innocence, wouldn’t the future cause and effect be more chaotic? It is not impossible that all cause and effect may be confused.

As a causal incarnation, the eternal and unknown person will never allow such things to happen.

Later, I thought about it carefully, especially when I thought of Little Jin’er, and I felt that Eternal Unknown was not stopping me, but implying that I was going to snatch the Allah of Original Sin.

Whether Little Jin’er is the destined God of Original Sin, Gu Qingfeng is not very sure, but it feels like it is, and when he asked, Eternal Nameless did not deny it. This is very important. No denying, it means that Little Jin’er may become the Allah of Original Sin. Coupled with Gu Qingfeng’s own feelings and what Little Jin’er said, the more Gu Qingfeng thinks about it, the more he feels that Little Jin’er may really be the original sin destined. Allah.

Even, Gu Qingfeng suspects that Little Jin’er himself already knows, not only Little Jin’er knows it, maybe the ancient nameless also knows, but Little Jin’er did not say, the ancient nameless did not say it.

Try to think about it, if Little Jin’er is really the destined God of Original Sin.

Gu Qingfeng will snatch the seat of Allah of Original Sin without the slightest hesitation. He would rather become Allah of Original Sin than Little Jin’er to bear all this.


Gu Qingfeng is sure that Gu Wuming must know that he would do this.

Now that I know.

Let Little Jin’er go to Lingluo Tianyu to find herself in the eternal unknown, she will definitely be able to promote the appearance of Little Jin’er, which will inevitably affect her mood and decision.

Under this situation, isn’t the eternal nameless implying that he is going to rob Allah of Original Sin?

If Eternal Wuming really wants to prevent him from robbing the Allah of Original Sin, I am afraid he will not let Little Jin’er meet him at all.

To be honest.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know whether Little Jin’er is an ancient and unknown pawn, nor does he want to know. Even if Little Jin’er is really an ancient and unknown pawn, he recognizes it.

The only thing that makes him puzzled is that if the ancient nameless really hints that he is going to snatch the Allah of Original Sin, what is the purpose?

Isn’t she a causal incarnation, the messenger of fate?

If you can’t grab the Allah of Original Sin, you’ll be that’s all, but if you finally grab the Allah of Original Sin, when the time comes is more than just robbing the true life, defying heaven changing fate is as simple as defying heaven changing fate. The cause and effect of the disorder will inevitably break out completely because of such a variable, which opened the era of innocence. This is not important. What is important is that the era of innocence hides that many secrets. Even the fate is buried in the era of innocence. Don’t worry that after opening the era of innocence, the early bird catches the worm will take all the secrets for itself?

After thinking about it for a long time, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t understand it all the time. He didn’t know what kind of medicine was sold in the bottle gourd of the ancient nameless. He had a headache, and finally he just didn’t want it.

You can sell whatever medicine you love motherfucker, let him go.

As Gu Qingfeng sinks deeper and deeper in the turbulence vortex, not only does the turbulence wave become stronger and stronger, the impact force becomes more and more terrifying, and Gu Qingfeng’s ability to follow the flow becomes less and less. Safe, the chance of being swallowed by the turbulence is also increasing, and it will be swept in by the turbulence every three to five, although it can be rushed out again with its own strength, but it is no way to continue this way.

Furthermore, when you follow the current, you have to avoid the turbulent flow and the impact of the turbulent flow. It can be said to be laborious and exhausting. After so long, the exhaustion of Gu Qingfeng toss is exhausted. Not only physically tired, but also mentally exhausted.

Gu Qingfeng took a look, drifting with the flow in this turbulent vortex, it feels like being lost in the endless darkness, even a touch of light and a touch of hope are invisible.

It’s really an ancient black hole. This black hole motherfucker is really not shallow. Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know how long he will wander in the Black Hole Vortex.

I pondered for a moment, and simply stopped drifting with the flow, letting the fleshy body drift in the turbulent vortex.

Whether it is swallowed by the turbulence or hit by the turbulence, Gu Qingfeng doesn’t care anymore. He just wants to rest for a while now, it’s too tired.

When drifting, he didn’t seal himself up like the previous powers. Not only was there no seal, even the acupuncture points around the body were not sealed, nor did he take out any power to protect the fleshy body. So naked floating in the turbulent vortex.

The consequences of this are very dangerous.

Because the impact of the turbulence is too powerful too terrifying, each turbulence is like an explosion of space, and it feels like an excitement, even more than when Gu Qingfeng accepted the trial on the road. Crazy.

If it is swallowed by turbulence, good luck can fall into a certain forgotten space. The key is that it is already deep in the turbulent vortex. There is no forgetting space at all, and those forgotten spaces can’t bear it. The impact of the turbulence has long since collapsed.

Now that Gu Qingfeng has been swallowed by the turbulence, the feeling is so sour and refreshing. It’s so refreshing that it can’t be refreshed anymore. It feels like being raped by numerous spaces, endless turbulence. He tore his fleshy body forcefully, and then went into his acupuncture point and rushed into his within the body, as if being swallowed by countless ants.

Painful and sour.

This is how Gu Qingfeng feels.

Even so, he still didn’t stop, instead he took the initiative to open the acupuncture points around the body and let the endless turbulence rush into the body.

It’s not that he has a tendency to be abused, but it’s because he suddenly discovered that this is a good way to ease the tendons and promote blood circulation.

That’s right!

It is Yijin Huoxue Chongmai!

Since Gu Qingfeng ignited the fire of original sin in Wudao Mountain and awakened from sleep for thousands of years, his fleshy body has been completely decayed, whether it is internal organs, meridian acupuncture points, or even blood, etc. Everything is like rusty.

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