Supreme Lord

Chapter 2027

“Empress, the witch, are you trying to persuade Lao Na to give up the hope that the old boy will become the Lord of Sin, so as to stop him?”

“no! You misunderstood.”

Witch’s The voice has always been so vague and vague, saying: “I neither want to persuade you to give up, nor do I want to persuade you to stop it. I just want you to recognize the facts. If you want to bet, you must at least be prepared to lose.”

“But… if it is really a gambling to hope that the ancient boy will become the Allah of Original Sin, then my Buddha Kṣitigarbha, and the ancestors of humanity, including the ancestors of the Dadao, are they also betting? Old Na did not believe that they had not thought about it. Consequences.”

“You are you, they are them.” The witch said: “Besides, how do you know that they all hope that Gu Qingfeng will become the God of Original Sin?”

“If they don’t want the old boy to become the Allah of Original Sin, why did my Buddha Kṣitigarbha teach him Dharma? Why did the ancestor of humanity adopt the old boy as a discipline to teach humanity, and why did Old Ancestor teach him the truth?”

“It’s just teaching, it doesn’t mean anything.” The witch faintly said: “I said, you are you, they are them, you have your selfishness, they also have their selfishness, your selfishness does not mean Their selfishness and your hopes do not represent their hopes. If you want to gamble, it does not mean that they want to gamble.”

If there is still a trace of persistence in the heart of the monk, Then when he listened to the witch’s words, the last touch of persistence in his heart disappeared.

As a result, he finally realized that he had made a serious mistake.

Gu Qingfeng should not be lured into this barren ancient black hole, let alone put hope on Gu Qingfeng.

“It’s pleated, it’s really pleated.” The monk panicked a little, and his mind became a mess, rubbing his hands, like ants on a hot pan, in turbulence. Walking up and down, he said: “What can I do? It’s difficult to get the old boy out of the ancient black hole? The point is that Lao Na doesn’t even know where the boy is. Even if he finds the boy, Lao Na can’t get out of the ancient black hole. Get him out inside!”

looked towards the witch, the monk pleaded: “Witch Empress, you Senior be magnanimous, please help!”

“It’s late , It’s too late.”

The witch’s voice came, and the monk did not understand, and said: “What…what do you mean?”

“When he stepped into this At the time of the ancient black hole, cause and effect are doomed. His results will only be two, and there can only be two, or die in the ancient black hole, and will never be reborn.”

The monk was shocked and asked. “Why?”

The witch not at all responded to this question and continued: “If he hadn’t died in the wild, then he would definitely awaken his original sin!”

hearing this!

As if was struck by lightning, my mind was blank, and the whole person felt bad.

He didn’t want to, didn’t want to, and didn’t want Gu Qingfeng to die in the deserted ancient times, and he would never be reborn. He knew that if Gu Qingfeng really died in this deserted ancient black hole, he would definitely not survive.

Gu Qingfeng may not care about many people, but there are many people who care about him. A queen winds month by month, a female emperor Tang Hsiao, plus a female clan Ye Tianlan. These three women are terrifying. Existed, and the monk knew that these three women, like the witch, were the masters who survived the catastrophe. Thinking with their toes, they knew how terrifying it was.

even more how, in addition to these three women, there are also Saintess Empress, Su Hua, Empress of Nature, and one who is 30% more terrifying than the unknown in the eyes of the Daxing Monk Jun Xuanji.

These three women, the great monk even more cannot afford to offend, and these women have an inexplicable relationship with Gu Qingfeng, if Gu Qingfeng really died in the ancient black hole, and I was lured in by myself again, so I still motherfucker is not torn alive by these women!


If Gu Qingfeng did not die here, but instead awakened his own original sin, to put it in a bad way, it would be terrifying more than Gu Qingfeng’s death in the ancient black hole.

You must know that Gu Qingfeng has fallen deeply into original sin now, almost already the existence of the original sin law body, and if he awakens his own original sin, when the time comes, It’s just as simple as the Dharmakaya of Original Sin, it may be the True Body of Original Sin, and it might be the true God of Original Sin.

If he hadn’t seen the witch, the monk who heard the news might be very excited. After all, he had hoped that Gu Qingfeng would become the Allah of Sin. This was also what he lured Gu Qingfeng over. the real reason.

But after seeing the witch, he has already realized that Gu Qingfeng’s becoming the Allah of Original Sin is really a dangerous thing that can no longer be dangerous.

What should I do?

The Daxing monk really doesn’t know what to do.

I have even the heart of death, and my head is full of regrets. I want to chop off my head on the spot.

“Witch Empress, take advantage of the fact that you have not made a big mistake now, you will always help out!”

Compared with the mad monk who regrets not and is very anxious at the beginning, The witch looks particularly calm, like an outsider, whispering softly: “I can’t help.”

“Witch Empress! With your old strength, take the old man from the wild. Isn’t it difficult to get out of the black hole? You Senior, even if you don’t look at the face of the monk, you can look at the face of the Buddha. Look at the face of my Master, look at the face of our Zen Sect Old Ancestor, and look at Heaven and Earth. Grand Dao, please help with the face of all living beings.”

Maybe the Daxing monk really realized that he had made a serious mistake, that he had no face and dignity, and even knelt to the witch, Pleading bitterly.


The witch is remaining unmoved. She never even glanced at the Daxing Monk. She just looked at the depths of the desolate black hole and said: “One is seen by the three ancestors of the Dao Dao: Humanity, Buddhism and Heavenly Dao The existence of the above, one with the spirit of Asura, with the Blue Sky Yellow Springs incarnation, dominating the existence of purgatory, one with the inextricable existence of the era of innocence, and the existence of chaos and cause and effect with many women in the ancient era , An existence that has an inexplicable relationship with the ancient clansman.”

The witch said with a complicated tone, and said: “You don’t even know how mysterious he is and how unknown he is. , An existence that you don’t even know how terrifying influence this variable will cause, an existence that cannot be killed, died, cannot be extinct, cannot escape, and cannot be bypassed, and has to face an existence that is destined to affect nothing The existence of the Taoist era.”

“An existence that even an ancient nameless person would dare to see again and again, but now you let me take him out of the ancient black hole? Hehe! Do you think I will No! I won’t do this, and I don’t dare to do it either.”

The witch was talking, and the person had disappeared into the turbulence. As he disappeared, the voice came again.

“Trust me, Daxing, if I were you, I would stay away from him, the farther the better, even if I can’t avoid it, don’t have any cause and effect with him.”

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