Supreme Lord

Chapter 1992

Before the words fell, with a bang, the monk slap the table and stand up madly, glaring at Gu Qingfeng, shouted: “What is it! Favorable? I said Gu, you can do that too Say it? Do you still have a conscience?”

“What?” Gu Qingfeng sat in a chair casually, looked at him with a smile, and casually replied: “Is it difficult?”


The great monk flustered and exasperated, but because of the request of Gu Qingfeng, he dare not get angry, helplessly said: “Forget it, don’t I care about you.”

“The Buddhist Eight Sects of the West Heaven want to get rid of you, but you can understand it. Why don’t you Zen Sect Elder believe you? It’s troubled that they want to get rid of you, a scourge?”


The Daxing monk sighed again and again, and said: “It’s not that serious. Although the Elders from Zen Sect don’t believe me, they still don’t want to get rid of me. Falling out of Lao Na is at best that Lao Na and them can’t pee in the same pot that’s all.”

“Why can’t you pee in a pot?”

“How do you say “The Daxing monk sorted out his thoughts and continued: “You brat also knows that there are many opportunities in modern and ancient times. The more opportunities who seize the opportunities, the greater the right to speak in the modern and ancient times, regardless of whether it is a hegemony. In the modern and ancient times, the era of innocence that aspires to the future can have an advantage. The Buddhist Eight Sects, led by Pure Land Sect, have been planning this matter. In the modern and ancient times, they have also seized many opportunities. This kind of original sin also has everything.”

“As for Zen Sect, we have not been idle for so many years. Although they will not dominate the modern and ancient era, they do not want to miss the era of innocence, so they have been Secretly seizing all kinds of opportunities, secretly cultivating people of original sin.”

“Originally, I didn’t want to participate in Zen Sect. I didn’t want to take care of them, but until one day. , The Old Guys know that I have accepted a discipline, that is, the boy who is not second.”

“The existence of your discipline is not simple.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “The body I am a little envious of his good fortune.”

“Nonsense, don’t look at whose discipline it is. If it exists in general, will Lao Na accept him as a discipline?” Speaking of the best monk At the time, the expression of the Daxing Monk was quite proud, But soon he said depressed: “Then again, because of my discipline, Lao Na completely fell out with Zen Sect Elder. “

“What happened?” “

“The reason is very simple. The Elders of Zen Sect have seen the extraordinary of Fuji, and they want Lao Na to bring Fuji to Zen Sect for training. This Lao Na must disagree. Why should I leave it to them to train my own discipline, right? Besides, those Old Guys are more pedantic and stubborn. What good birds can they teach? If Lao Na handed Fu Er to them, Fu Er would be abolished in his life. “

Gu Qingfeng nodded, said: “So, you fell out with Zen Sect Elder? “

“Almost. “

“And then, they suspect you are a traitor? “

“They are not the only one who suspected me. The Master Shuiyue you saw just now is our Zen Sect disciple, and it is also my Junior Sister. After she entered the Secret Realm, she was also beaten. Now, except for the Elders in the Zongnai group, none of us Zen Sect disciple can get in the Secret Realm, especially Lao Na and Shuiyue Shitai. Those of us who don’t often return to Zen Sect’s disciples have become suspects. . “

“You Junior Sister Water Moon Master, she herself is the subject of suspicion. Even so, she still suspects that you are a traitor? “

“Don’t mention it, my Junior Sister has always had big prejudices and misunderstandings against me. Even if there is no such thing, she will not give me a good face. For so many years, She always looked at me unpleasantly, always thinking that I was wrong. “

“Then who do you think of your Zen Sect may be a traitor, and who will plot your own Supreme Treasure? “


The monk scratched his big bald head and said with a sad face: “If you want to say who among us in Zen Sect may be a traitor, Lao Na is true. It’s not good. I haven’t returned to Zen Sect for a long time. I don’t know what is going on in the clan now… You can’t guess it even if you tell me. “

“Will it be your Junior Sister? “

“impossible! “

The Daxing Monk didn’t even think about it, he shook his head in denial, and said: “I understand my Junior Sister. Although she is a Zen Sect disciple, she has already left in Ancient Era. Since then I have never been back, and when I joined Zen Sect to practice Buddhism as Junior Sister, I was tired of the intriguing disputes. But after practicing Buddhism, the so-called Xitian Buddhism is not quiet, so she started from Zen Sect. After leaving, my Junior Sister’s heart is as quiet as water. He just wants to get a great way. He is not interested in other things at all. He is even more impossible to plot the Supreme Treasure of our Zen Sect. “

“How many disciplines do you Zen Sect wandering around?” “

“Although not many, but not many, but…most of them disappeared, let alone ancient times, there is no news about Ancient Era or even Ancient Era. They are still alive today. Whether or not is an unknown number. “

“In that case, the traitor may be you Zen Sect Elder. “

“I also thought about this possibility, but after careful consideration, I found it impossible. Although our Zen Sect Elders are a bit pedantic, their character is still trustworthy. Other Buddhist Sect plots our own Supreme Treasure. I don’t think they are possible, even more how, they have no reason to do so. Think about it, if our Zen Sect Supreme Treasure is present, it must belong to us Zen Sect. If you collude with other Buddhist Sects, isn’t this giving away your own treasure to others? What is the picture? “

“All of your Zen Sect Elders will certainly not all collude with other Buddhist Sects. “Gu Qingfeng analyzed: “But if one of the Elders has been depressed, or always wants to take over Zen Sect, collude with other Buddhist Sects, and get rid of the Elder in the clan, when the time comes, you can get Zen Sect Supreme Treasure. , And you can become a Zen Sect Master again. “

paused, Gu Qingfeng continued: “Buddhist Eight Sects has always wanted to get rid of your Zen Sect because your Zen Sect didn’t go with them. If the Buddhist Eight Sects secretly buys a Zen Sect Elder, and if you foster him to become a Zen Sect Master, you Zen Sect should not smoothly integrate into the Buddhist Eight Sects. “

Listening to Gu Qingfeng’s words, the monk is like suddenly enlightened. He lowered his head and meditated for a while, then said to himself: “You said this to the heart of Lao Na, think about it carefully. , It is really possible, but the key is how can we find out that traitor? Gu boy, think of a way. “

“Make me think?” “Gu Qingfeng said casually: “If you let me say it, just let it happen, and don’t try to catch any traitor. “

“What is Suiyuan? I said that Guy Gu is now related to the life and death of our Zen Sect, can you brat help! “

Gu Qingfeng toasted and drank, and said: “You also said just now, since you played this thing, your Zen Sect has become a mess, everyone is suspicion of each other, if this It will only make the situation worse if the traitor is caught at the time. When the time comes, if you protect your Zen Sect Supreme Treasure, I am afraid you will fight first. This is exactly what the traitor hopes to see. “

“Nonsense, of course Lao Na knows, so I let you come up with an idea and think of a solution. “

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