Supreme Lord

Chapter 2013

Looking at Gu Qingfeng and Mo Wentian, both planning to venture into Heaven Beyond the Heaven by themselves, the Daxing monk rubbed his hands, and said like a little sorry: “This…Junior Sister, it’s not Lao Na. I don’t believe you, it’s just that… Guy Gu and Boy Mo are here to help Lao Na. Now that we encounter such bad luck, Lao Na can’t leave them alone, so… Junior Sister, take care of yourself. Right.”

Shuiyue Bodhisattva stared at the big monk, opened her mouth, as if he wanted to talk, I don’t know if it was the mysterious black clothed person who spoke to her in a sound transmission secret. What, Shuiyue Bodhisattva nodded, said: “Well then…you take care of yourself too.”

“Okay! In this manner.”

He took a deep look at the mysterious black clothed person, not at all, what more to say, turned around, and said to Gu Qingfeng and Mo Wentian: “Gu Qingfeng, Mo, since you both want to break through As soon as he rushes into the Heaven Beyond the Heaven endless sea, Lao Na will give up his life to accompany the gentleman this time. Although the endless sea is terrifying, Lao Na believes that as long as the three of us work together, there will be no obstacles to overcome.”

” How far are you going to roll.”

Gu Qingfeng is in a bad mood now, to be exact, bad luck. The bad luck of one after another made him more and more suspicious of Zen Sect. Things are not simple, especially the old bald donkey, the big monk, who pretends to be crazy and stupid on the surface, and looks very innocent with the appearance of harmless to humans and animals.

But it’s just looking, the ghost knows what the old bald donkey is thinking secretly.

The most important thing is that the Daxing Monk is true and false, and he can’t see through it. He looked at the Daxing Monk extremely uncomfortably, and said: “I still think I’m going Isn’t it enough? Going to the endless sea to continue to pit Laozi?”

“I said Gu! Can we speak with conscience? Lao Na has said it many times, Lao Na has not pitted you!” With a sad face, he said, “Lao Na doesn’t know why things turn out to be like this, really! If Lao Na knew it would be like this beforehand, he wouldn’t call you two over if he said anything. Don’t call me both of you. I won’t come over, let’s talk about it again, Lao Na is now in as bad a situation as you, no matter how stupid Lao Na is, he won’t cheat himself?”

“This is hard to say.”

” You brat is literally!” The Daxing monk pointed at Gu Qingfeng and wanted to continue talking, but Gu Qingfeng was too lazy to listen. In desperation, the Daxing monk could only sighed then said and said, “you brat don’t believe it counts. Lao Na doesn’t want to explain too much to you. Anyway, Lao Na himself has a clear conscience, what do you want to think about.”

Looking at Gu Qingfeng ignore himself, the mad monk pulled Mo Wen again Heavenly Dao: “Mo kid, do you tell me, Lao Na is the kind of master who cheats his friends?”


Mo Wentian shook his head and smiled bitterly, but I don’t know how to answer this question.

“This, ah, that, motherfucker! Boy Mo, don’t you suspect that Lao Nun pits you just like Boy Gu?”

“No, Mo just thinks today This is too weird.”

“Nonsense! Who doesn’t know that this is weird, it’s weird. When Lao Na came here, Secret Realm was still normal, and so were the Elders of Zen Sect. It’s all here. It’s only a while. Zen Sect Elder disappeared. Even Xiaochan’s Secret Realm motherfucker fell into the Heaven Beyond the Heaven endless sea. It’s so evil!”

“This …Is it related to the birth of your Zen Sect ruins?”

Mo Wentian asked, the monk touched his bald head, pondered for a while, then shook his head, and said: “Maybe It’s related, Lao Na is not too clear.”

The voice fell off! hong long long! There was a violent sound, followed by the sound of crackle, and looked up at it. Good fellow, Xiaochan Secret Realm is already riddled with holes, the spatial structure is constantly cracking, and all kinds of turbulence are swept over like rivers.

“Little Zen Secret Realm is about to collapse, everyone is ready!”

The golden Buddha’s radiance suddenly appeared all over the monk, and the five monsters of Black Mountain are the same. As they moved closer to Shuiyue Bodhisattva, they were all ready to move their strength, including Mo Wentian’s whole body was shining with a faintly discernible gray brilliance.

Only Gu Qingfeng remained indifferent, just standing there, watching the turbulence sweeping from all directions.

“What’s Brother Gu’s plan?”

Mo Wentian took out a jar of fine wine and handed it to Gu Qingfeng, then took out two jars and left one for himself, and still gave it to Daxing An altar of epilepsy.

With a bang.

Opening the wine, Gu Qingfeng raised his head and took a sip, shook his head, and said: “What plans can I have in the endless sea, let’s take a step and look at it, it can only be so.”

“Brother Gu said yes.” Mo Wentian raised his head to drink, and watched the turbulent currents sweeping over him, and sighed: “In the endless sea of ​​Heaven Beyond the Heaven, I am waiting as well. trivial ant, all you can do is resignation.”

“I said you two should not say these cool words in front of Lao Na, okay?”

Annoyed: “You two motherfuckers have the ability of Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, and the other has the ability to drift with the flow. You don’t have to worry about being crushed by turbulence or getting involved in the forgotten space. It’s nothing more than wandering in the endless sea for a while. In time that’s all, good luck, maybe you can leave soon.”

“Only the old Na, entering the endless sea is almost like a dry duck entering the water, at best, he can struggle for so many times. Once the power is exhausted, Lao Na will belch, and you are still resigned to fate? Lao Na is the one who really should be resigned to fate!”

Daxing monk complained about the two.


No matter it is Gu Qingfeng or Mo Wentian, no one pays attention to the monk.

The two stood together, looking at the disintegrating little Zen Secret Realm, and at the turbulence that was sweeping over them. They drank wine together, as if bidding farewell to each other.

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “No matter what, I can see Brother Mo here this time, and Gu Qingfeng didn’t come here in vain.”

“hahaha! “

Mo Wentian let out a hearty and heroic laugh, and said: “With each other, we can meet Brother Gu today, Mo Mou will not be in vain!”

” Come on! Do it!”

Gu Qingfeng lifted the wine jar and drank it, Mo Wentian did the same.

While the two of them both smashed the wine jar under their feet, the battered little Zen Secret Realm finally collapsed completely, and for a moment, the turbulence was like a tsunami hiding the The madness of sky and covering the earth is coming.


Mo Wentian jumped and rushed towards the turbulent current. A heroic voice accompanied by the stormy sea exploded here: “Daxing, Brother Gu, Momou is one step ahead, we’ll meet again some day, if Momou is fortunate enough to be able to go back in the future, I will drink him a drunk with you!”

“motherfucker! How can Mo boy want to Walk to walk, why don’t you say bring Lao Na! Boy Mo, wait for Lao Na!”

The Daxing monk just wanted to catch up, but Gu Qingfeng’s shoulder was grabbed by Gu Qingfeng, his expression startled, Asked: “Gu boy, what do you want to do?”

Gu Qingfeng smiled at the corner of his mouth, staring at him, and said: “Daxing, this is an account today, I have written it down. When I meet again in the future, I will definitely give it back to you.”

Without waiting for the monk to respond, Gu Qingfeng jumped up and rushed directly into the turbulent current, laughing heartily. :”The blue mountains never grow old and the green waters flow on forever, when we meet in the wild in the future, we should be happy with our wine! ha ha ha ha!——”

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