Supreme Lord

Chapter 2016

The range covered by this turbulent vortex is not insignificant. The big Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know how long he has been wandering outside the vortex. He only knows that when he drifts with the flow, there are only seven or eight Void Beasts involved. There are so many, this is just a void beast, and the forgotten spaces involved are even more numerous.

These forgotten spaces are like houses swallowed by the tsunami in the secular world. They are tumbling and rotating with the turbulence. Many of the forgotten spaces are being ripped apart by the turbulence. , There are also some forgotten spaces that cannot withstand the collision of all kinds of turbulence as they are crushed and disappeared.

Suddenly for a moment.

Gu Qingfeng, who is drifting with the current, suddenly feels wrong, all the turbulence is like falling from a cliff, hiding the sky and covering the earth, swept up and spinning, Gu Qingfeng realizes that he is still being swept up after all Into the center of the turbulent vortex.

The turbulence rotates crazily, one after another, one wave after another, the turbulence is intertwined and chaotic, forming an extremely powerful force, which is like destroying heaven extinguishing earth, and it is terrifying.

Gu Qingfeng was swayed by the turbulence in the center of vortex, unable to continue to follow the flow, and was instantly swallowed by the turbulence. Fortunately, he broke the waves for the first time, rushed out, was swallowed, and rushed again. Coming out, it was swallowed by the turbulence again and again, and rushed out again and again.

Despite the difficulties, Gu Qingfeng still struggled to support it, using his own fleshy body to bear the impact of all kinds of turbulence, and continue to drift with the waves, just like a flat boat drifting in the wind and huge waves. As if it would be swallowed by huge waves at any time.

Boom! boom! boom!

The constant explosion sounded in the center of vortex. After the oblivion space of one side was drawn into the center of vortex, the force of the turbulence could not bear the collapse one after another. This scene is like the end of the world, no! More like the end of Heaven and Earth, the explosion of the world one after another by all parties.

Gu Qingfeng originally thought that there would be no creatures in these forgotten spaces, and even if there were, they would not be living creatures.

The reason why the forgotten space is called the forgotten space is precisely because these spaces are separated from the order of Heaven and Earth and fall into the endless sea of ​​Heaven Beyond the Heaven. Once they are separated from the order of Heaven and Earth, Without Spiritual Qi’s offering, no creature can survive, whether it is a fairy Buddha or demons and ghosts, all living beings, flowers and trees are the same.

Some cultivation base profound powerhouses may be able to support a long, long period of time without the support of Spiritual Qi. However, if the forgotten space cannot return to the Great Wilderness, it will be floating in the endless sea forever. No matter how profound the cultivation base is, it cannot be worth eternity.


What Gu Qingfeng didn’t expect was that when the forgotten space exploded and collapsed, there was a living thing rushing out of it. Gu Qingfeng didn’t know what this living thing was, and he didn’t have time to see clearly. Without exception, the living creatures that rushed out were disappeared by the turbulence.

Bang peng~ peng~!

The forgotten space exploded one after another. Soon, after the forgotten space exploded, another living thing rushed out, and the living thing rushed out this time It is much more than before, and Gu Qingfeng is shocked that these living creatures not only have immortal Buddhas, but also Demon, which is as many as tens of thousands.

It’s a pity.

Like the living creatures that rushed out before, the moment these fairy Buddha Demon rushed out after the Forgotten Space exploded, most of them were scattered ashes and dispersed smoke that were crushed by turbulence, and some were involved in chaos. Stream disappear without a trace.

What is the forgotten space that exploded just now?

How can there be that many fairy Buddha Demon inside?

If it’s just a few human beings, it may be involved in the forgotten space after falling into the endless sea, but tens of thousands of creatures are in the forgotten space on one side, definitely not the ones who were involved later, at least , Not involved in the endless sea.

In Gu Qingfeng, they should have fallen into the endless sea with the Forgotten Space. In other words, when the Forgotten Space was still in the wasteland, they were already in it. It may be that the Forgotten Space encountered What kind of storm, out of the order of Heaven and Earth, these people have no time to escape, so they can only fall into the endless sea with the forgotten space.

Although this kind of situation is rare in Dahuang, but also not a rare thing, since ancient times, there are countless worlds that have fallen into the endless sea because of various storms, and there is another possibility that some The ruins are now alive, and these people want to go in to find some treasures. As a result, the ruins have just returned to Heaven and Earth order, not stable, and fell into the endless sea.

In the past, Gu Qingfeng once entered a ruin to find some wine. As a result, the ruins were very unstable and fell into the endless sea just after returning to the wilderness.

Looking at the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke crushed by turbulent flow between tens of thousands of people, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but sigh.

I lament the fragility of life, lament the injustice of destiny, and lament the ruthlessness of the road.

Some people cultivation for longevity, some people cultivation to pursue the road, and some people cultivation to change destiny.

It’s just that, since ancient times, how many cultivation people can truly live forever? How many people can pursue the true meaning of Dao? How many people can change their destiny?

I was sighing.

Gu Qingfeng suddenly saw a golden brilliance rotating along with the turbulent vortex. As the distance got closer, Gu Qingfeng also saw the golden brilliance clearly, this thing turned out to be a huge Buddha The pagoda, the pagoda The pagoda is full of the sacred and vast Buddha’s radiance. When this pagoda passes by Gu Qingfeng, Gu Qingfeng sees it truly. There are many Buddhas in the pagoda.

These Buddhas hiding in the tower stared at Gu Qingfeng who was drifting along with the monster-like eyes. The eyes were full of incredible and incredible.

“Your Excellency is the ancient layman of Nine Nether!”

An old monk in a robe in the pagoda shouted in shock.

Gu Qingfeng was also shocked, and asked: “Who are you!”

“This poor monk is Zen Sect Elder, and the ancient layman has seen me Zen Sect. Disciple?”

Before I could respond, the stupa was swept into the depths by the turbulence.

And Gu Qingfeng not at all continues to chase, in the center of this turbulent vortex, he barely dared to follow the flow, he would fall into consigned to eternal damnation when he moved, and continue to follow the flow cautiously, in his mind While thinking about it, he didn’t know any wisdom or impression, but the two words Zen Sect made him fall into contemplation.

The pagoda that floated past was actually from Zen Sect?

Previously, the monks said that they had been guarding Zen Sect Elder in Secret Realm. When they and the others rushed past, Zen Sect Elder had already disappeared, and Secret Realm had become a mess. , How come these Zen Sect Elder are also involved now.

What is the situation with this motherfucker?

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