Supreme Lord

Chapter 1994

Gu Qingfeng not at all doubted what the Daxing Monk said.

Although he doesn’t like to sacrifice any magic weapons, he still has to admit that some powerful magic weapons, especially those Magical Artifacts on the Legendary Avenue, each possess extremely terrifying power.

Like the Great Compassionate Life and Death Fan in the hands of the Daxing Monk, as well as the Great Qing and Da Jingkong Gate in the hands of Shuiyue Bodhisattva, all belong to the Dao Magical Artifact, and some of the Dao’s ancestors were pregnant in the Three Thousand Great Daos At the time, refined from the Dao Innate Yuan, it not only contains the power of the Dao, but also contains the power of Grand Dao. The formidable power is extremely terrifying.

When Gu Qingfeng aspired to the Great Emperor Nether, he once practiced a Magical Artifact of Dao Dao. It was called the Nether Sword. It is said that the ancestor of Nine Nether was also made by the Great Emperor Nine Nether. The horror of formidable power is beyond description.

Back then, Gu Qingfeng almost slaughtered Dandinggu with that quiet knife. He slashed the sky with a single knife, and he also used the quiet knife.

However, the power contained in that thing is too terrifying too evil. The terrifying makes Gu Qingfeng unable to control the sword at all. Not only is it unable to control it, but his own mind and consciousness, including his spirit and even soul, will be subjected to the sword. Impact.

So, before as a last resort Gu Qingfeng wouldn’t use that quiet knife. At the end of Ancient Era, Gu Qingfeng used that quiet knife to slash Heavenly Dao. Later… There will be no later.

When Gu Qingfeng took out the Heavenly Dao, he was already crazy, and he didn’t know what happened afterwards. After the end of Ancient Era, when he died and was reborn again, Good luck has long been disappeared, Wushuang Immortal Demon King seat, Nine Nether emperor seal, including the quiet knife, everything is gone.

“If it’s just me, Junior Sister, maybe there is hope for the two of us to join forces. The key is that my Junior Sister has become the object of suspicion by Zen Sect Elder. I guess she must also be called A few friends came to help. As for who it is, Lao Na doesn’t know for the time being, but they should be some very powerful masters.”

The Daxing Monk continued, “Take a thousand steps back. Even if we pass the level of my Junior Sister, do you think that the Elders of our Zen Sect are easy to deal with? The cultivation bases of those Old Guys are deeper and unmeasurable. The most important thing is that the Elders of our Zen Sect not only dominate With the origin of Xiaochan’s Secret Realm and the law of Xiaochan’s Secret Realm, if we go in, we will only be beaten. This is how Lao Na broke into Xiaochan’s Secret Realm.”

With a sighed then said, the Daxing monk shook his head and said, “The most terrifying thing is that they still have the Great Tibetan Wuxiang Pagoda in their hands. The power of that thing is even more terrifying. You can’t stand it even if you are trapped. Inside, it’s over. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get out in this life.”

Gu Qingfeng asked with a smile: “So amazing?”

“What do you think?”

The Daxing monk gave Gu Qingfeng a white look, and said grimly: “Ancient Era you brat can rampage between Heaven and Earth unscrupulously, that’s because the Grand Dao Source is exhausted, and the Old Ancestor They have all fallen asleep. The Grand Dao Source has revived in the ancient times, the Old Ancestor of the avenue has also revived, and the magical artifacts of those avenues have also emerged!”

“So…” Gu Qingfeng shook his cup. Fine wine, said: “If you are to help you this time, if one is not good, you may still be consigned to eternal damnation.”

When I heard Gu Qingfeng say this, the monk would like to fiercely smoke myself. He slapped me and cursed myself that I shouldn’t have said so much to Gu Qingfeng, and quickly stood up, first served Gu Qingfeng’s wine, and then explained: “Gu boy, don’t think too much, what Lao Na said just now is a bit exaggerated. Things are not as bad as you think , Even more how you brat the ability is so great, no matter how powerful the magic weapon can help you. “

“Don’t play this set for the Lord. “

“hehe! “

The Daxing Monk grinned, took the wine in person, toasted a glass, and said: “Furthermore, you brat help me this time, Lao Na will not let you help in vain. If you encounter difficulties this time, no matter what, as long as you brat speak, Lao Na will never frown. “

“Really? “Gu Qingfeng said suspiciously: “Don’t when the time comes, Lord is in trouble, you old bald donkey pretends you don’t know Lord. “

“Gu boy, it’s boring for you to say that. Is Lao Na that kind of person?” “

“Not good said, I don’t know what to know, who knows what kind of medicine your old bald donkey bottle gourd sells. “

“Well, let’s not talk about it. Let’s say something serious, and it’s still related to you brat. “

“What’s the matter? “

“Didn’t you brat have decided to start seeking original sin again?” “

“That’s right. “

Gu Qingfeng was just nodded, and after another thought, he was absolutely wrong. He squinted at the monk, and asked: “Say you are a fat bald donkey, you really kicked it, Lord I wondered, how did you know that I decided to start searching for original sin again? How come motherfuckers have become goddesses who can pinch and count? “

The Daxing monk holding a glass of wine, with a smug smile on his face, with a profound look, said: “Lao Na not only knows that you brat has decided to seek the original sin again, but also knows that Not long ago, you brat almost smashed the sky in Lingluo Tianyu, and knew that the ancient nameless had visited you… and even the ancient nameless asked you what to do, Lao Nun knew exactly what. “

“Oh, I didn’t see it, your old bald donkey looks more omniscient than the ancient nameless goddess. “

The Daxing monk chuckled, did not respond, closed his eyes, and put on the look of a master monk.

“Come on, don’t sell it, let’s talk about it. . “Gu Qingfeng said: “Speak out and ask the Lord to listen. By the way, I will open my eyes and have a long experience.” “

If the Daxing monk didn’t hear the same thing, he still didn’t speak, but coughed twice, and said: “Aiya, it may be that what I said just now is a bit too much, and Lao Na suddenly felt a bit dry in his throat.” “

“Oh, this motherfucker has started to pretend to be the uncle, all right. “

When the Daxing Monk begged Gu Qingfeng, he got up more than once to pour wine for Gu Qingfeng. Now the times change, Gu Qingfeng also got up and poured a glass of wine for the Daxing Monk and served it personally. , Said: “Come on, great saint monk, brother toast you a cup. “

The monk turned a blind eye, closed his eyes, and said: “Gu boy, old Na, but I heard that the boy Ren Tianhang gave you a lot of hell impermanence wine.” “

“I dare to be here waiting for the Lord, isn’t it just hell impermanence wine, I said earlier. “

Gu Qingfeng raised his hand and took out a jar of Hell’s impermanence wine. Before he could open it, the Daxing Monk said again: “Old Na also heard…Cangyan Empress seems to have sent it too I’ve given you a lot of bars in heaven and Dao, but I’ve always heard that there is heaven and Dao, hell and impermanence underneath, heaven has a path for nine days, hell impermanence and drunk Nine Nether, lying in the wilderness and traveling Heaven and Earth, drunk Reincarnation is a dream…”

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