Supreme Lord

Chapter 2015

The eight-nine of ten bad things in life.

This time, even if Gu Qingfeng didn’t want to, he had to gamble with fate.

However, this fate has always been determined by character.

Gu Qingfeng is a lazy person, and also a lazy person who is not very determined by Willpower. Normally, if he is not forced to a desperate situation, he will not go all out to toss. It was like the sky was falling, as long as it didn’t hit him, he didn’t bother to move.

This time is no exception.

To be honest, Gu Qingfeng himself is still very willing to gamble with fate, but his inner stubbornness is not allowed, so he pretends to work hard to exhaust his exhaustion. To convince my heart, it sounds like cover one’s ears whilst stealing a bell, and it is indeed the case, but Gu Qingfeng is just such a person who does not walk and beats backwards, and does not try to desperate the situation. Lord.

Since he decided to go along with the trend, Gu Qingfeng didn’t mess around anymore, and continued to drift along with the turbulent currents like violent winds and huge waves. According to the turbulent flow, he could clearly I feel that the turbulent vortex I encountered this time is definitely not small, and I feel that it is still floating outside the vortex after drifting for so long.

Although Gu Qingfeng has fallen into the endless sea several times before, without exception of those few times, he was caught in a certain forgotten space in the turbulence in an instant, and never drifted in the endless sea at all.

So, I don’t know too much about the endless sea. As for how turbulence vortex is formed, it’s not clear. I’ve just heard people say that turbulence vortex is very evil.

Just like this, I don’t know how long it’s been drifting. Suddenly, Gu Qingfeng discovered something was wrong. There seemed to be a golden brilliance in front of it. The brilliance was burning like a flame in a turbulent flow. Take a closer look. There seemed to be a person in Guanghua, but when I saw it again, he was a monk.

When he saw the monk clearly, Gu Qingfeng almost laughed. The monk was no one else but a monk.

At this moment.

The big monk puts his hands together incarnation and becomes a golden arhat who is rushing out with a red white face, but unfortunately, the effect is not very good. Just like Gu Qingfeng before, he used the strength of feeding. Riding the wind and waves to toss four five meters forward, and then will be rushed back 50-60 meters by the turbulence. If you continue like this, don’t say anything, it is extremely difficult to keep the place still. The only advantage of such a toss is The speed of falling into the turbulent vortex is just a little slower.

“This old bald donkey is quite persistent! Seeing that he can’t get out, he’s still insisting.”

Looking at the monk entering the turbulent vortex again The look of retreating, retreating and advancing, Gu Qingfeng felt really funny, and at the same time it was funny, he also admired the monk in his heart.

What I admire is not only the mental head of the monk, but also the vast Dharma of the monk.

Previously, Gu Qingfeng tried to charge ahead from the turbulent vortex. As a result, he was exhausted and had to give up. He knew how difficult it is to go retrograde in the turbulent vortex. How powerful is the strength that he has endured, and the great monk has supported his immovable golden body in the turbulent vortex for so long with a body of Dharma, and it seems that the Dharma is endless and continuous.

“Motherfucker! The old bald donkey, Daxing, really retains his strength, keep one hand!”

Gu Qingfeng still remembers when he was in the space tunnel, Daxing lunatic said After he took out without moving the golden body, his own cultivation base can at best be able to toss a few breaths in the endless sea.

Now it seems that the real cultivation base strength of the Daxing Monk may be deep and unmeasurable. You must know that this turbulent vortex is far more terrifying than the general turbulent flow in the endless sea.

Seeing getting closer and closer to the Daxing Monk, Gu Qingfeng tried to deduct it, and found that if he continued to follow the crowd, he might not be able to reach the Daxing Monk.

The Daxing monk was a little inside vortex, and he was still outside, but not far apart. At the moment, Gu Qingfeng took a deep breath and suddenly used force to sink himself deeper. I feel that this time is OK Drifting to the side of the monk, he immediately shouted: “Daxing, you old bald donkey, we are really enemies on a narrow road, I didn’t expect to meet so soon!”

After hearing the shout, the mad monk rushing in the stream vortex looked up and looked around. When he saw Gu Qingfeng floating towards him, his expression suddenly startled, and then he was overjoyed, shouting, “Gu boy! You!”

“Yes! That’s Lao Tzu!”

“What’s the matter with you brat, are you involved? This is a turbulent storm! Run quickly Ah! Getting caught in a turbulent storm will be finished! Run! Run!”

“Run? What can I run!”

With the distance As he got closer, Gu Qingfeng’s smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense. When he was about to drift to the side of the monk, shouted, “You’ve been so miserable, now it’s finally your turn to pit you. Come on, let me go!”


Gu Qingfeng ran the absolute power of his whole body, raising his foot and kicking it directly on the chest of the monk.

Although this kick is not Gu Qingfeng’s full strength attack, it is almost the same. In addition, the monk did not expect Gu Qingfeng to sneak attack himself, and he did not even react to it. I was kicked by Gu Qingfeng on the spot and was caught in the depths of the turbulent vortex.

“An ancient bastard! Your uncle! You are waiting for Lao Na!!!”

An angry shout from the monk, Gu Qingfeng, laughed with joy. Heartily, the anger that has been suffocating in my heart is also vented at this moment, and I feel that it is really a cool word.

To say that Gu Qingfeng’s kick was really cruel, he directly kicked the monk and disappeared without a trace. Of course, he was not worried about the safety of the monk. Gu Qingfeng thought that even if he drowned in this turbulent vortex, the monk might not die here.

However, his kick just now not only kicked the monk into the turbulent vortex, but also brought himself in. Obviously he felt that the speed of the turbulence became stronger, and the turbulence The faster you spin, the stronger the power.

Gu Qingfeng did not dare to neglect, he continued to drift with the flow cautiously. Fortunately, he realized the ability to drift in the turbulence in the Transmission Passage, which can avoid being involved in the turbulence and can also be clever Avoiding the power of turbulence, if not, if you rely on the strength of the cultivation base alone, whether you can carry it is one thing. Even if you carry it, you will peel off without death.

While following the trend, Gu Qingfeng thought, he and the Daxing Monk were all involved in this turbulent vortex. If you want to come, Mo Wentian and Shuiyue Bodhisattva and the Black Mountain five monsters are probably also Most likely to be involved, but I don’t know how they are now.

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