Supreme Lord

Chapter 2014

Heaven Beyond the Heaven is called the endless sea, but there is no sea level in this sea, and some are just countless, countless turbulence.

This turbulent sea is boundless and endless, like a stormy sea, like a rolling wave, and more like a tsunami that swallows everything.

Gu Qingfeng is just drifting aimlessly in the endless sea, like a flat boat drifting with the waves in the squally winds and waves, wherever the waves hit, he will drift, not like he wants to drift, but I have to drift like this.

Little Zen Secret Realm has collapsed.

Mo Wentian is nowhere to be seen, and the great monk is also missing, including Shuiyue Bodhisattva Black Mountain, the five monsters and the mysterious black clothed person. The turbulence is involved in some forgotten space, still wandering in the endless sea like myself.

At this moment, Gu Qingfeng has no intention to care about the life and death of others, even though he has learned the ability to drift with the flow, so that he can drift in the endless sea so that he will not be involved in the turbulence. But it’s just that, apart from this, he can’t do anything.

Moreover, for Gu Qingfeng’s ability to drift with the flow, although it is not too expensive, it is definitely not effortless. After all, he has just mastered this ability and he is not too proficient or not very skilled. It is safe, swaying from the east to the west, and from time to time, it will be involved in the turbulence. Therefore, when you are drifting, you need to concentrate attention completely, to prevent being involved in the turbulence and to prevent being crushed by the turbulence.

After fully comprehending the ability Full Mastery of drifting with the flow, Gu Qingfeng estimates that in the endless sea, it should be just like drifting in the wild in the sky, it is not a difficult task.

The problem is, in the great wilderness, what kind of world or Secret Realm can I find to rest on? And in the endless sea of ​​Heaven Beyond the Heaven, there is no decline, even a There is no place to rest.

No matter how great Gu Qingfeng can endure, he has endless vitality, endless life, and even continuous power, he can’t stand such a toss, and if he continues to toss, Gu Qingfeng will not be consumed to death, and his spirit will also collapse.

What should I do?

To be stumped can only be resigned?

I don’t know.

If it is good luck, if you encounter a turbulent storm, you may still have a chance to return to the great wilderness, but the chance of this thing is too slim, and even if you encounter a turbulent storm, you may not see it To be able to return to the Great Wilderness, not only can’t return to the Great Wilderness, but may even be involved in the kind of place that may not even be heard.

After much deliberation, no matter what you think, Gu Qingfeng feels that in the endless sea, he can’t get around the four words of resignation.

“Daxing, this old bald donkey really pitted Lao Tzu to death!”

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng was very depressed, and wished to unload the idiot. Eight yuan to solve the only hate in my heart, thinking that if I can return to the Great Wilderness this time, I must find a big bank and settle the account.

Floating, Gu Qingfeng gradually realized something was wrong. The turbulence was no longer a sweeping sweep of hiding the sky and covering the earth, but an orderly swept away in one direction. This It feels like water rushes into the gully, as all water flows along the gully.

What’s the situation?

Gu Qingfeng didn’t know. In the endless sea, he didn’t dare to take out Divine Consciousness at will. He could only see through naked eye, but it was also due to the turbulence in the endless sea, so he could The distance to see is very limited.

As time passed bit by bit, Gu Qingfeng surprisingly found that the speed of the turbulent flow was obviously intensifying, getting faster and getting crazy.

Vaguely, Gu Qingfeng had an ominous premonition, he suspected that he might have encountered a turbulent vortex!


Turbulent flow vortex!

It must be!

Otherwise, all kinds of turbulence impossible flow neatly and uniformly in one direction.

I was really stumped by Lao Tzu. I met a turbulent storm?

As the speed of turbulence swept more and more crazy, Gu Qingfeng became more and more certain that he must have encountered turbulence vortex, that is, legendary turbulence storm!

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng was happy, but after the surprise, he was worried.

Because of the turbulent storm, there is indeed a chance to return to the great wilderness. Maybe the storm vortex turns back to the orbit of the Heaven and Earth order, and those forgotten spaces floating in the endless sea can emerge. Most are also for this reason.

But if the turbulent storm did not turn back to the Great Wilderness, but instead turned to a deeper place in the endless sea, then motherfucker would play Dafa?

What should I do?

Would you like to take a gamble?

As soon as this idea came out, Gu Qingfeng immediately shattered it and decided to escape the turbulent storm.

Although he said he was a good gambler, and he won nine bets from ten, he only gambled with fate three times and lost three times.


Gu Qingfeng has never gambled with fate, and will never give his fate to fate!


When Gu Qingfeng was about to escape from the turbulent storm, he suddenly realized that it was an extremely difficult thing. Since he decided to escape, he did not continue to follow the flow, but tried his best to go out. Sprint.


The speed of the turbulence is too fast and crazy. Even if Gu Qingfeng sprints at full strength, it will not help. This feeling is like swimming in a violent wind and huge waves, swimming forward four five meters, immediately It was swept back by the turbulent flow to seven or eight meters.

And as you sink deeper and deeper in the vortex, the speed of the turbulent flow becomes faster and faster. The faster the turbulent flow, the more terrifying the sweeping force. You must know these turbulence Most of them are space turbulence, and the force of each turbulence is comparable to the impact of a world, even more than one world.

This is just every turbulence, turbulence is like a violent wind and huge waves. I don’t know how many turbulences are contained in a huge wave, and the power it contains is even more terrifying.

Gu Qingfeng just relied on his fleshy body to carry all the turbulence forces, trying to force a breakthrough.

I don’t know if it’s sinking too deep in the turbulent vortex, or the range of the turbulent vortex has become larger. Even if Gu Qingfeng tried his best, he still failed to break through, and it’s been a long time toss He was exhausted.

There is a saying that when books are used, they hate less.

Cultivation base is no exception.

Since the end of Ancient Era, Gu Qingfeng has been in a state of weakness since he was tried. After the opening of the ancient times, a fire of original sin caused him to fall asleep for thousands of years. He woke up and became weaker. Unbearable, after leaving Lingluo Tianyu, Gu Qingfeng was going to find a place to retreat and recover his essence

I never wanted to be abducted to the endless sea by the monk, but now his fleshy body is Possessing infinite vitality and infinite power, it can be called immortality, but his own essence is too weak to support his fleshy body which contains infinite vitality and infinite power.

I originally wanted to take out, go on the poor, and then go to the Yellow Springs, and struggle with taboo incarnations like Yellow Springs. Later I thought, let’s forget it, and don’t worry about it, whether it’s a blessing or a curse, or a curse that cannot be avoided. Let him go.

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