Supreme Lord

Chapter 1995

Gu Qingfeng looked at the big monk, just looked at it. After a while, laughed, and didn’t say anything, he took out an altar of heaven, fuse together with the impermanence of hell, poured two glasses, Handed a cup to the Daxing Monk.

“It’s not bad, but the child can be taught.”

The big monk took the glass of wine, drank it with his head up, and drank a cup, as if he was still waiting for it. With two mouths, nodded praised: “There is a way of impermanence to drink the universe, lying in the wilderness and traveling to Heaven and Earth, fascinated by a dream of reincarnation, good! Very good…”

After drinking, I am crazy. The monk pointed to the empty wine glass and said: “Come on, fill it with Lao Na.”

Gu Qingfeng still didn’t speak, and filled it directly with him.

It was another drink, and it was full again.

After drinking three cups in a row, the Daxing Monk will continue to drink, this time Gu Qingfeng not at all continued to pour him, but each minding their own business.

“Why, hurry up and fill it up.”

“I say great!”

Gu Qingfeng drank the wine of impermanence and said: “Meaning The meaning is enough, you have never finished learning how to push your nose and face, right? What is it, I really thought that I would take this bit of trouble to eat the master?”

“No! What’s the matter It’s just a joke.”

The monk changed to a frivolous look and said: “Don’t take it seriously, Lao Na is not greedy and wants to drink you brat’s good wine. “

Gu Qingfeng didn’t answer the call, just waiting for the words of the monk.

“In fact, it’s not a big deal. Although Lao Na stays in this place where birds don’t shit, but Divine Consciousness has never been idle. You brat did it in Lingluo Tianyu a few days ago. What happened, Divine Consciousness was present at the time. I have to say that you brat is still as horizontal as ever, and the methods are really getting worse and worse. Playing the Old Ancestor of those Heavenly Paradise giants is called a temper. , Hahaha…Awesome! Really awesome! I admire Lao Na very much.”

“As for how Lao Na knew that you brat decided to seek original sin, the reason is very simple. As for Lao Na, you brat more or less. I know a little bit, knowing that if you brat doesn’t want to seek original sin, he won’t show up at all. Now that you show up, you must be well thought out and prepared, besides… hehe.”

The jar of fine wine that blends heaven’s way and hell’s impermanence was brought over, and after pouring it for himself, he continued: “In your current situation, you have no retreat, let alone any other choice. This above heaven under Earth, whether it’s Heavenly Paradise, the forbidden land Holy Land, or the ruins of the ruins, etc., they will not allow you to have other choices.”

“The most important thing is, there is an old saying how In other words, character determines fate. You brat is such an aloof person. To put it in a bad way, even if you brat wants to admit your fate, your inner arrogance will not allow you to admit your fate, so Lao Na has long known that regardless of you brat How to toss, toss and toss, and in the end, you will still seek original sin. To be precise, to get rid of original sin, but if you want to get rid of original sin, you must seek original sin, how about it? Lao Na is right?”

Although Gu Qingfeng didn’t want to, he still had to admit that what the Daxing Monk said was true.

“Why don’t you know how to know people, know your face, don’t know your heart, you old bald donkey usually doesn’t show the mountains and not revealing the water, but your mind is quite thief.”

to be frank.

Gu Qingfeng was not surprised by the words said by the monk, because he had never looked down upon the monk. On the contrary, he always felt that this old bald ass was profound mystery, but This old bald donkey is usually hidden and tucked away, or just pretending to be stupid and stunned.

“You just said that not only did you know that the eternal nameless had found me, but you also knew why she found me…”

Nodded, a monk, nodded, drank the impermanence wine, Said: “I can roughly guess one or two.”

“Tell me.”

“There are three reasons why the ancient nameless looking for you, the first one is to tell you , She is not your enemy, and she has never grafted your cause and effect. Everything about you has nothing to do with her, right?”

“Yes, it is true.”


“This second thing, she wants to officially tell you that the prelude to the era of innocence has been opened, and all the secrets are hidden in the era of innocence, including destiny. Her meaning is very simple. I just want to tell you that if you want to change your destiny, you must open up the era of innocence. If you miss the era of innocence, you will also miss the only opportunity to change your destiny, right?”

“It is true, continue to say “

“It sounds like an eternal nameless wish that you will become the Allah of Original Sin and open the era of innocence in the future, right? If you think this way, then it is wrong. She just gave you the choice. This is also the third reason why the ancient nameless seeks you. She wants to take a gamble on you.”

“What are you betting on?”

“Buddha says, don’t talk about it. “

At this moment, the Daxing monk changed his previous frivolous attitude, and his whole person looked extremely solemn and solemn. At first glance, he looked like a Taoist monk, saying: “The ancient nameless thought What to bet, you should not ask me, but you should ask yourself, and Lao Na can see that you have already guessed what the ancient nameless wants to bet.”

Gu Qingfeng did not speak any more, bowed his head and muttered. looking thoughtful.

“Actually…I just want to tell you one thing when I saw you without a name in the past, that is, fate has already fallen, and there is no fate at all in the ancient ages. In other words, this above heaven under earth, the avenue for common people, The destiny of all of us is unknown, and destiny may not be changed, but… destiny does not mean that we cannot be created, let alone cannot be ruled.”

After saying this, the monk put his hands together, He whispered extremely piously, as if it revealed some secret secret, like the Buddha’s repentance, saying: “Amitabha, good is good.”

When the monk said this remark, Gu Qingfeng suddenly Lifts the head, his expression became extremely serious, and his eyes were especially serious. He stared at the Daxing monk like this. After a long time, he raised his glass to toast and said: “Daxing, thank you.”

“Thank me for what?” Daxing Dian Seng stared his eyes, shook his head and said: “Old Na did not say anything, what are you thanking me for? It’s unfathomable mystery!”

“Indeed, what are you I didn’t say anything, and I didn’t listen to anything.”

“Stop talking about these messy things, let’s continue talking about the ruins of our Zen Sect about to be born.” The monk asked: “Don’t think that Lao Na called you to help me, but in a sense, Lao Na is helping you.”

“How to say?”

“You brat is not Have you decided to seek the original sin? When we arrive at our Zen Sect site, maybe you brat can realize something.”

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