Supreme Lord

Chapter 1993

Gu Qingfeng lay on his back in a chair leisurely, waved his hand, and said: “Don’t count on me, I have no idea, and I can’t help it. You can do it yourself.”

“Gu boy, you touched your conscience and talked about how many times Lao Na helped you, even if you brat didn’t recognize those things, and said that it was a favor of a favor, but the favor of a favor is also a favor. Is it true that Lao Na helped you? I didn’t say I want you to pay back your favor. I took a 10,000 step back. Even if Lao Na hasn’t helped you, we’re always friends, right? We’ve known each other for so long, and Lao Na has never asked you to help me. Please do me a favor. If you don’t help, it’s okay. I want to watch Lao Na’s jokes!”

The big monk sat there depressed and drank his head down, seemed very disappointed, at least, It looks like this.

“Oh, when did you learn to pretend to be pitiful?” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “It’s not like your usual style.”

Faced with Gu Qingfeng’s mockery The Daxing Lian Seng ignored him, obviously, he was too lazy to pay attention to Gu Qingfeng.

“Daxing, it’s not that the Lord didn’t help you out. Even you can’t do anything. What can I do?” Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know what the bottle gourd of Daxing monk sells. What kind of medicine, I didn’t bother to think about it, and said: “You know, my master is a vulgar person, there are not that many intestines, when you encounter problems, basically you can do it, or let’s kill it?”

“You brat is really not too big to watch the excitement, Lao Na has already said that, now our Zen Sect is messy enough, this matter can only be taken out of mind, not easy to do, once you do it, It will only make things messier, even more how…”

The big monk panting with rage pouring wine into his mouth, glared at Gu Qingfeng contemptuously, and said: “You think So easy to kill? Now my Junior Sister is guarding the Transmission Array leading to Xiaozen Secret Realm. If you want to go to Xiaozen Secret Realm, you must pass her level.”

” What’s the matter, listen to your voice, we can’t beat you Junior Sister together?”

“Don’t say, if my Junior Sister becomes real, can we both beat her together? Old Na I know, but one thing is certain. If she is desperately guarding the Transmission Array, Lao Na can’t do anything about it.”

“Really, is your Junior Sister so good?”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t observe the Junior Sister of the Daxing Monk carefully just now, and didn’t have any impression of her. He said, “The name Shuiyue Master Tai sounds familiar, as if I heard it somewhere.”

“Shuiyue Master is just the common name of my Junior Sister, and her Taoist name is Nai Shuiyue Bodhisattva.”

“Shuiyue Bodhisattva?”

I heard this name, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but startled.

Although he is not a Buddhist cultivator, he also knows the weight of the word Bodhisattva in the West Heavenly Buddha Dao.

The Western Heaven is one of the nine heavens, and it is also the quiet place of Buddhism in the legend, known as the Buddha in the sky.


It’s just the Buddha in the sky. Most of these Buddhas are people who practice Buddha, and they can’t be called the real big Buddha.

If you want to become a real Buddha, you must first prove Luo Han Guo and become Luo Han.

Achievement of Arhats, all possess Indestructible Golden Body. Although it is not truly Undying and Inextinguishable, it is almost the same. Normal Magical Powers are difficult to shake the golden body. It can be said that Arhats are very powerful.

In Western Buddhism, perhaps it is the Buddha, but there are definitely not many golden arhats.

After attaining Luo Han Guo, one can attain Bodhi, and only when attaining Bodhi can Bodhisattva be achieved.

Those who achieve Bodhisattva can be said to be the existence of Buddha Law Is Boundless. Every gesture is a change of the vast Dharma. Even a single thought can make you fall into the abyss of ten thousand zhang .

Are you exaggerating?

No exaggeration at all.

Gu Qingfeng once fought against a Bodhisattva of Western Buddhism in Ancient Era. He still remembers clearly that Bodhisattva just picked a petal at that time, and…there was no more. Gu Qingfeng was forcibly trapped in the petal world for a long time, and what reminds him the most is that Bodhisattva didn’t know what incantation he read, and the tortured Gu Qingfeng hovered between life and death, and he didn’t want to live.

And Buddhism is really the nemesis of evil.

Not fake at all.

Because Gu Qingfeng was an evil creation back then, he has experienced the feeling of being restrained by the Dharma, and he knows how terrifying the inherent sacredness of the Dharma is.

It is also for this reason. When Ancient Era was struggling in the wild, he had a headache when he met the Buddha of the West Heaven.

Of course.

It’s only the current year.

For so many years, Gu Qingfeng is no longer the evil Gu Tianlang that year.

With the increase of experience, the knowledge becomes more and more out of the ordinary, and the perception of Dao is always changing. Gu Qingfeng has long been not afraid of any Dharma, not only is not afraid, with the teaching of the master over the years His understanding of Buddhism is getting deeper and deeper. After realizing that the Buddha is the Tao, he feels that he is about to become a Buddha.

“It’s amazing.”

Gu Qingfeng sighed. He knew that since Master Shuiyue was the Junior Sister of the monk, his existence must be extraordinary, but there was no I thought that motherfucker would be a Bodhisattva.

The existence of Bodhisattva is very rare. Gu Qingfeng has been in the Great Wasteland for so many years, and he has only met a few digits when he is full of money. I never thought I would run into one today and asked: “You Junior Is Sister the Bodhisattva who has awakened and returned?”

“Almost so, my Junior Sister has never appeared since I played Ancient Era and left Zen Sect. This time I came out because of our Zen Sect. The ruins are about to emerge.”

The Daxing monk said: “My Junior Sister is related to the Buddha, and she has all four elements, and her six are pure. She has been devoted to cultivating the Buddha. For so many years, I don’t know her current status. Cultivation base geometry, the most terrifying thing is the handful of Buddha dust in her hand, do you know what kind of baby it is?”

“What is it?”

“Daqing Dajing The empty door is blown.” As he said, the Daxing monk took the Great Compassionate Life and Death Fan from his waist and shook it, and said: “Like Lao Na this broken fan, it is a Magical Artifact refined by the Lord Dipankara, Lao Na. This broken fan will fix life and death, and the Buddha dust of my Junior Sister is calm and quiet, and when she blows the dust, the thousands of evil thoughts in your heart will instantly turn to ashes.”

With a sip of wine, the Daxing Monk continued: “Let’s tell you this. If your will is not firm and your Dao heart is unstable, if she goes down, all the messy thoughts in your heart will fall apart, and Sea of ​​Consciousness will be empty. , It is almost equal to the four elements are empty, the six roots are pure, there is no desire and no demand, and you will immediately escape into the empty door and enter my Buddhist path. You said terrifying not terrifying.”

“Especially like you brat, full The master of evil thoughts, that thing is your nemesis, unless your will is firm enough and Dao heart is stable enough to support your evil thoughts, otherwise, if you are dusted by my Junior Sister, you brat it. If you don’t escape into the blank, you will inevitably be stunned there like a fool, and your self-consciousness will hardly come back for a while.”

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